What is a song and what is its meaning?

What is a song

A lot of words have been written about what a song is, but how does it affect our body, why does a person often express his emotions and feelings through it? Each country has its own culture, and the song in it takes one of the first places. For a long time, storytellers and musicians have been highly esteemed. With their songs they could call for battle and for dancing.

The power of music is manifested during difficult trials. Hot Sunday in June 1941, Nazi boots are already stomping the land of Ukraine and Belarus, their tanks are rushing to our capital, sweeping away everything living in its path. But a song written by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach flies towards them. It was under it that a huge country began to rise in order to repulse the German invaders. So what is a song? These are not just words matched to rhyme and music. In every sound, in every word of a good song, a real power is hidden that can support in difficult times and give more strength to achieve the goal. The song helped the fighters at the front, the performances of the artists cheered up. With her they went into battle and perished. Lyrical song supported in the evenings by a fire or stove.

lyrics search
Time flies inexorably, politicians change, countries disappear and are born. Every period, every moment has its own song. It is impossible to sing an aria while standing around a campfire with a guitar, and a person singing a polka during a funeral will also look out of place. The main feature of the modern world is an increase in production. The song was also put on stream, they began to appear much more. The Internet made it possible to fill the library with what you really like. To do this, just use the search for a song by text or melody, which you can just sing into the microphone.

Unfortunately, people are beginning to forget what a song is, subject to a whirlpool of mass. Sometimes it’s just horror when you see on the screen the next voiceless β€œhowler” trying to do something on stage. The songs should reflect the state of culture of the people. But if you listen to what is pouring on us from the TV screens or from the speakers of the radios, then even it becomes scary to live. The modern stage resembles a club of depraved girls and men. Have people really pushed out of their heads the knowledge of what a song is? The heritage of the whole people should be kept in it. So are there really only pearls left for our descendants like the Chocolate Hare or the fairy tales of the Red Mold group?

lyric song
But the culture of the people cannot be destroyed by consumer goods, which is broadcast by most of the media. There are circles and entire organizations whose purpose is to preserve the public domain. These groups of people learn and perform national songs and dances. A vivid and vivid example of such a national association is the performance of "Buranovskie grandmothers" at the Eurovision-2012 contest. And after all, they were able to get around a lot of eminent and well-known competitors. All this suggests that the strength of any song is not in mass, but in the energy that is embedded in it. Ancient people knew about this. Their songs and dances are charged with a powerful stream of energy. No need to try to forget their work, as a people who do not know their history and culture will be poor and unhappy.

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