Ankle dislocation: symptoms, causes and treatments

An ankle, or ankle, is called a bone formation located in the distal part of the leg. It is customary to distinguish between the medial (i.e. internal) and lateral (i.e. external) ankles. The first formation is a process that is located in the distal tibia. As for the lateral ankle, it is located in the distal part of the fibula. Such a process is the main stabilizing element of the ankle joint.

Ankle function

Both of the ankles mentioned (both lateral and medial) form a kind of β€œfork” of the ankle joint. It is this joint that distributes the weight of a person to the feet.

Visually, the ankle looks like a small or large bone growth, located outside and inside the foot.

general information

Damage to the ankle joint is the most common injury to the musculoskeletal system. Dislocation of the leg in the ankle area occurs for various reasons. Such an injury can occur due to too fast and inaccurate walking, slippery road surface, wearing uncomfortable shoes, etc. What symptoms suggest such damage and what first aid measures need to be taken will be described later.

Ankle injury

Origin of injury

It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish the symptoms of ankle dislocation from the symptoms of a sprain or ankle fracture. Therefore, after the fall, it is very important to understand what exactly happened to the leg. To do this, consult a specialist.

The structure of the ankle is very complex. There are many small bones, ligaments and tendons in this joint. This part of the lower limb is responsible for the depreciation of the whole body, and therefore it regularly experiences a high load.

If the foot is incorrectly positioned or during the fall, the talus is displaced relative to the ankle, which is connected to the tibia. Such an injury is accompanied by an extension of the joint capsule and tendons. In severe cases, these tissues rupture.

Risk factors

As practice shows, most often such injuries are faced by athletes, elderly people and young children who prefer active and even extreme games to quiet games. One cannot fail to say that the number of ankle dislocations, the symptoms of which you will be acquainted with later, significantly increases in the winter, when ice forms on the roads.

Ankle dislocation

Possible complication

Treatment for ankle dislocation at home is undesirable. If medical care was provided out of time or incorrectly, then quite serious complications can arise. For example, there is a high likelihood of a coarse scar tissue dislocation at the site. Such a formation in the future will necessarily affect the normal functioning of the lower limb.

It should be remembered that the symptoms of ankle dislocation, as well as the damage itself can be treated quite well. But this is provided that the therapy was carried out in a timely manner and only specialized specialists.

Types of injuries

The causes of dislocation of the ankle joint can be different cases - from improper tucking of the leg to a strong fall. It should be understood that the injury itself may vary depending on how the bones are displaced.

Specialists distinguish the following types of dislocation of the lower leg:

  • External - this type of injury is indicated when the distal part of the tibia is displaced.
  • Internal - with this damage, the distal part of the tibia is displaced.
  • Incomplete - with this form, partial contact of the surfaces remains.
  • Full - this type of injury is characterized by the exit of the surface of both bones from the joint bag.
    Foot rest

Also, damage to the legs in the ankle region varies in severity:

  • Severe - with such an injury, the ligaments break, and the bone leaves the joint.
  • Medium - such damage is characterized by ligament microcracks.
  • A slight degree of dislocation is accompanied by a slight sprain.

Features of the treatment of ankle dislocation, as well as the duration of therapy, are largely determined by the severity and type of injury. The recovery period also plays an important role. The right approach to the treatment of dislocation and rehabilitation will minimize the possible development of complications.

Symptoms of foot dislocation

First aid and treatment of ankle injury must be provided and carried out based on the patient's condition. If the damage is serious and causes severe pain to the victim, it is best to immediately contact a traumatologist.

Symptoms of Dislocation

To identify dislocation of the leg in the ankle, as well as to distinguish a similar injury from others, help characteristic signs. You should be aware of them, especially athletes and parents of overly active children.

The following symptoms of ankle dislocation are distinguished:

  • A sharp pain that is felt during the injury. Subsequently, it acquires a aching character.
  • The appearance of bruising in the damaged area (occurs due to rupture of capillaries). At first, the bruises have a burgundy hue, and then they are painted in dark blue or purple.
  • Severe edema on a damaged ankle. In this case, the limb can significantly increase in size.
  • Limit the mobility of a damaged joint. The victim may have lameness, as well as severe pain during exercise.
  • If you are seriously injured, the temperature may rise in the area of ​​damage.
  • Temporary loss of sensitivity of the skin of the ankle.
  • Joint deformation upon receipt of a severe dislocation. In this case, the ankle may be bent to the side.

The indicated symptoms of dislocation of the ankle joint appear almost immediately after injury. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Dislocation and fracture - what is the difference?

Very often, ankle dislocation is confused with a fracture. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what are the distinguishing features of these injuries.

Foot shot
  • With a fracture, the lower limb does not lose mobility.
  • Dislocation in the ankle region is accompanied by sharp pain. As for the fracture, here unpleasant sensations arise later, as adrenaline, entering the bloodstream, blocks sensitive receptors.
  • Dislocation is almost always accompanied by edema. With a fracture, swelling usually appears only on the second day after damage.
  • The main symptom of a fracture is a shortening of the lower limb.
  • To detect a fracture, palpation of the damaged area should be performed, during which the protruding parts of the bones are groped.

Ankle Dislocation - First Aid

Symptoms of a dislocation of the leg can be sharp and sharp. To reduce pain, as well as prevent the development of serious complications, the victim should be given competent first aid. The latter includes activities such as:

  • Complete rest of the injured limb. It is forbidden to move a foot, it should not be stepped on. If you do not adhere to these rules, then in the future the victim may develop the so-called habitual dislocation (constant relapse).
  • To ensure normal blood flow, a soft roller should be placed under the injured leg.
  • Apply a cold compress to the damaged area (ice that is previously wrapped in soft tissue). This procedure should be carried out no more than half an hour.
  • So that the injured joint does not move, it is fixed using a bandage. The use of an elastic bandage is also acceptable. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the bandage is not too tight, as this can provoke a violation of blood flow.
    Foot massage

Treatment methods

How to cure ankle injury? The correct treatment tactics for such an injury can only be selected by a specialist and only after an X-ray examination. A snapshot of a damaged leg will determine not only the shape of the dislocation, but also the severity. In rare cases, ankle reduction is required.

Treatment for ankle dislocation includes:

  • Imposing a tight bandage. If the injury is not serious, then just fix the joint with an elastic bandage. In severe cases, the application of gypsum is required.
  • Warm baths and compresses. Such procedures can be carried out only three days after the injury. Decoctions of herbs should be added to the foot bath.
  • Taking medications. If the dislocation is accompanied by severe pain, then painkillers such as Nurofen or Ketanov can be used. To reduce edema, as well as restore normal blood circulation, you should use a specialized ointment (for example, Voltaren, Indovazin, Diclofenac Gel, Dolobene). The listed drugs are rubbed into the affected area three times a day. Also, experts recommend taking calcium during therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Physiotherapy. To restore joint mobility, doctors usually prescribe UHF, electrophoresis, and magnetic and ultrasound therapy.
  • Physiotherapy. To restore leg functionality and strengthen muscles with ligaments, it is recommended to undergo a course of exercise therapy.

Alternative methods of treatment

Self-management of the symptoms of ankle dislocation and treatment at home is best done only after consulting a specialist. Alternative recipes for such injuries should not completely replace the recommendations of a traumatologist. Home treatment should only be aimed at accelerating the patient's healing process.

Among the most effective and popular folk remedies are the following:

  • Onion compress. A large fresh onion is ground using a meat grinder, and then mixed with iodized salt. The resulting product is applied to the affected area and incubated for about 30 minutes. Such a compress will enhance blood flow to the injured area and relieve swelling.
  • Milk compress. Having warmed up some milk, they impregnate a small part of the clean tissue with it, and then apply it to the sore spot and cover it with polyethylene. Such a folk remedy relieves severe pain.
  • Potato compress. Having boiled the potatoes in their skins, they knead it slightly and lay on the affected area. Such a compress gently warms the damaged joint.
  • Ginger broth. Ginger root (a small piece) is ground on a grater, pour boiling water and insist 30 minutes. The fabric is impregnated with a ready-made broth, applied to the affected area and covered with polyethylene. Such a home recipe helps to remove toxins that accumulate in damaged tissues.
  • Lot of wormwood. The leaves of a fresh plant are crushed into gruel, applied to an injured ankle and wrapped with a moistened handkerchief. This tool will well and effectively eliminate pain.
  • Cornflower infusion relieves pain and swelling. Dried cornflower flowers (3 teaspoons) pour half a liter of boiling water and stand for an hour. Having filtered and cooled the infusion, take it orally in half a glass three times a day.
  • Decoction of tansy. Dried inflorescences of the plant (three tablespoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, filtered and cooled. Having moistened the tissue in the broth, it is applied to the affected area for half an hour.

Recovery period

Now you know how to treat ankle dislocation. Recovery after main therapy should last at least a month.

Recovery period

During this period, you should do special gymnastics, which includes the following exercises:

  • Massaging the fingers of the injured leg with circular kneading movements.
  • Active independent movements of the fingers of the injured foot.
  • Rolling from heel to toe and in reverse.
  • Walking on the heels.
  • Rolling the foot on the surface of a rubber ball.

According to experts, the recovery period will be faster if the patient regularly swims in the pool and does an exercise bike. Also, during rehabilitation, therapeutic massage does not hurt. In this case, you should contact a professional.

During the recovery period, the victim should consume more vegetables and fruits, as well as products that contain vitamins and minerals, including calcium. In addition, it is recommended to take funds aimed at strengthening the ligaments and tendons.


Any injury is easier to prevent than to treat. In this regard, it is necessary to remember several recommendations that will help avoid damage in the form of an ankle dislocation:

  • Wear only comfortable shoes. Avoid wearing too high heels.
  • Watch the movements. Put your feet right.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the legs and ankle. Exercise regularly. Do gymnastics.
  • Use special dressings when playing sports.
  • Avoid increased body weight, vitamin deficiency and some other factors that provoke dislocation.

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