Unusual movie theaters in St. Petersburg

Those who visit St. Petersburg for the first time have no questions about what to see and where to go to relax. But for those living in this wonderful city or regularly returning to it, the theme of leisure is quite relevant. Tired of a five- or even a six-day bustle of work, I want to go to a place where it’s cozy, comfortable and at the same time interesting and unusual at home, for example, to a movie theater. Doubt that this is possible ?! Then for all the incredulous, as well as amateurs and true connoisseurs of cinema, a brief overview of the extraordinary institutions of the city of St. Petersburg is presented. These cinemas in St. Petersburg are definitely worth a visit.

Cinema "Without popcorn"

Annoyed by the "cute" crunching chips or popcorn? Then you should visit the cinema on Belinsky Street, 9, with the sonorous name “Without Popcorn”. Among its main advantages are:

  • a small cozy room with soft chairs and sofas on which you can comfortably sit;
  • huge screen and high quality sound for watching movies;
  • night shows (this is for those who like to go to bed later or already early);
  • an interesting selection of films: works of authorship, tapes-participants of sensational film festivals, unusual animated films, paintings that were at the origins of the development of cinema.

cinemas in spb

But most importantly, the cinema “Without popcorn” is a place where you can not just watch a movie, but also discuss it with other viewers, argue and even drink delicious tea with cookies brought with you! Cinemas in the center of St. Petersburg are more popular among guests of the cultural capital.

The cinema

Fans of watching the original movie should visit the cinema “The Cinema”. Are you experiencing that you do not have enough knowledge of the language to fully understand the picture? It’s not worth it, each tape contains Russian captions, but you must admit that practicing the language is always useful, and hearing the voices of your favorite artists live, not duplicated, will be incredibly interesting.

The main feature of The Cinema is a silent movie, in the same format as many decades ago, that is, to the sound of a piano. In addition to the voiced genres, here you can also watch classics, including those not previously shown on TV screens and in mass cinemas, as well as concerts, master classes, and works by unknown directors. The best cinemas in St. Petersburg are famous for their design and unusual atmosphere.

cinemas in the center of spb

The interior of the hall is a small room, designed for 26 people, with armchairs and sofas placed at different levels, which allows for convenient viewing of the film at any point. There is a minibar where you can go for drinks even directly while watching the tape. All in all, this is a great place for true moviegoers.

Cinema for active people

Pandora is a movie theater for lovers. You heard right! Having decided to invite your soulmate on a date, with complete confidence, lead her to Pandora. Here you can not only enjoy each other's company, but also watch your favorite movie, either by choosing it from the proposed catalog, or by bringing it with you from home.

The romantic atmosphere of the hall, furnished with soft cozy sofas with pillows and rugs, burning candles, the scent of flowers ... Pandora will be a great place to offer a marriage.

Not ripe for a serious relationship? It doesn’t matter, come to the Pandora Cinema to play a console or sing karaoke. Teenagers and creative personalities like to visit cinemas in St. Petersburg at this level.

Cinema for romantics

Do you dream of watching a movie while sitting in a car, surrounded by friends or with your beloved one? Dreams must come true, and the Kinoparking cinema will help in this! The interior of the cinema hall is cars as seats, a huge screen and high-quality sound entering the interior of the car using a radio. Well, what is not an option for a Saturday evening?

If cinema is not just a pastime for you, but a serious hobby, then visit the open-air movie studio Lendok. It was formed at the beginning of the 20th century and serves as a place for storing films with films of the late 50s, is a concentration of creative people in the film industry. The main rental genres are documentary films, films of film festivals, and copyright works.

cinemas spb addresses

There is a movie studio in a spacious room with a high ceiling and unusually beautiful balconies. Of course, such an interior contributes to active debate, discussions, which are an indispensable component of each viewing.

Do you want to combine business with pleasure and practice your knowledge of foreign languages? Visit the Angleterre Cinema Lounge. Thanks to the screening of copyright films, animations and pictures in high quality in the original language, whether English, Spanish, French or even Finnish, you, firstly, replenish your vocabulary (if something is not clear, Russian subtitles will tell), and secondly, have a good time. The cinema is located in the hotel of the same name Angleterre.

Cinema with experience

Another item on the list of extraordinary cinemas is “Homeland”. Her story began almost 100 years ago, in 1918. Here you can watch the news of the film industry, sensational films from various film festivals, the best films of famous directors, as well as cinema, which has become a classic in our time.

The viewing effect is enhanced by the very atmosphere of the hall, outwardly resembling the decoration of the Bolshoi Theater: stepwise elevation of rows of seats, balconies of stunning beauty, columns along the walls ... Such cinemas in the center of St. Petersburg are a real cultural heritage of the city.

Do you want to be the first to see the premieres of the season? Then the cinema "Aurora" is for you. It is here where screenings of Oscar-winning tapes, films-winners of the most famous festivals, as well as paintings suggestive.

the best cinemas in spb

Walking along Karavannaya street, you will find yourself near a graceful building, very similar to a palace, decorated with neon lights, which in the evening give it additional charm. Before you is not just a movie theater, but a whole cinema center "Cinema House".

This center is famous for its serious selection of films for display. It is unlikely that you will be able to watch an ordinary action movie or melodrama on its screen - only a movie with a meaning recognized by the best critics of the film industry, shot by well-known directors. "Cinema House" is a kind of aristocrat on our list of boring and extraordinary cinemas.

Where can I watch a good movie?

Do you want to be yourself, relax and take a break from everyday life? The cinema with the good name "Friendship" will come to your aid with its interesting documentary films, as well as the latest movie industry from all over the world. All the best for viewing - here. But for those wishing to feel and feel the work of new video equipment, advanced developments in the field of film screening, there is a direct road to the Formula Kino Gallery cinema. Cinemas in St. Petersburg are designed to relax locals and guests of the cultural capital.

Center for Contemporary Art. Sergey Kurekhin very skillfully and harmoniously combines the following genres: amateur films, classics, and films by famous filmmakers. The center also serves as an arena for international festivals. Well, perhaps the most striking feature of it was the holding of free sessions that anyone can attend, the main thing is to closely monitor the poster. It is always interesting to visit unusual cinemas in St. Petersburg. Addresses of the best of them: “House of Cinema” and “Homeland” - Karavannaya St., 12; "Mirage of Cinema" - Engels Ave., 124, TRC "VOYAGE"; “Cinema without popcorn” - Belinsky St., 9, 2nd floor.

If you have a desire to enjoy watching your favorite movie in a narrow circle of friends or in a company of the second half, then visit the Kino House anti-cinema. In a small room that looks like a cozy cafe, you can watch any movie you are interested in. Moreover, films are allowed to be brought even from home. A similar rule applies to food and drink.

Cinema "Uranus" is the leader in the rental of film classics, both past time and newly filmed. Thanks to a serious approach to movie rental, real connoisseurs of high-quality cinema gather in its walls. Thousands of people visit the cinemas of St. Petersburg. They leave a variety of reviews. Someone appreciates the classics of the “Motherland”, some like the silence in the movie “Without Popcorn,” and foreign language experts enjoy spending time at the Angleterre Cinema Lounge.

cinemas spb reviews

The administration plans to create a cinematheque on the basis of the cinema, to develop a program for exhibitions and lectures on the art of cinema.

Given the presented review of cinemas, your weekend is unlikely to be boring and uninteresting, the main thing is to make your choice correctly and visit the place that seems interesting to you. Cinemas in St. Petersburg are designed for lovers and professional moviegoers. Everyone will be able to find the best place for themselves.

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