What is Ritalin?

Almost all experienced conditions such as constant fatigue and breakdown. Most often they occur in people leading an active life. Chronic fatigue worries those who are constantly at work, engaged in mental and physical labor. In some cases, a breakdown begins to torment a person constantly and does not go away even after rest. People who cannot overcome fatigue on their own are forced to seek medical help. With a confirmed diagnosis, they are prescribed Ritalin. This medicine is popular in many foreign countries. Nevertheless, in the post-Soviet space, this medication is practically not found.

Ritalin is

The drug "Ritalin" - what is this medicine?

This drug causes a lot of controversy among doctors around the world. Therefore, in some countries it is prohibited. According to US researchers, the drug has a positive effect on patients with hyperactivity disorder and a lack of attention, so it is often recommended for treatment.

The drug "Ritalin" is a drug that belongs to the group of psychostimulants. This medication was synthesized in the 40s of the last century. It has been widely used in children with hyperdynamic syndrome, that is, excessive activity. In the 90s, ADHD was recognized in medicine as an independent disease. Therefore, the medication was often prescribed to children. Unfortunately, the drug was not always used for its intended purpose. In particular, healthy children began to use it due to the fault of parents or teachers of children's institutions, who could not cope with disobedience. In addition, there is evidence that the drug is addictive and is used for other purposes and among the adult population (as an exciting narcotic substance). In Russia, this drug is a prohibited drug.

The main active ingredient is methylphenidate. “Ritalin” is one of the drug’s trade names.

ritalin reviews

Indications for the use of the medication

The main indication for the use of the drug “Ritalin” is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Most often, this condition is observed in children, but is also not excluded among the adult population. This syndrome implies the inability to concentrate on a particular occupation, to sit in one place, to rest. To achieve improved attention, remain alert and reduce fatigue, the drug "Ritalin" is used. The effect of the drug is based on the activation of the central nervous system. In addition, the drug has a number of other indications for use:

  1. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Unmotivated aggression.
  3. Narcolepsy - constant drowsiness.
  4. Therapy for methamphetamine addiction.
  5. Autism (Asperger Syndrome).
  6. Apathy syndrome.

Also, the drug "Ritalin" is used in the treatment of antipsychotic drugs, as they have a depressing effect on the central nervous system.

Ritalin methylphenidate

Side effects and contraindications to the use of the medication

The most common side effects are insomnia and anxiety. Also, in some patients, allergic manifestations are possible with the use of the drug (Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria). From the digestive tract, the medication can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and in rare cases, vomiting. With prolonged use, the drug may have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among the side effects, there is a change in blood pressure (often an increase), a violation of the heart rhythm (tachy, less often - bradycardia). Some patients experience headaches, psychoses, and neurosis. In rare cases, the drug causes hair loss, anorexia, and stunted growth in children.

Contraindications to the use of the medication include pregnancy and lactation, children's age up to 6 years. Due to possible side effects, the drug is prohibited for patients with arterial hypertension, rhythm disturbances and cardiac conduction. It can not be used for hepatic and renal failure.

Instructions for use of the drug

The release form of the Ritalin preparation is tablets of white or yellow color. Since the medication refers to substances acting on the central nervous system, the dosage should be selected individually for each patient. Most often, start with 5 mg 2-3 times a day. Gradually, you can increase the dose.

Ritalin action

The drug "Ritalin": reviews

Due to the exciting effect on the central nervous system, doctors have different opinions about the drug. Despite this, the parents of patients with ADHD note a positive effect from treatment. Side effects are very rare. An adult with chronic fatigue also responds positively to the drug. Nevertheless, do not forget that prolonged use of the medication is undesirable and can lead to serious consequences.

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