Ways to bake potatoes in the oven: in foil, on the wire rack, in uniform, in the company of other products ...

Since potato was brought to Russia, it has become not just a common dish, but truly a staple food. Almost no soup can do without potatoes, and as a side dish, fried potatoes cooked according to various recipes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, jacket potatoes, jacket potatoes are used as a side dish.

In the arsenal of every good housewife there are at least a dozen recipes for cooking potatoes. For many men, their favorite dish is fried potatoes, with onions, lard or mushrooms. Potatoes can be fried according to the principle of fries, in a large amount of oil, and you can cook delicious and tender slices of potatoes in a rustic way.

But do not forget that the task of a loving wife is not only to feed her husband deliciously. You need to try to make the dish useful, but at the same time like the picky taster.

Since childhood, we all love the taste of potatoes baked in the coals of a bonfire. I immediately remember the nightly conversations around the campfire, songs with the guitar, a romantic atmosphere and ... burning potatoes directly from the coals, so friable and fragrant. It seemed that in the world there is nothing tastier than baked potatoes, green onions and pickles.

But this unforgettable taste can be recreated at home. Perhaps only the smell of smoke and hands smeared in soot will be missed.

How to bake potatoes in the oven in foil?

There are many options for cooking potatoes in the oven. Let's start with the easiest way. We simply bake potatoes with salt in foil. In order to get potatoes like from a fire, you just need to wash the medium-sized potatoes, wrap each potato in two layers of foil and send it to the oven. We select the heating mode from above and below, the temperature is 200 degrees and bake potatoes for half an hour, and then at a temperature of 150 degrees we bring to readiness in convection mode. Check potato readiness with a match or a toothpick. Cooking time may vary slightly up or down depending on the variety, size and age of the potatoes.

If you wish, you can not wrap each potato in foil, but simply close the baking dish with foil.

Potato with butter

In order to make the potatoes less dry and more crumbly, you need to bake the potatoes in the oven in a foil with butter. To do this, peel the potatoes, salt, wrap in foil and accompany each potato with a thin piece of butter. Together with him and wrap in foil. And then we send it to the oven in the same mode.

If you want variety

You can bake potatoes in the oven in a foil with filling. As a filling, it is very good to use bacon or lard with streaks of meat. To prepare this dish, we choose medium or even large potatoes. We make several notches across each potato. Cut fat or bacon into thin leaves. Cut the garlic into thin slices. We rub the potatoes with salt, and then in each slot we insert a slice of bacon or fat and a piece of garlic. We wrap potatoes in foil and send to the oven for 190-200 degrees for 40 minutes. Your potato will not burn out for sure, as not only the hostess, but all the households will come running for the smell.

To get fat ...

A very tasty and at the same time very high-calorie way to bake potatoes in the oven in the foil is called β€œfatty”. To prepare this amazingly delicious dish, peel the potatoes, cut them into 3-4 parts, add salt, then lay a thin layer of bacon or lard, spread the tomatoes into thin slices on top, then sprinkle with grated cheese, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with greens. All this splendor is placed in a form in which butter is pre-melted. Cover the form with foil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for a little more than half an hour.

Potato with egg and cheese

A very tasty and very simple way to bake potatoes in the oven in the foil is a potato with egg and cheese. For this dish we need boiled or cooked potatoes until half-cooked. We cut the potatoes into large pieces, salt, break several eggs on top, sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Then we close the form with foil and send it to the oven.

How to cook potatoes in the oven with meat or poultry?

If you plan to bake a meat dish in the oven, it is easiest to choose potatoes as a side dish. To do this, meat or chicken, prepared according to the recipe, must be placed in the center of the form, and lay the potatoes around. Potatoes need only salt. During cooking, the potatoes are saturated with juice and the aroma of a meat dish. As a result, you will get a full hot with a side dish that does not require special care. And the taste of potatoes will delight guests.

Many housewives wonder how much to bake potatoes in the oven. It depends on how juicy the ingredients go with the potatoes into the oven. Empty potatoes will be baked from 45 minutes to an hour, depending on size, and potatoes with meat, butter or lard will be ready in half an hour.

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