Vitamins for hair "Revalid" - reviews about the drug

Revalid vitamins are a unique drug used to improve the condition of hair and nails. The drug "Revalid", reviews of which characterize it only on the positive side, has truly unique properties.

revalid review
Due to the large amount of lecithin, linoleic acid, stearin, vitamins A, B, E, D contained in its composition, the drug activates hair growth and restores their structure. Revalid hair vitamins, reviews of which are simply perfect, have the described properties due to the presence of many minerals and trace elements in their composition. The highest concentration of active silicon in it, which provides the synthesis of keratin. Due to its unique composition, this vitamin helps to improve the structure of the hair follicle. Its use relieves itching of the scalp, dandruff, seborrhea. In what other cases is the Revalid vitamin preparation recommended? Reviews of dermatologists speak of an improvement in the state of hair during their loss, caused by any reason: whether it is a disease, the use of medications, pregnancy, lactation.

Application features

The instruction for the drug recommends the following dosage regimen: one capsule three times a day shortly before meals or with meals. This administration of the drug helps maintain hair and nails in good condition. The prevention period is one month. If we are talking about severe hair loss, then another scheme is provided: take the drug "Revalid" (patient reviews indicate the effectiveness of such a scheme), it is recommended to take two capsules three times a day for one month, and then you should continue taking one capsule three times once a day. Note that to improve the structure of the hair, the course of treatment should be more than two months. It is worth paying attention that the drug can be taken by adults or children over 12 years old.

hair vitamins revalid reviews
Before you start taking it, you should make sure that you have no contraindications, namely: hair loss is not caused by hormonal disorders, there is no allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug. The reviews of Revalid available in 2013 confirm that it is one of the most effective vitamin complexes for hair.

Special instructions for taking the drug

The use of Revalid should be stopped immediately when prescribing antibacterial drugs of a number of sulfonamides. This is due to the presence of para-aminobenzoic acid in the complex, which reduces the antibacterial properties of sulfonamides. In general, the drug "Revalid", reviews of which are only positive, is characterized as a tool with a low probability of side effects. In order for the drug to be completely safe, it is only necessary to observe the storage conditions. They are quite simple: the temperature regime is 15-25 degrees Celsius, in a dark, dry place protected from children. The shelf life of the drug is three years. Before you start taking, make sure that the purchased product meets the following characteristics:

  • In a package of 30 identical capsules.
  • The capsules are light green in color,
  • They contain a homogeneous dry brown-yellow powder.

This suggests that previously the drug was stored correctly, which means that it can not harm health.

revalid reviews of 2013

Some useful tips

The condition of the hair reflects our internal health: any disturbances can cause hair loss, dullness, excessive dryness or brittleness. In such cases, taking vitamins will not be effective. In case of any deviations, malfunctions in the work of internal organs, diseases, experts recommend combating the problem radically, and only then with its manifestations.

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