Endometriotic ovarian cyst

Since cysts are of various types, then, and, accordingly, the reasons that cause their appearance are also different. The emergence of some is due to hormonal disorders, while others are laid down from birth. But their development is carried out only under the influence of certain factors.

Endometriotic ovarian cyst is a disease requiring surgical intervention. Only functional cysts do not need treatment, since they tend to dissolve either independently or after therapy with hormonal drugs.

Cysts are characterized by twisting or tearing, and this is an extremely acute surgical situation. There are also formations that can become malignant. That is why in the case of exclusion of a functional cyst, which develops as a result of impaired ovarian function, it must be removed without fail.

It should be noted that there are situations when a functional cyst for three months does not resolve. Then it also needs to be removed. But all cysts, despite their malignancy, have certain stages of development. And in the earlier stages, removal is not so dangerous.

So, endometriotic ovarian cyst has four stages of its development. The first is characterized by small point endometriotic formations on the surface of the ovaries, as well as in the abdominal cavity of the rectum-uterine space. There are no cystic cavities.

The second stage is characterized by an endometriotic cyst of only one ovary, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 cm. In the peritoneum of the pelvis - small cystic inclusions. Uterine appendages have a minor adhesion process.

The third stage is similar cysts of both ovaries, which have different sizes. As a rule, one ovary has a formation with a diameter exceeding 5 cm, and the second has an endometrioma, but a small one.

In the fourth stage, the development of cysts of both ovaries of impressive size (more than 6 cm) is observed. In addition, the pathological process goes to neighboring organs, such as the rectum and sigmoid colon, and the bladder. Adhesion process is very common.

Endometriotic ovarian cyst is a formation characterized by a dense capsule, which is filled with dense contents of brown, even chocolate color. That is why it was previously called the "chocolate cyst." Often, it is accompanied by an adhesion process that occurs due to microperforations of cysts during menstruation. Basically, their diameter does not exceed 12 cm.

The main symptoms of this ailment are pains in the lower abdomen, peritoneal phenomena that are associated with the same microperforation of cysts are quite often observed. During a bimanual examination , tumorous formations of a round or ovoid shape are found behind or on the side of the uterus. Such formations are characterized by a tight-elastic consistency, limited mobility due to the adhesion process, sharp pains arise during the study itself.

It should also be noted that the sizes of these cysts vary depending on certain phases of the menstrual cycle. If ovarian endometriosis has other foci, then the diagnosis is greatly facilitated. In addition, the size of the cyst has little effect on the severity of symptoms.

Then, when a large cyst can absolutely not cause symptoms and become an accidental find during a routine examination, minimal endometriosis of the peritoneum of the pelvis, for example, can lead to disability.

Therefore, it is so important to monitor your own health and undergo timely preventive examinations. After all, already the first stage of treatment of such an ailment involves surgery. As well as a two-chamber ovarian cyst, all cysts must be removed by surgical intervention because of the impossibility of other methods to obtain the full therapeutic effect, as well as because of oncological alertness.

The most effective is the removal of all completely visible foci, resection of the ovary within only healthy tissues. It is also required to vaporize the foci along the peritoneum and process the bed of the cyst with a CO2 laser. For young women of childbearing age, such surgical intervention has slightly worse consequences than for older women.

Mainly because the endometriotic ovarian cyst involves in the pathological process not only the fallopian tubes, but also neighboring organs (bladder, rectosigmoid intestine and ureters). This all causes significant difficulties, and also increases to a certain extent the risk of complications during surgery.

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