Vaccination "Nobivak Rabies". Instruction manual

What is vaccination everyone knows. Vaccinations are given to children and, as necessary, adults are vaccinated. The same vaccination is for pets. The goal is to develop immunity to the disease. Having such protection, the pet is guaranteed not to get sick and will not be a source of disease for people and other animals in its environment.

Each animal has a veterinary passport, which is received when the first vaccination is given to a puppy or kitten in a veterinary clinic. In it, on certain pages, the dates and names of injections are recorded. Modern vaccinations that are given to animals do not differ from similar vaccines intended for humans. The company Intervet International BV (Netherlands) has developed and produces a comprehensive vaccine Nobivac Rabies, the series of which are intended for dogs and cats.

vaccine nobiac rabies

About vaccination of animals

The Nobivak series was created to develop a stable immunity to diseases such as hepatitis, enteritis, plague, rabies and others. The series includes the following types: "Nobivak BB", "Nobivak Triquet Trio", "Nobivak" Forket "and" Nobivak Rabies "for cats. For dogs produced: "Nobivak DHPPi", "Nobivak Lepto", "Nobivak Pappi DP", "Nobivak Rabies". In particular, the vaccine "Nobivak Rabies" is managing the rabies virus.

The vaccine material, a single dose of the virus strain, is in a sterile vial. The animal can be double vaccinated, protecting it from several diseases. The choice of vaccination option depends on the age of your beloved pet and its state of health. The epidemiological situation at the place of stay of the animal is important.

Vaccination preparation

nobiac rabies for cats

Before vaccination, a compulsory examination of the animal by a veterinarian is carried out. The vaccine is given to a healthy pet who will cope with the disease that he has “planted” and will develop a strong immunity against viruses thanks to “Nobivak Rabies”. Instructions for preparing for vaccination include the requirement for compulsory worms to be driven out of the animal's body with anthelmintic drugs. Prevention is carried out at least 2 weeks before vaccination so that the dog or cat recovers. After all, deworming is stress for the body of an animal.

If the dog or cat is predisposed to allergies, they receive suprastin before vaccination. In the case when the animal needs to be given two vaccinations according to the schedule, it is necessary to maintain the interval between them for at least three weeks.

"Nobivak Rabies." Instruction manual

  1. Before vaccination, the shelf life of the drug is checked. The term of use of the drug from the release date indicated on the bottle is two years.
  2. The grafting material is stored under the conditions specified in the instructions. An expired vaccine cannot be used.
  3. Vaccination is done by a doctor in a veterinary clinic and has been monitoring the “patient” for some time, since there have been cases of an unusual response of the animal to the vaccination.
  4. Vaccinations for animals are made exclusively with sterile disposable syringes. One bottle goes for one vaccination.
  5. Vaccination to the animal is carried out under the skin or is administered intramuscularly.
  6. The powder is diluted with a special solution “Nobivak Diluent”.

Nobiak Rabies Instruction

Please note that after vaccination "Nobivak Rabies" for cats and dogs, the quarantine regimen is maintained for three days. At this time, it is recommended to monitor the animal and, in case of unusual behavior, consult a doctor. During the quarantine period, the pet should not catch a cold, you can not bathe it and overwork it with jogging and active games.

Myths and Fears

Owners of animals are sure that not all breeds of dogs suffer from plague, which means they do not need vaccinations. Or suggest that vaccination can cause a serious illness. Fears are unfounded. A dog or cat can become ill if vaccination rules are violated or quarantine is not sustained. According to statistics, mongrels and some breeds of terriers are less sensitive to diseases. More susceptible to disease poodles, German shepherds, setters. Rabies is an infectious disease.

Nobiak Rabies Instruction

All animals without exception are vaccinated against rabies. This vaccination is done regularly throughout the life of the animal. Inactive strains of viruses that prevent the development of rabies in cats and dogs contain the Nobivak Rabies vaccine. The instructions for this vaccine explain how to administer it. It, unlike other vaccines in this series, is available as a suspension. It is administered subcutaneously and gives stable immunity for three years. But this vaccine is difficult to tolerate, so quarantine for animals after it lasts two weeks.

Consequences of the use of the drug "Nobivak Rabies"

The instructions for any vaccine always contain the vaccination schedule proposed by the manufacturer. The swelling formed at the injection site passes through time. If the animal has allergies, nausea, or vomiting, the veterinarian calculated dose of adrenaline should be administered subcutaneously. Contraindication to a specific vaccine is individual intolerance.

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