Analogs of "Valdoxan", their comparison and reviews

Depression is a serious illness that requires medical treatment. Unfortunately, the prevalence of this pathology has recently been very high, and therefore the demand for such a group of drugs as antidepressants is increasing every year.

Why do we need antidepressants?

Depression is reactive and endogenous. In the first case, it is a reaction to severe stress, any external stimulus. The human psyche is sometimes able to overcome this ailment on its own or with the help of psychotherapist sessions. Endogenous depression has internal causes, namely the imbalance of biogenic amines: serotonin, norepinephrine, melatonin, or dopamine. When any of these neurotransmitters is not enough, depression gradually begins to develop. And it is possible to cope with it, medically eliminating the deficiency of the missing amine.

Thus, all antidepressants are divided into groups, each of which serves as a means to restore a specific neurotransmitter. The drug itself and analogues of Valdoxan belong to the group of serotonin antidepressants, that is, the active component of these drugs promotes the accumulation of this substance in the brain and prevents its breakdown by inhibition and reuptake.

Valdoxan analogues

Valdoxanum - indications for appointment

Analogs of "Valdoxan" are prescribed by a doctor after detecting depression. The main symptoms are persistent inability to experience positive emotions and all the ensuing from this state: a feeling of longing, depression, irritation. Sometimes a patient with depression can completely lose the ability to survive any, even negative emotions, feeling complete indifference to everything. And sometimes there are somatic forms of depression, that is, the expression of symptoms through a bodily ailment. For example, a patient may complain of causeless pain, fainting, insomnia, fatigue, and a decrease in sexual interest.

The doctor determines by symptomatology which type of antidepressant is suitable in this case. And if there is a need to increase the amount of serotonin, analogues of Valdoxan are prescribed. Application gives a tangible effect in the first days of admission: a person begins to feel a surge of strength, increased mood. But you need to take the drug for several months. It is noteworthy that the analogues of "Valdoxan", unlike other antidepressants, do not affect libido.

valdoxane analogues reviews

The advantage of the drug is the minimum number of side effects. The calming effect is reflected exclusively in the depth of sleep; in the daytime, the person taking Valdoxan, analogues, substitutes, does not experience inhibition.

However, there are a number of contraindications, when it is better to refuse to take the drug:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • taking other antidepressants;
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • agomelatine intolerance.

An approximate effect is exerted by analogues of Valdoxanum in tablets, which can be found below.


Azafen has a different active component than Valdoxan, but it belongs to the same group of drugs and has a similar mechanism of action. But if "Valdoxan" is able to cope with severe depressive disorder, then "Azafen" is indicated for depression of mild to moderate severity.

The advantage of the drug is its low price in comparison with Valdoxan, which is partially due to Russian production. In addition, there is no risk of developing glaucoma among contraindications, unlike most drugs for treating depression. Also, the drug has proven itself in the treatment of depressive disorders while taking alcohol.


The analogues of the German drug Valdoxan, generics, must be supplemented with Neuroplant. It has a plant composition, that is, it is completely natural. The main active ingredient is St. John's wort extract, which gently removes from a depressive state. Unlike St. John's wort in its natural form, the extract has a more concentrated composition, and one tablet contains a dosage that cannot be obtained by taking an herbal drink from a plant or tincture.

Valdoxan Generics Analogs

If we consider the analogues available for the drug "Valdoxan", reviews about the "Neuroplant" will be mostly positive. This is due to the fact that the medicine has no side effects. A contraindication to taking the drug is hypersensitivity to St. John's wort or an allergy to herbal remedies noted earlier.


Available instructions for the use of Valdoxan, the analogues of which we are considering, indicate that the main active ingredient of the drug is called agomelatine. The same substance as the main component is also present in Venlafaxine.

The use of "Venlafaxine" is not recommended in case of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for violations of body weight: its pronounced deficiency or excess. The advantage of the drug is low cost. Due to the negative effect of the drug on the vascular system, it should not be taken by people suffering from glaucoma or having a high risk of its development, for example, due to a hereditary factor.


The French antidepressant Melitor is indicated for patients with depressive disorders, provided that the patient does not belong to the group of elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, or who have a history of dementia. Clinical trials about the effect of the drug have not been conducted, so there is no way to talk about the safety of Melitor for this category of people.

The reviews of patients taking the drug indicate that its highest effectiveness is noted in mild and moderate depressive disorders. In particular, the drug has shown its effectiveness as a prophylactic, for example, after severe stress. Of course, such prevention should take place after the appointment of a doctor and under his control.

Valdoxan analogues


The drug "Valdoxan", the instructions for use of which should be carefully studied before taking it, have generics that have an antidepressant effect due to the anti-anxiety effect. Such drugs include Paroxetine.

The drug is indicated for use in the treatment of depression that has arisen against the background of severe stress or chronic anxiety. In this case, the drug has a complex effect: on the one hand, it eliminates the cause of depression, on the other hand, eliminates its symptoms and promotes recovery.


"Sertraline" is an antidepressant, the indications for use of which are: depression, panic disorder, the effects of severe stress. The drug has a high level of effectiveness. But at the same time, it also has a wide list of side effects from various body systems: cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, respiratory and genitourinary.

valdoxane substitutes analogues

In the event that the drug is well tolerated by the patient, it produces an excellent therapeutic effect. If a person has a relapsing course of depression, the drug can be used as a prophylaxis in small doses.


Describing the drug "Valdoxan" instructions for use analogues can be found by the active substance. The composition, similar to Valdoxan, and, consequently, the effect, has the drug Agomelatine. With moderate depression, the visible effect of improvement occurs after two weeks of taking the drug.

In the course of special studies, it was found that the effectiveness of "Agomelatine" is approximately the same as that of other antidepressants with the same composition and effect. However, it carries over an order of magnitude better. Patients participating in the study had virtually no dizziness, nausea, and sexual dysfunctions characteristic of antidepressants.

How to choose a drug?

When choosing a drug of the type "Valdoxan" (instructions for use, reviews, analogues of which we are considering), you need to take into account the recommendations of the doctor. Each tool described has a different degree of effect on the body, so the doctor selects the drug based on the patient's condition. Mild depressive disorder requires a drug with one concentration of the active substance, severe depression - another.

In addition, all the described drugs differ in the number and severity of side effects. If the patient has somatic pathologies, then one or another form of release of an antidepressant similar to Valdoxan may be contraindicated.

Valdoxan analogues in tablets

You can understand whether the drug is correctly selected or not, after about 2-3 weeks from the day you start taking it. The effectiveness of some drugs is obvious already on the 3-4th day of administration. If a person during this period felt an improvement, the drug should be taken in accordance with the doctor’s prescription for about 6 months, gradually reducing the dose for smooth withdrawal.

It is important to know that with a second course of taking antidepressants, the duration of their administration usually increases. Therefore, it is extremely important to complete the course of administration correctly in order to avoid relapse.

When choosing analogues of Valdoxan, it is important to consider their cost. In order for a long-term intake of funds not to hit the budget, it is necessary to choose a drug that is suitable for the price.

General recommendations for admission

After the doctor has prescribed Valdoxan or one of its analogues, you need to know about tips that will reduce the severity of side effects.

Valdoxan instructions for use analogues

In the first two weeks of taking side effects can occur regardless of the precautions. Usually they go by themselves.

"Serotonin" antidepressants are characterized by increased energy, so it is better to take them in the morning. In this case, a surge of strength will not cause nervousness. By evening, the surge of energy will gradually run out, and then sleep disturbances will not occur.

In order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of taking antidepressants, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the compatibility of the selected drug with other medicines, even if it is anesthetics, vitamins or dietary supplements.

It is strongly not recommended to take alcohol during the course of "serotonin" antidepressants. It is worth being careful with herbal preparations. For example, regular St. John's wort tea or ginseng tincture can enhance the effect of an antidepressant, which leads to increased side effects or even an overdose.

When buying drugs for a long course, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life of all packages of the drug. Taking even a slightly expired antidepressant is strictly prohibited.

Subject to the above rules, the guarantee is provided by the instructions supplied with the Valdoxan preparation, analogues will also be perceived by the body without unpleasant consequences, and will help to cope with a disease such as depression.

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