In 1835, Gogol wrote the comedy The Examiner. It was created within two months. The plot of this work prompted the author to Pushkin. Comedy was staged in 1836 at the Alexandria Theater. Characteristics of Strawberries from the "Examiner" will be presented in this article.
The time and place of the comedy
In the dark period of the reign of Nicholas I , the work takes place. Characteristics of Strawberries from the "Examiner" reflects the characteristics of the era. At that time, there was a system of denunciation and investigation. Various social vices are revealed in comedy: embezzlement, bribery, etc. Gogol wrote that he decided to collect all the bad things in our country and to laugh at everyone at the Inspector General. The action takes place in 1831, in one of the county cities of the Saratov province. In it, as in any state, there is its own education, healthcare, and justice. Their officials are at the head of institutions. The most important of them is Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Anton Antonovich, the mayor. This is the head of this county town.
Strawberries: a brief description
Strawberry Artemy Filippovich is the trustee of charitable institutions in the work. In the comedy "The Examiner" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, this is a secondary character. Strawberries - a bogeyman and a gossip, giving out all the ins and outs of officials, his colleagues, to the imaginary auditor from self-interest. This is a brief description of Strawberries from the "Examiner".
Character Features of Strawberries
Let's consider this image in more detail. About one of his colleagues, a school superintendent, Strawberry says he does not understand how his bosses could entrust such a position to him. Indeed, in his opinion, this man is "worse than the Jacobin." He inspires adolescents with unintentional rules. In these words the characteristic of Strawberries from the "Examiner" is revealed in more detail. You can see a man who is used to taking the place of his colleagues, to sit them down.
A hypocrite and a careerist, very fussy and helpful Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika. The characteristic ("Examiner") of his appearance is as follows. The body of the official has an impressive size. He is a rogue and a dodger in character, which enhances the comic effect in the work. Clumsy and clumsy, he in any twists and turns of fate manages to slip to a good ending.
The situation in hospitals
The characterization of Strawberries from the comedy "The Examiner" is also revealed to the reader when Gogol describes this personβs management method. It consists in the following: with good intentions to justify their actions. For example, talking about the fact that he does not buy expensive medicines for charitable institutions, he justifies himself on time: "the closer to nature, the better." But we can understand from the context that in this way it simply saves on people.
Clutter and dirt reign in hospitals. Cooks wear dirty caps, and the patients themselves have such clothes, as if they were working in a forge. Patients also smoke constantly. Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis and treating patients.
Nikolai Vasilievich speaks of the incredible indifference to those who are in the service of people through the characterization of the trustee of charitable institutions. This is a "fat" man, but "a dodger is thin." Patients in the hospital entrusted to him are dying like flies. The doctor (German Gibner Khristian Ivanovich) does not speak Russian, while Strawberry reasoned calmly that the Russian person is simple - he will die, he will die, and will recover, and so will recover.
Strawberry Ability
Able Strawberries and curry favor. The mayor is precisely why Khlestakov is first of all driven to the charitable institutions under his jurisdiction. When asked why there are almost no patients in one of them, he finds in response a fatal excuse that βlike fliesβ everyone here is recovering. Khlestakov, who is not very attentive and quick-witted, does not notice a dirty trick in his speech. The caretaker of charitable institutions, knowing his main dignity - to curry favor, is envious of Khlestakova sincerely. Mocking a middle-ranking official who receives more from his position than as an infinite ruler gives people, Gogol created an image that has survived for centuries. And centuries later, it is not morally obsolete; today it is quite relevant.
Strawberry - careerist
Strawberries, this scorched careerist, believes that any means are good for moving forward on the career ladder. He, like the mayor, is ready to appear, if not as a person of high virtues, then at least as an extremely conscientious and executive official. Seeking to earn a reputation on denunciations and hijackings, he "sells" without hesitation his "friends." Strawberries at the same time assures Khlestakov that he commits such acts "for the good of the fatherland." This official will never miss the opportunity to reconcile, knowing that flattery and toadiness will fully pay for themselves. A keen sense of envy arouses in him the elevation of a city official, which is noted in the work by Gogol (The Examiner). Characteristics of Strawberries in the main features was presented by us. We also note the features of the characters in the comedy that interests us.
Character Features in the Work
All characters in the work are purely comic characters. Nikolai Vasilievich does not portray them as extraordinary people. The writer is interested in what is found everywhere and what everyday, ordinary life consists of. Many of the secondary characters described by the author only reinforce the impression that Nikolai Vasilyevich depicts ordinary, ordinary people. Such is the characterization of the heroes in the
work of The Examiner . Strawberries are just one of them.