The drug "Mukaltin": method of use for adults and children

For diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia or bronchial asthma, in some cases, the natural drug Mukaltin is prescribed. The method of application of this tool for children and adults, of course, varies. But more on that later.

The scope of this drug is not limited to the listed diseases. This medicine can also be used for peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis. The main component of this preparation - the marshmallow root - contains up to 35% of plant mucus, pectin, betaine, asparagine and starch. The anti-inflammatory, softening, enveloping and expectorant action of these components contributes to effective therapy when using the drug "Mukaltin." The method of application and dosage depend not only on age, but also on the stage of the disease.

The mucous membranes during the use of this product are covered with a thin layer of plant mucus, which remains on the surface for a long time and protects it from irritation. The inflammatory process is reduced, and independent tissue regeneration is greatly facilitated.

In the treatment of stomach diseases, the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the acidity of the gastric juice. The higher it is, the more effective and longer the protective effect of the mucous membrane. This is due to the fact that the viscosity of plant mucus increases when interacting with hydrochloric acid.

How to take "Mukaltin" to children? First of all, it depends on the age of the child. For children under one year of age, this drug is not recommended. Although the drug is on a natural basis, in rare cases, allergic reactions or dyspeptic disorders can occur (that is, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, belching), therefore, prior medical advice is necessary.

The youngest can take half the pill at a time and do it three times a day. To achieve maximum effect, you can completely dissolve a single dose of the drug in a tablespoon of sweetened water.

Older children - from three to twelve years old - are already given one or two tablets of the Mukaltin preparation. The method of use here can be any - it is not necessary to dissolve the tablet.

Another point - you need to take this tool earlier than an hour before a meal. The duration of treatment can be from one to two weeks.

Everything is clear with the children, but   How to take "Mukaltin" for adults?

A single rate is from one to two tablets at a time and depends on the indications. You need to take this tool before meals three to four times a day. This also applies to children over twelve years of age. You can not take codeine-containing preparations (either for children or adults) at the same time as the medicine, because this can lead to an increase in the amount of sputum, which will be much more difficult to remove. But you can use this tool along with other drugs used to treat respiratory diseases.

During pregnancy, you can use the drug "Mukaltin", the method of application does not differ from that specified in the instructions. But you still need to see a doctor and listen to the lungs. But with lactation, experts do not recommend using this drug, although it is of plant origin.

The instruction allows the use of "Mukaltin" when breastfeeding. If there is a need to use this drug, then it is better to switch to breastfeeding during the treatment.

In the presence of hypersensitivity to the marshmallow root and other components, it is contraindicated for patients of all age groups to use the drug "Mukaltin" for treatment.

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