Anthony Rapp Biography: films, music, memoirs

The actor, who is known to a wide circle of people more because of the scandal with Kevin Spacey, than because of his roles in films and musicals. What is this mysterious man really like? Anthony Dean Rapp - musician, film and theater figure, writer. Born in a family of five, including parents, October 26 (Scorpio) 1971 in Chicago (Illinois, USA). From two years old was raised by his mother, because his parents divorced. After the divorce, the family consisted of Anthony, his older brother, sister and their mother.

Rapp in glasses

The beginning of the way

The boy began his theatrical career at the age of six. At the age of 11 he was accepted into the cast of the Broadway musical, which failed during the preview and did not reach its audience in the future. In school times, the boy often brought home rewards for participating and winning singing competitions. After graduating from high school, Anthony studied at the theater camp for several years, and then entered the university. At 29, Anthony is releasing a debut album Look Around, consisting of 12 songs.

Mother's death

When Anthony was 26 years old, he experiences the death of the person closest in his life - his mother Mary Lee passed away. The mother of three children was hardened in a family of 14 children, was the eldest daughter. Mary did not feel the attention and love of her parents to herself, this allowed her to grow up a strong and independent girl. After graduating from the university at the Department of Medicine, she worked in the profession.

Rapp photo

We can say that she was an altruist in life, because from childhood she helped younger brothers and sisters, and then her work was connected with caring for other people. Mary promised to give her children everything they need. I tried to do as much as possible for them. In 1997, Mary's body was no longer able to fight cancer, and the woman died.


Three years after losing her mother, Anthony is releasing his first book, which he devotes to her. Anthony was prompted to issue his thoughts in the form of a book not only by the fact that at that time his brother was already a popular writer, but also by his mother's great interest in reading during his lifetime.

In the book, Anthony writes about his formation as a man and an actor, thanks his mother for this, because she supported the son most of all the way and believed in him from the very beginning, no matter what. You can also read in Anthony’s memoirs that even with her death, his mother helped him grow up and understand life more.

Actor Rapp

After the release of the book in one of his interviews, Anthony addressed a topic such as the death of a loved one. He said that a person who survived the loss of his family should subsequently discover in himself the features of the deceased, especially if the deceased supported him during his lifetime.

Actor's career

The debut in the film career of Anthony was the picture Adventures In Babysitting. At the age of 33, Rapp was looking for a suitable role. The musical "Bohemia" seemed to him quite attractive. He is recorded for auditions and auditioned, for which Anthony Rapp prepared a small production with the song Losing My Religion. Then she learns that he was enrolled in the troupe of actors. It was this picture that brought him the greatest popularity and helped to significantly increase the level of acting, the number of shows exceeded five thousand.

Anthony starred in TV shows, films, musicals and television programs. His track record as an actor consists of 36 roles. Here are the Anthony Rapp films that have garnered the greatest audience response:

  • “Stoned in Confusion” (1993).
  • The Six Degrees of Alienation (1993).
  • "Tornado" (1996).
  • "Road Adventure" (2001).
  • The Games of the Mind (2001).
  • “Love and Other Circumstances” (2010).
Rapp Anthony photo

Due to the popularity gained, the actor was invited to shoot the X-Files, and after that there was Blackbird (2007), Connection (2012), Premiere (2016) and Star Trek: Discovery (2017).

The selection of roles for Anthony took place solely after reading the script. He liked to play in paintings that were filled with an intellectual component and a meaning suitable for his worldview.

Personal life

The actor openly stated that he was bisexual. He first shared this with his mother at age 18. Used his fame as a tool to uphold the rights of LGBT minorities.

Last October, Anthony Rapp fans remembered his public confessions about harassment by Weinstein. And also the actor told in one of his interviews about harassment by Kevin Spacey. Kevin invited a 14-year-old boy to a party he organized in his house. Rapp, of course, came, but at the holiday he was bored and he went into the room to be alone and watch TV. According to Anthony Rapp, the 26-year-old Spacey, who smelled of alcohol, entered the room and tried to molest a teenager. Anthony also went into details and said that Spacey's plan could have reached an unpleasant ending for the boy if Kevin had not been drunk so much.

Microphone Rapp

Kevin Spacey did not delay with an answer and apologized to Anthony on his twitter account. However, along with this, he also said that he did not remember such an incident in his life, at least with Anthony Rapp. On top of that, Anthony has come out and told all his readers that he prefers homosexual relationships.

Rapp about his orientation

In 2012, Metro Weekly Anthony Rapp was recognized as the first gay gay on Broadway. Anthony himself prefers to call himself simply strange. Indeed, in his personal life, Anthony Rapp prefers men more. He is more homosexual than heterosexual. This is due to the fact that in his youth, the guy was in love with several men. However, the actor Anthony Rapp is not averse to relationships with girls. Perhaps his orientation was also influenced by the harassment that occurred even as a teenager on the part of men.

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