How to make apple wine from oilcake at home?

It so happened, thanks to the natural conditions of the vines, that grapes are the lot of people living closer to the south. It seems to many, and completely baseless, that homemade wine is also inaccessible to the northern inhabitants of the country: they say, there is no raw material for its preparation. However, the most economical or deprived of raw materials, it is quite possible that apple wine from the cake remaining after squeezing the juice will be of interest. After all, apples are by no means a scarce product. From them you can get cider, and wine, and great moonshine. And when the work of the juicer ends, we have on our hands whole kilograms of mass, which obviously will work for something. But what for? Of course, homemade wine. From apple cake is a wonderful alcohol-containing drink!

How to cook

Even if you decide to use fruit leftovers, this does not mean that you can be dismissive of them. Cake wine will turn out excellent - aromatic, tasty - only if you are serious about the very initial stage. That is, to the selection of raw materials, which in itself is a "by-product", and many even discard it.

cake apple wine

Before preparing the juice (or any other “squeezed” version of the drinks), apples must be sorted out, a seed box cut out so that the wine, from the apple cake cooked at home, does not have a bitter and sugary flavor. And cut the fruits themselves, removing dubious places.

It's important to know

It is strictly forbidden to wash prepared fruits (unless in the most extreme cases, when they are just dirty). The thing is that on the skin during ripening, special microorganisms accumulate in the fruit, due to which active fermentation will take place. Having washed them off, you will receive a product that will be poorly fermented and as a result will turn out to be of poor quality. If the fruits are too dusty, you can wipe them with a clean cloth.

homemade apple cake wine

Of course, this paragraph applies only to one's own crop, and not to be sprayed with various chemicals at the time of fruiting. Yes, and apples bought on the market, in principle, can also be floated unwashed. But purchased in the store, brought, so to speak, “from behind the hill”, it is necessary to wash, and you need to use only hot water.

Little secrets

Wine made from apple cake (after the juicer) will be especially aromatic and rich in taste if the fruit is left to stand at the usual temperature before pressing - at least for a couple of days. And it would be better to wait longer: a week, even one and a half.

wine from apple cake at home

When laying wine, experienced people advise taking bagasse from several varieties of apples. For wine-making purposes, Umansky winter, Ranet, Antonovka, Borovinka are especially recommended. You can take other varieties at your fingertips, the main thing is that their pulp should not be loose, but solid and at the same time certainly juicy and fragrant. Then apple wine from the cake will come out impeccable. And, according to many wine experts and very simple lovers of “skip a glass or two,” he will not yield to the grape-mate in alcohol production. Well, are you ready to do winemaking today, or rather, “apple-making”? Then share the recipe with you!

homemade apple wine recipe

Cake wine apple wine at home: the most important thing is to prepare the raw materials!

  1. So, we sort through the apples collected personally or bought at the supermarket, remove the leaves and twigs, remove other natural garbage, and then let them rest a bit (preferably from a week). This simple condition will improve the aroma and taste of fruits, and hence the future home-made wine.
  2. After the store, each apple can be thoroughly wiped with a dry cotton rag or kitchen towel. Next, remove the core and cut the fruit into small parts. We pass through a juicer (here, already proceed depending on the situation - which model of the kitchen appliance is at hand). The basis for apple wine from the cake is ready. You can proceed with further action.


If the juicer is not available on the farm, you can use a mechanical grater (naturally, the process itself will be longer and tedious). The applesauce made in this way is then squeezed in another way. For example, in gauze folded in several layers (it should be remembered that this is a very time-consuming process), another option is a kitchen press. In any case, you are faced with a very specific task: to obtain a cake at the exit and use it as raw material.

how to make wine from apple cake

How to make wine from apple cake

  1. Wet cake, which remained after squeezing the juice, put in a container of the selected volume. It is better to pre-weigh the raw materials, then observing the following proportion: for a three-liter vessel - a couple of kilo cake, for a ten-liter - eight and so on.
  2. It is necessary to weigh it because we add about 100-150 grams of sugar for each kilogram of fruit cake. And if you are in the soul of a sweet tooth, you can more.
  3. We fill the container with purified water so that there is still room for fermentation, and the foam does not climb up.
  4. We wrap the neck of the container with a piece of gauze. Then we remove the bottle into the heat for a couple of days.
  5. After the specified time, a light cake of apples will float up. Gently drain the liquid into another bowl. By the way, the pulp can be poured several times with sugar and sugar, however, the semi-finished product will already be less saturated. This event will help increase the yield of a finished home product.
  6. Add another gram of one hundred sugar per liter to the filtered liquid. We close the bottle with a shutter and set it on fermentation. This process will take place in a warm and dark place for about a month. And after it finishes, we leave the young apple wine alone for a couple of days, so that the drink settles properly. Then gently drain, without sediment. Now you know how to make wine from apple cake. It's quite simple, and the drink turns out to be tasty and aromatic, so it's worth a try!

wine from apple cake after a juicer

With apple juice and oilcake

You can cook and this option homemade alcohol. To do this, we need apples, juice from these fruits, sugar. We take fruits and juice in equal proportions, and add sugar at the rate of: for each liter of liquid ingredient - about half a glass (maybe more, then the wine will turn out to be sweet).

The process itself

  1. Squeeze the juice from the apples using a juicer or a kitchen press (in extreme cases, you can use a grater). Then pour it into a glass bottle.
  2. The resulting cake is also used for its intended purpose: add it together with sugar in the dishes selected for fermentation. Mix thoroughly and shake (it is desirable that the wort occupies about two-thirds of the volume of the vessel for fermentation).
  3. We close the container with a hydraulic (water) shutter, the second end of the hose is withdrawn, as usual, into another jar. Now for a month (sometimes 20-25 days) the mass should wander. The best place for this is a dark and warm (for example, kitchen pantry) room.
  4. The final product, as a rule, is not very strong, about seven degrees of ethyl content (we measure with an alcohol meter). If we want to increase the "degree" of the drink, then we strain out (filter) the resulting semi-finished product, add sugar: about one hundred grams for each liter of liquid. Let it wander for another month, and then bottle it.

how to make wine from apple cake

More tips for beginners

You can withstand spilled directly in addition - another year, for example, if there is such a desire and opportunity. So the home-made drink will turn out tastier, will acquire additional notes. And so that the color scheme of the wine was pleasant and beautiful, and the taste is subtle, try adding a couple of spoons of raspberry berries to the aged wine. In general, you can experiment with the end result. Well, if you can’t wait, apple wine from the meal can be drunk as young, right the next evening after cooking. Of course, in some ways they may be inferior to their associates in the grape, especially to their best representatives, but they also have the right to exist. In addition, the wines from the gifts of the gardens are very aromatic, low alcohol and less heavy compared to grape ones. Yes, and the cake after working out the apples for juice (especially if you have your own orchard, although not too big, or a summer house with fruit trees on the site), you also need to attach it somewhere to good use! Enjoy your appetite, and do not forget that any alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

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