"Motilium": analogues, instructions for use, reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions and analogues of this drug for the Motilium drug.

It is an English-made drug. It is prescribed when there are health problems associated with improper functioning of the digestive system.

Drug description

Motilium is a medical product that has a stimulating effect on peristalsis. This drug is quite high safety. The presented remedy is taken for such unpleasant symptoms as bloating along with soreness, nausea, vomiting, flatulence and heartburn. In order for the medication to show maximum effectiveness, you need to adhere to all medical recommendations.

Motilium analogues

Analogues of Motilium should be selected by a doctor.

Composition and form of release

The medicine is released in tablets and in suspension. The main active ingredient in the composition is domperidone. Next, we find out in what cases doctors can prescribe Motilium tablets and analogues.

Indications for use

Motilium is used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Slow digestion.
  • The presence of reflux disease of the stomach.
  • The presence of esophagitis.
  • Frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting.

Now we will figure out when this tool should not be used.


The presented drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • With liver pathologies of varying severity.
  • In the presence of a pituitary tumor.
  • Against the background of intolerance to the components that make up the drug.
  • With bleeding in the digestive system.
  • Against the background of interaction with certain medicines.

Additional contraindications for tablets are children under twelve years of age and a body weight of less than thirty-five kilograms.

motilium instructions for use analogues

Side effects

Possible side effects include drowsiness along with headaches, restlessness syndrome, dry mouth, amenorrhea, excretion from the mammary glands, impaired cycle and asthenia. Various allergic reactions are also likely. Side effects that can occur during the use of the drug also include various mental disorders in the form of a state of depression and anxiety, and, in addition, convulsions along with extrapyramidal syndrome, diarrhea, and so on.

The price of a drug

The cost of the drug we describe in Russian pharmacies ranges from four hundred to seven hundred rubles. Many people want to choose analogues cheaper than Motilium suspension.

List of analogues of this drug

The drug has analogues of foreign and domestic production. Analogues of Motilium (for example, Motilak, Cerucal, Domperidone, Metoclopramide or Ganaton) are often prescribed as a substitute for this medicine. In our country, Motilak and Domperidon are produced - these analogues are not only domestic, but also cheap, in comparison with the original Motilium. Drugs in the form of "Ganaton" and "Cerucal" are drugs of foreign production. As for Metoclopramide, it is produced both in Russia and abroad. Russian analogues of Motilium are no less effective.

motilium reviews analogues

Among other things, if necessary, the medication can be replaced with generics, which also contain domperidone. We are talking about such drugs as Gastropom, Domidon, Domrid and Brulium. In addition, the analogues of Motilium are Intanorm, Motizhect, Perilium, Nausilium, Passenger and others.

The drug "Motilium" differs from the above funds from the list mainly only in price and manufacturer. The effectiveness of all these drugs has been proven by scientific research. Next, consider the analogues of "Motilium" in more detail.

The drug "Motilak"

This drug is a cheap Russian drug containing the same active substance as the original. This substitute has the same indications for use as Motilium. Motilak is available in the form of lozenges.

Contraindications in the analogue and the original coincide. The only difference is the possibility of using Motilium in early childhood from birth (provided that a suspension is used for treatment), and Motilak is prohibited for babies weighing up to twenty kilograms. The average cost for Motilak is two hundred rubles. Reviews about this substitute are more positive. The advantage of Motilak is its low price, and the disadvantage is the limited number of dosage forms.

Analogue "Ganaton"

The medicinal substance is the Japanese analogue of Motilium. It has the same indications for use as the original, but another active substance is itoprid hydrochloride.

Motilium analogues Russian

According to the instructions for use, the Motilium analogue is released only in tablets. It is contraindicated in children. Unlike Motilium, which is strictly controlled during pregnancy, Ganaton is strictly prohibited when carrying a child. The average cost of "Ganaton" is six hundred rubles, reviews about the analogue are positive, but sometimes people write about the occurrence of side effects against the background of its use.

The advantage of "Ganaton" is a high level of bioavailability, since it is almost completely absorbed in the body. The disadvantage of Ganaton is the presence of a greater number of contraindications and adverse reactions.

Analog "Tserukal"

It is another cheap analogue of Motilium, it is produced in Croatia. Indications for use are somewhat different from the original, since the main effect of this analogue is aimed at eliminating vomiting and nausea. The active ingredient is metoclopramide.

This analogue has more contraindications to use than Motilium. The list of side effects is also wider. The price is from fifty to two hundred rubles. Reviews are often associated with complaints of side effects.

The main advantage of this analogue is its price. The disadvantages include a limited number of release forms along with an extensive list of contraindications.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use. Analogues of Motilium in tablets are not difficult to pick up.

Analog "Domperidone"

This drug is a Russian cheap analogue of Motilium. They have the same active substance. Indications, respectively, are identical. The drug "Domperidone" is available in tablets, in the form of a solution for oral administration, in the form of suppositories and suspensions.

Contraindications along with adverse reactions in these drugs are also the same. The average cost for Domperidon is from one hundred to two hundred rubles. Reviews of this inexpensive substitute are mostly positive.

The advantages of Domperidone are the variety of release options and its cost. There are no obvious shortcomings, in this regard, we can assume that this analogue is very good for replacement.

We continue the list of analogues, cheaper than Motilium.

analogue of Motilium tablets

Analog "Metoclopramide"

This drug is also a cheap analogue containing metoclopramide hydrochloride. Indications for use with this substitute coincide with Motilium, but contraindications are somewhat different. For example, "Metoclopramide" is forbidden to take in the presence of bronchial asthma and during pregnancy.

The number of possible adverse reactions is slightly larger than that of the original. For example, when it is taken in people, extrapyramidal symptoms and spasms of the facial muscles can occur. The price of the drug is about one hundred and twenty rubles. Thus, the main advantage of this substitute is its price, and the disadvantage is that there are more contraindications than Motilium.

Analogues of Motilium: is it worth giving preference to expensive drugs?

Today in the pharmaceutical market you can find a huge amount of interchangeable medicines. Motilium with its analogues is available to consumers in every pharmacy. In this regard, if necessary, the replacement of this medicine difficulties, as a rule, does not arise.

Some analogues may be cheaper than the prescribed treatment. But, despite the lower cost, they are able to qualitatively replace the main drug. But what then is the difference between the drugs? In most situations, it lies in the fact that expensive medicines are time-tested, so they often turn out to be safer to use, unlike regularly appearing counterparts.

motilium instructions for use tablets analogs

In addition, important factors in the selection of a substitute are the body's response to the active component and the presence of the necessary release options. For example, for children, the drug that is produced in the form of a suspension is more suitable. It is worth noting that not all medicines are produced in this format.

Cheap analogues are a good way to save money, but in no case should you independently select and purchase medicinal substitutes (especially for drugs prescribed for a child), as this can be very dangerous. In this regard, without consulting a specialist regarding replacement, it is not worth the risk of choosing a cheap analogue once again. It is always best to buy what was prescribed by a competent specialist.

Next, we find out what consumers write about the Motilium drug, and also find out that they report the use of its analogues for the treatment of problems associated with the digestive system.

Reviews on "Motilium" and analogues of this drug

People write about Motilium that it helps a lot with various undesirable manifestations of the digestive system. It is noted that this tool effectively copes with vomiting, nausea and flatulence. The active ingredient domperidone does not have a toxic effect on the body, therefore it is well tolerated.

People also write that they prefer this particular drug and with dyspepsia. But also some note that analogues such as Domperidon and Motilak also easily solve this problem. It is emphasized that the difference between Motilium and its substitutes is practically absent. But many in their reviews admit that they give their preference to still imported Motilium, even though a number of substitutes are cheaper. But when severe vomiting occurs, consumers report that they do not use Motilium, but Cyclizine or Tserukal.

motilium analogues cheaper list

Be that as it may, it is worth saying that for problems with digestion, people write about the effectiveness of various drugs. This is not to say that the effectiveness of Motilium is too exalted and too emphasized. Consumers report the efficacy of Metoclopramide, Ganaton, and other substitutes for Motilium. Both the original and its analogues, patients report that they do not notice any serious side effects. Therefore, given the relatively equal level of effectiveness and safety of these drugs, it is worth giving preference to one or another medicine, based on your financial situation.

We reviewed the Motilium product instructions and analogues of this drug.

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