The drug "ASD-2" is used today most often in veterinary medicine for the treatment of domestic animals and birds. The owners of farms of different specializations, this tool is truly very popular.
But although "ASD-2" is considered a veterinary drug, sometimes it is also successfully used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases in humans. Below, we consider how the “ASD-2 Fraction” can be used for humans. Instructions, price, reviews about the drug - we will talk about all this in our article in full detail.
A bit of history
To begin with, let's figure out where this tool came from and what it is. Used for man "fraction ASD-2" today only in traditional medicine. But it was not always so.
The development of this tool was conducted during the Soviet Union - in the 50s of the last century. The inventor of the drug was then an unknown medical scientist A.V. Of roads. At that time, this solution was developed simply as an antiseptic. However, later very unexpected properties were revealed quite unexpectedly. In the process of research, scientists noticed that this medicine is able to cure just a huge number of very different, including serious, diseases.
After some time in the USSR and other countries of the world, this drug was almost recognized as an elixir of immortality and a panacea. The reviews of people about the "ASD-2 Faction" were truly enthusiastic. Even the highest Soviet officials used the "ASD" to treat diseases in those days. And the complete technological process of manufacturing this drug in the USSR itself was carefully kept secret for a long time.
However, later, after the death of Dorogov, unfortunately, they completely forgot about this development. No formal explanation for the termination of the studies was provided. But many at that time believed that Dorogov’s laboratory was closed due to the fact that the scientist in his studies relied on the experience of ancient alchemists.
Fractions of the drug used to treat
Currently, there are 3 fractions of the drug "ASD". But for the treatment of animals and humans, it is allowed to use only the ASD-2 and ASD-3 means, developed in the same way as the original ASD base itself, by Dorogov himself. A distinctive feature of these fractions is the ability to completely dissolve in water.
"ASD-2 fraction" for humans and animals was originally developed as a drug intended for oral administration. But it is allowed to use it if necessary and as an external agent. "ASD-3 fraction" is a toxic substance and can only be applied topically.
The composition of the drug
Unfortunately, practically no one knows today on what technology the “ASD” preparation was made from. As already mentioned, the composition of this tool was once classified. It is only known that its developer used frogs to create the very first drug, “ASD,” an animal that can survive in the most extreme conditions, the tissues of which in some cases can also regenerate. This material was processed by sublimation and further condensation.
Today, amphibian skins and caviar are not used for the production of ASD. These materials in the manufacture of drugs today are replaced by meat and bone mass obtained by processing carcasses of cattle.
The components of the modern tool "ASD-2" include the following:
- carboxylic acid;
- amide bonds;
- hydrocarbons;
- compounds of sulfhydryl group elements.
The mechanism of action of the drug
Today, as in the Soviet Union, the sublimation technique is used in the production of ASD-2. During the manufacturing process, the organic substances of meat and bone meal are broken down to low molecular weight. As a result, a lot of adaptogens are formed - substances secreted by the cell during destruction.
Once in the body of an animal or human, this ingredient “gives a signal” to all damaged cells about the need to enhance protection. As a result, there is a sharp mobilization of the body's reserves.
"ASD-2 fraction" is a safe preparation for humans. After all, in fact, he himself does not cure anything. Recovery during its use occurs due to the activation of the patient’s immune system.
What happens after taking the drug?
Many adherents of traditional medicine believe that the "ASD-2 Fraction" for a person is in fact no worse than for animals. It was noticed that in people during the course of treatment using this tool:
- the activity of the nervous system is activated;
- digestion processes are normalized;
- increases the body's resistance to infections.
The use of ASD-2 Fraction for humans, as well as for animals, also lies in the ability of this drug to activate tissue repair processes.
Where can I get it?
Buy the drug "ASD-2" today is possible only in veterinary pharmacies and clinics. In ordinary pharmacies, this tool is not for sale. Sometimes "ASD-2" can be found in pet stores.
Only two factories produce this drug in Russia today - Moscow and Armavir. Moreover, it is believed that the ASD-2 cleaner and more suitable for people is made in the capital.
This drug does not apply to branded, and therefore they usually sell it at a not too high price. About 200-300 rubles. - this is exactly how much the bottle of "ASD-2 Fraction" is most often worth. The price for a person even of a low income, of course, is not too high.
Indications for use
The drug "ASD-2" is used today only in traditional medicine. It is believed that best of all it helps with:
- inflammation of the eyes;
- gynecological pathologies;
- heart disease;
- acute toothache;
- gallstone disease;
- rheumatism;
- fungal infections;
- tuberculosis
- ulcers.
Benefits for humans when using the "ASD-2 Fraction" can also bring in case of infection, for example, flu or a cold. Such diseases when using this drug pass literally in a couple of days.
"ASD-2 fraction": instructions for use for humans
The method of using this drug depends primarily on this particular disease. But in most cases, taking "ASD-2" is recommended in the amount of 15-20 drops per incomplete glass of water per day. In this case, such a dose is usually supposed to be taken twice a day. They drink this medicine most often in 5-day courses. Then take a break for 3 days.
Outwardly, ASD-2 is commonly used in the form of compresses. Thus, this tool is used for rheumatism and joint diseases.
What else is used for?
Instructions for using the "ASD-2 Fraction" for humans are extremely simple. This drug cures all sorts of diseases, judging by the reviews, indeed quite often. There is, among others, the opinion that ASD-2 is capable of helping even people with oncology. In any case, the general condition of the cancer patients receiving it usually improves significantly and the pain disappears.
Also, "ASD-2" is used to improve potency. It is believed that this tool is able to restore erectile function, as well as cure prostatitis.
How to prepare a solution?
"ASD-2" helps with many diseases. But you need to take the drug according to the instructions. For a person, “ASD-2 Fraction” is a safe means, but in order not to harm your body, you need to not only observe the dosages of this agent, but also prepare the solution correctly.
"ASD-2" is sold in veterinary pharmacies, usually in standard medical bottles with an aluminum cap. It is recommended to extract the drug from such a container using a medical syringe. A solution based on "ASD-2" is usually prepared as follows:
- remove the aluminum cap from the bottle;
- pierce the rubber stopper with a needle;
- draw the required amount of solution into the syringe;
- remove the syringe, leaving the needle in the cork.
Then add the drug to water in the recommended amount. If desired, you can use any other methodology for the preparation of therapeutic solutions based on "ASD-2". But in any case, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to allow contact of this drug with air.
Too long to store the water treatment solution "ASD-2" is also not recommended. In any case, a fresh dose of the medicine should be made for each dose.
Of course, many are interested in what harm the use of ASD-2 Fraction can bring to a person. It is believed that this remedy does not have any serious contraindications. However, taking this drug is still not possible in all cases. It is not recommended to drink this remedy for people with:
- increased blood coagulability;
- allergic to any components of the drug.
Also, children under 14 years of age are not treated with ASD-2. It is believed that you can not drink this remedy also for pregnant or lactating women.
Side effects
This is a fairly safe case - the use of "ASD-2 Fraction". Most likely, there will be no harm to the person observing the dosage from its use. The drug almost never has any negative effect on the body of patients. It is believed that the only side effect that ASD-2 can cause is increased blood density. Many patients advise drinking more fluids (acidic juices are best) when completing a course using this product.
Sometimes, when using "ASD-2" in patients, among other things, the following can be observed:
- mild stool disorders;
- discomfort in the stomach.
Such symptoms appear in most cases only at the very beginning of treatment. Later they usually disappear.
The use of "ASD-2 Fractions" for humans: reviews on the drug
Indeed, almost all patients who have ever taken it are praised. Some people today consider it a real modern panacea. On the Internet, for example, you can even read stories about how people cured cancer using ASD-2.
Perhaps this information is not particularly reliable, but most patients believe that this remedy can not in any case harm the human body. After all, back in the 50s of the last century it was officially considered a drug and was widely used by doctors in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Some Web users believe that they stopped using this drug not because of its futility, but simply under the pressure of the pharmaceutical lobby.
But be that as it may, serious diseases should be treated exclusively under the supervision of doctors, taking all the drugs prescribed by them. “ASD-2”, however, should be used only as an additional tool, also able to cope with many problems by activating the hidden forces of the body itself.
Cons of the drug
Most patients who have ever undergone treatment with this remedy consider the use of ASD-2 Fraction for a person to be completely justified. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive.
Of the shortcomings of “ASD-2,” netizens note a not-so-pleasant smell of medicine (rotten eggs or sewage), which you need to get used to. Also, many do not advise hypertensive patients to undergo treatment with the use of ASD-2. Sometimes when taking this drug, patients experience discomfort in the head.
Use in veterinary medicine
In folk medicine, this drug has been widely used. It is believed that "ASD-2 Fraction" is suitable for a person very well. But most often these days, this tool is still used in veterinary medicine.
From the farmers, this drug also earned just excellent reviews. Its use, as noted by many owners of farmsteads, can increase the productivity of various kinds of household animals, significantly reduce the percentage of morbidity, and avoid deaths.
Used in agriculture, this unique drug for the treatment of horses, pigs, cattle, small cattle, poultry, rabbits. The dosage of the drug in this case depends mainly not on the type of disease, but on the age of the animal.
Cattle, cattle, pigs and horses, in most cases, this medicine is prescribed only by mouth. In poultry houses, ASD-2 can, among other things, be sprayed in the form of a 10% solution. This method allows you to avoid, for example, the development of young apteriosis.
Of course, this drug can be used to treat not only economic living creatures. Quite often, “ASD-2” is also given to dogs or cats. From the owners of such animals, this drug also earned pretty good reviews.
How to store?
In case of various diseases, the “ASD-2 Fraction” for a person should be taken according to the instructions. Reviews this medicine deserved good. But its use will be beneficial to health only if stored properly. In no case should you drink an expired medicine.
It is believed that after opening the vial "ASD-2" should be used fully within 2 weeks. The shelf life of this drug in a hermetically sealed container is 4 years. It is supposed to dispose of this agent as a substance belonging to the III group of danger.