Despite the large number of versions that indicate the origin of this wonderful dish, in each country you can find dishes similar to dumplings. In Italy they bear the romantic name ravioli, the Chinese call them dim sum, in Central Asia they are called manti, and the Georgians gave them the beautiful name khinkali. Americans and Europeans also eat the semblance of dumplings, which they call the word “pies” familiar to us. Dumplings can vary not only in the form and method of preparation. The most important thing in them is the right dough for dumplings.
A bit of history
In the sixteenth century in Russia the concept of “dumplings” appeared, which came from the Urals, where they were called “dumplings” or “bread ear”. Due to the fact that these products perfectly tolerate freezing, they became extremely popular in Eastern Siberia, where they could be stored all winter, without fear that the dumpling dumplings would crack, and they themselves would lose their taste.
Delicious dumplings
The best dough for dumplings should be elastic, because a real "bread ear" should have a welt that borders the filling, around which there is an empty space that prevents the dumplings from breaking during the cooking process. That is why dumplings made by hand are considered real, because in industrial production all these important little things are not always respected.
Properly prepared dough for ravioli, tasty and juicy minced meat - this is only the beginning. To make the dish flawless, it is better to cook not in water, slightly salted, as is usually the case, but in meat broth.
When preparing the dough for dumplings, remember that it should be such that the pinches of the edges are strong, because the dumplings are ready only when the dough is completely cooked. Experts advise lubricating tweaks with cool water.
During cooking miracle dishes, the ascent of these small "ears" should occur twice.
The dough for dumplings with a classic composition consists of eggs, flour and water, it turns out elastic and allows you to roll yourself quite thinly. From this dish only wins. This recipe guarantees the strength of the dough, which will last perfectly until the end of cooking, without blurring. Sometimes it is recommended to cook dumplings dumplings in milk, it will turn out not only elastic, but will also be distinguished by a special tenderness of taste.
Having learned how to cook dough for dumplings, you can go directly to the minced meat. The classics of the genre are minced meat, but in different countries the most diverse fillings are used: mushrooms and vegetables, poultry and fish. Asians prefer to cook this dish stuffed with special herbs with minimal meat.
To the table!
It is recommended to serve this delicious dish on a large tray, which will not allow the dumplings to stick together. Some peoples have a fun tradition: to hide a small coin in dumplings or pour pepper. It is believed that anyone who gets such a “happy” surprise will be lucky.
Having learned how to cook the right dumplings for dumplings, you can serve this dish even on the festive table. And if you make a “bread ear” for every day - this is a big time saver, because frozen dumplings can be stored for up to three months.
The best dough for dumplings. Classic recipe
Ideally, for each medium-sized egg, take two cups of flour. In order to obtain the required viscosity, you will need water or milk, in which salt is diluted. The dough for ravioli is made more pliable and tender by adding a drop of vegetable oil.
In the prepared depression in the hill of flour (better sifted), beat the eggs and add water / milk and salt. Knead the dough well, add vegetable oil and knead one more time.
In order for the dough to "rest", he needs to lie down under a towel for forty minutes. The dumpling dough is ready!
It turns out that in the preparation of this simple, but very tasty dish there are no special secrets. You just have to try to cook it, and your household will always gobble it up for both cheeks. Be healthy!