Fungus on the face: types, causes and treatment

The skin of absolutely every person contains many microorganisms, including fungal ones. Usually they do not bring any harm or discomfort, as they are completely harmless. But during malfunctions in the body, fungi begin to multiply more actively and become pathogens of a disease such as mycosis.

fungus on the face

Consider why there is a fungus of the skin of the face, as well as ways to combat and prevent this unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of the appearance of fungus on the face in adults

As mentioned above, the cause of mycosis is excessive reproduction on the face of candida fungus.

facial skin fungus

Several factors may contribute to this process:

  • reduced immunity;
  • the use of sweet and starchy foods in very large quantities;
  • contact with people who are already infected with the fungus, as well as the use of their personal items (cosmetics, washcloths, towels);
  • heavy sweating;
  • the presence of microtraumas on the skin of the face;
  • prolonged stay in a warm and humid environment.

Signs of the appearance of fungus on the face in adults

What is accompanied by the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a fungus on the face? Symptoms may vary slightly in each case, although there are some unchanged indicators. These include:

  • the appearance on the skin of cracks, ulcers and rashes;
  • the presence of constant and severe itching in the affected area;
  • peeling skin.

With the help of laboratory tests, you can study the skin in more detail and accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. This will be necessary for the further appointment of the correct type of treatment. Therefore, an analysis of skin particles that were taken from the affected area of ​​the face is mandatory.

fungus on the face photo

It is worth considering that there is a so-called "risk group". The people who entered it are most susceptible to such a phenomenon as a fungus on the face. These include athletes, the military, as well as those who are characterized by increased sweating and do not follow the rules of personal hygiene.

What is the danger of fungus on the face?

As a rule, during the initial stage of development, the fungus on the face is completely harmless in nature, since it only affects dead skin cells (epidermis). However, if timely treatment is not started, the disease can become chronic and it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. At the same time, peeling of the skin, which is observed at the beginning of the disease, can lead to the formation of vesicles. Those, in turn, burst, leaving wet areas subject to inflammatory processes.

All these processes cause loosening of the skin, some parts of which can begin to separate. As you can see, there is nothing pleasant in this phenomenon.

The fungus can spread not only in the face, but throughout the body. In this case, there is a great danger, since it can also affect internal organs, which will lead to the pathology of blood vessels.

In addition, the fungus on the face (the photo at the beginning of the article is proof of this) does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and in some cases it can even cause disgust. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should contact the clinic to prescribe the necessary type of treatment.

Drug treatment of fungus on the face in adults

After confirming the diagnosis, another question arises: "How to treat a fungus on the face?". It is worth noting that only a doctor can make a decision on this matter and prescribe therapy, based on the results of laboratory tests.

Treatment may include taking medications, as well as the use of special creams and ointments. As for tablets, the most popular drugs are Orungal, Diflucan, Lamisil and others. They act on the fungus from the inside, due to which they are highly effective. In this case, the required dose of each of the funds is calculated individually.

For external use, the doctor may prescribe Mikoket cream or Miconazole ointment. They interfere with further propagation of the fungus and destroy it. The course of treatment will vary in each case.

Fungus on the face: treatment with folk remedies

You can get rid of the problem with the help of folk remedies. They act as adjunctive therapy in combination with drug treatment.

fungus treatment
Consider some of the options.

  1. Lemon juice. It must be rubbed into the affected areas of the skin. The effectiveness of such a simple method can be explained by the fact that fungi reproduce very poorly in an acidic environment.
  2. Garlic. It should be noted right away that this method is not suitable for everyone. This can be explained by the presence of a strong odor and the possible occurrence of allergic reactions. It is necessary to grind the garlic with the help of a garlic press, mix it with a small amount of butter and apply the mixture to the affected skin. After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the mask with water.
  3. Raisins. It is necessary to cut it in half and rub the affected areas of the skin.
  4. Horsetail infusion. They need to wash problem areas 3-4 times a day.

Fungus on the face of a child

Children are more prone to mycosis than adults. This is due to the weak protection of the skin and the unformed immune system.

fungus on the face symptoms

The fungus on the face in children appears in most cases as a result of insufficient hygiene, in contact with sick people or after visiting public places (pool, beach, toilet, and so on).

The fungus in children manifests itself in the form of:

  • redness of the skin;
  • severe itching in the affected area;
  • fluid outflows;
  • the appearance of a grayish plaque in the infected area;
  • dry skin.

Depending on the pathogen, these signs can be supplemented by others, for example, the appearance of rashes, hair loss, and so on.

Treatment of fungus in children

Despite the fact that in both adults and children the causative agent of the disease is most often the same fungus, the methods of treatment will differ. This is due to the fact that the baby’s body is not yet able to transfer “adult” drugs.

Pediatricians usually recommend taking drugs such as Miconazole, Naphthyne, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine. The dosage will depend on the age of the child and other indicators, therefore, such calculations are best entrusted to a specialist and not self-medicate.

To improve the condition of the skin, boric acid, potassium permanganate, salicylic alcohol, or furatsilina solution can be used.

Mycosis Prevention

How to protect yourself from such trouble as a fungus on your face? First of all, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and not to use other people's personal belongings (towels, slippers, and so on). In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin: it must be clean and dry, since the fungus "loves" a moist environment.

fungus on the face of a child

The next item is strengthening immunity. This also includes compliance with the daily routine, proper and regular nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, the presence of physical exertion and a sufficient amount of rest during work.

If one of the family members is found to have a disease (fungus), it is necessary to immediately carry out a complete disinfection of his things and stop any contact with him until the moment of full recovery.

As you can see, compliance with preventive measures does not require much effort. But the end result in the form of healthy and clean skin is worth it! After all, it is easier to avoid a problem than to waste time and financial resources to eliminate it later.

Be healthy!

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