ASD (fraction 2): reviews, human use, instructions, benefits and harms

“Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant”, named after its creator, candidate of veterinary sciences A. V. Dorogov, was developed in the middle of the twentieth century. The drug has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, in addition, it is a powerful adaptogen that helps the body resist external irritants.

Alexander Vlasovich Dorogov

Description of the drug

In the manufacture of an antiseptic, it is divided into several components: the first part is almost water, which has not found its application in medicine, and the second and third parts, the so-called fractions, are used in the treatment of animals.

Medicines ASD (fraction 2) and ASD (fraction 3) are substances of animal origin derived from the sublimation of waste meat and bone production. By the method of dry sublimation from the residues of the organic mixture upon heating, an unpleasantly smelling liquid is obtained.

The development of the drug ASD was carried out with the aim of increasing the stability of immunity and counteracting radiation. Currently, the use of ASD is carried out only in the field of veterinary medicine, official science does not recognize this drug. Therefore, in a pharmacy to buy this substance is not possible. But he found his application in informal medicine.

ASD drug benefit and harm

Fraction properties

Antiseptic is a volatile substance of a liquid consistency and red color. Color shift towards yellow gamut or dark brown is allowed. Sometimes it has a crystallized precipitate with a smell similar to hydrogen sulfide.

Sale is carried out in veterinary hospitals, pharmacies and points of sale of medicines for animals. Experts note the positive effect of the fraction both as an antiseptic and as a stimulant. The price of ASD (fraction 2) varies from 300 to 450 rubles.

The composition of the drug

Inorganic components such as carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, and ammonium compounds occur in the stimulator. Deciphering the organic components is much more difficult, namely: the medicine contains decane, cyclopetane, methyl mercaptan, acetate methylamine, acetic acid and thiol components. Treatment of a person with this antiseptic with minor side effects has earned a lot of good reviews. ASD (fraction 2) is absolutely non-toxic to the body and is completely absorbed by its cells, and is also allowed for use by allergy sufferers.

Release Forms

Dorogov's Antiseptic Stimulator is available in the following forms:

  1. Liquid soluble fraction of ASD 2 and ASD 3.
  2. Cream and balm containing ASD.
  3. Drops under the brand of dietary supplements.
  4. Candles with cocoa butter.

The drug in a liquid substance is produced according to specifications in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml.

ASD fraction 3

Application features

Treatment of ASD (fraction 2) is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Dilute the drug in boiled water or milk.
  2. The most useful is considered to be half an hour before meals or 3 hours after.
  3. It is not recommended to take alcohol-containing drinks in parallel.
  4. Only this fraction is acceptable for use inside.
  5. The composition of the ASD (fraction 2) helps to thicken the blood flow, therefore, in combination with the drug, it is recommended to take a quarter of the acetylsalicylic acid tablet.
  6. In order to prevent evaporation of the medicine in case of use in a compress, it is necessary to shift the gauze with paper, preferably parchment, and cotton, and then bandage the compress.
  7. It is advisable to quit smoking.
  8. Drink up to three liters of fluid daily.

Allowable dosage

There are universal manufacturer's dosages aimed at the maximum benefit of ASD (fraction 2). Today, the drug is used to treat a person only in the form of drops.

Reception is carried out twice a day with a break of twelve hours according to the scheme:

  • Monday - 5 and 10 drops;
  • Tuesday - 15 and 20 drops;
  • Wednesday - 20 and 25 drops;
  • Thursday - 25 and 30 drops;
  • Friday - 30 and 25 drops;
  • Saturday - two times 35 drops;
  • Sunday is a break.

Further, treatment is continued with 35 drops 2 times a day for a month.

When using the drug ASD (fraction 2), there are no contraindications. In cases observed due to intolerance to individual components of the drug, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Mixing Rules

Taking the drug from the bottle

Mixing the drug with a water base is necessary as follows:

  • shake the vial with the drug several times;
  • use a disposable syringe to take the substance;
  • leave the needle in a bottle, and lower the syringe into a glass with liquid;
  • slowly inject the medicine into a glass, avoiding the formation of foam;
  • mix the resulting mixture and use inside.

How to purchase an original drug

An important point in the treatment is the acquisition of genuine ASD (fraction 2). Reviews about the drug as a medicine for all diseases are slightly exaggerated. If there is a great desire to try the effect of the drug on yourself, the purchase must be made only at the veterinary center or clinic.

In order not to be deceived and purchase a real drug, you need to know how it looks externally.

The drug ASD (fraction 2) is a reddish-yellow liquid that has a bright smell of a specific content, namely rotten meat. Perhaps the dissolution of the drug in water. Recommended for indoor and outdoor use.

The drug ASD (fraction 3) is a thick black liquid mass with almost the same odor as the second fraction. It is practically insoluble in water, but can be dissolved in alcohols and oils. Recommended for external use only.

In addition, when buying a drug, you need to study the appearance of the bottle. Armavir Biofactory and NEC “Agrovetzashchita” are engaged in the production of medicines.

If the manufacturer is Armavir Biofactory, then the bottle has distinctive features:

  • plastic cap on the bottle cap;
  • there is a trademark on the lid;
  • after removing the cover it is impossible to put it back;
  • the blockage of the vessel under the lid is carried out with a rubber stopper;
  • there is a holographic sign with the number of the bottle, consisting of three Latin letters and four numbers, and a logo.

The drug produced at the Scientific and Production Center "Agrovetzashchita" also has distinctive features. In this case, packaging is carried out in glass or polymer bottles, always with rubber inserts and aluminum caps, packed in red-white cardboard boxes with enclosed instructions.

If you take into account the above features, you can significantly reduce the risk of acquiring a fake ASD fraction 2. The composition of the drug described in the instructions will also help determine the originality of the substance.

Application for the treatment of animals

The use of ASD in horses

Since the drug is positioned as a veterinary, for the treatment of animals it is used in accordance with the instructions. Given the low price of ASD (fraction 2), it is prescribed to animals not only to eliminate the symptoms of diseases, but also to stabilize the state and increase immunity. It is necessary to give the drug to animals before or during the first meal with the following dosage:

  1. Dogs can only use the medicine after six months of age at the rate of 2 ml fractions per 40 ml of water.
  2. For horses up to a year, 5 ml of the drug is bred in 100 ml of water. From a year to three years, the dose is adjusted to 10 ml. Adult horses are recommended no more than 20 ml diluted in ½ liter of water.
  3. Hatching poultry chicks are given 0.1 ml of solution per 1 kg of mass, mature individuals - 0.35 ml per 1 liter of water.
  4. The calves are given a solution of 100 ml of liquid and 5 ml of the drug, and 20 ml of cows and bulls per 300 ml of water.
  5. Dosage is applied to sheep: up to six months - 2 ml, from six months to a year 3 ml, for adults 5-10 ml per 100 ml of water.
  6. Pigs depending on age are given from 2 to 10 ml per 50-200 ml of liquid.

Use for human treatment

The drug is possible to use to improve the functioning of the autonomic, immune and endocrine systems. In the treatment with a stimulant, a rather rapid absorption of the drug ASD into the blood and lymph occurs (fraction 2).

There are currently no reviews from doctors, since the drug is not used in official medicine. But those who tested it on their own say about the normalization of metabolism and confirm that drops of ASD are effective in treating problems of the lungs, stomach, intestines, neuroses, oncological, gynecological and dermatological directions, and in addition, diseases of otolaryngology and endocrinology.

The use of ASD for humans (fraction 2) is carried out from month to year. The combination of the drug is allowed with various medicines. After three to four weeks of admission, there is an improvement in problem states, lightness and a surge of strength. In the absence of relief of painful conditions, experts do not recommend immediately giving negative reviews about ASD (fraction 2). After a few months, it is proposed to start treatment again. In case of newly arising problems when taking an antiseptic, there is only one advice: to cancel the reception and never return to it again.

Indications for use

Compress with ASD

The largest number of prescriptions is associated with the use of drops inside. In the field of alternative medicine, the use of ASD for humans (fraction 2) is considered a salvation from many diseases:

  1. Gynecological problems require a course of treatment with 15 drops of a fraction dissolved in 100 ml of water, twice a day. In this case, it is recommended to drink the solution for five days, and then take a break for three days. You can douche with 100 ml of liquid with 60 drops of an antiseptic.
  2. In diseases of the nervous system, 10 drops dissolved in 100 ml of liquid are taken once during the first week. After increase the dose by 5 drops daily and bring up to 25 drops per day.
  3. In case of problems with the heart and blood vessels, the use is possible according to the traditional scheme or treatment scheme of the nervous system.
  4. Ophthalmic diseases involve a double dose of five drops of a drug dissolved in water. Treatment is carried out in five-day courses with three-day breaks.
  5. Dental and oral problems should be treated by applying a swab moistened with a solution to the affected area.
  6. To prevent colds, the fraction is used internally or inhaled by mixing 15 ml of the composition with a liter of water.
  7. In otolaryngology, the medicine is used for washing and compresses from a 20% stimulant solution.
  8. Overweight can be reduced with the initial drip of a solution of 35 drops and 250 ml of liquid. Weekly, the dose is reduced, bringing the intake to 20 drops.
  9. Diseases of the stomach and intestines can be cured by taking 25 drops dissolved in 125 ml of liquid.
  10. You can eliminate problems with baldness by trying to rub a five percent solution into the skin on the head.
  11. Rheumatism and sciatica can be treated with compresses and daily oral administration of 5 ml of the fraction, mixed in a glass of liquid.
  12. The problem with an uncontrolled increase in pressure is stopped by using 20 drops per 100 ml of liquid.
  13. Dermatological diseases, including fungal lesions, are treated externally, wiping the problem area on the skin with a 1% solution.

The use of fractions by cancer patients

In oncology, ASD (fraction 2) is used according to a separate scheme. First, you must take 10 drops within five days. After the first five days, the dosage is increased by one and a half times. Then, every fifth day of admission add another five drops, bringing the intake to 50 drops.

Application of drops inside

Reviews of doctors and patients

Doctors are wary of treating ASD (fraction 2). Reviews of most experts indicate the inadmissibility of using the drug to treat people.

The imprint is imposed by the fact that the antiseptic is created by a veterinarian. Some consider the use of ASD for people riding unprofessionalism. Others allow the drug to be taken at least for the placebo effect, but only as an additional therapy in combination with the main treatment.

Patients, under the influence of the online community, or seeing a positive trend in acquaintances, start taking the drug and consider it a panacea for all ills.

Side effects

Can ASD (fraction 2) cause harm to the body? This is possible when the patient blindly believes in the effect of the drug, ignores the advice of the attending physician, and improvement does not occur.

Side effects may be:

  • burning sensation on skin and mucous membranes;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

Some note the inability to use the drug due to the specific smell. In some patients, medication causes nausea and vomiting.

Rinse solution

Some patients use an uncontrolled drug to treat serious illnesses, which entails unpredictable consequences. Doctors of alternative medicine who advise this drug talk about the use of the fraction as an adjuvant, but they do not recommend replacing it with the main treatment.

Storage conditions

The SDA tool (fraction 2) should be stored in a dark place. The optimum temperature is up to 25 degrees. Shelf life - no more than 4 years.

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