Wide condylomas: causes, treatment methods, consequences

Condylomas are benign skin epithelial lesions caused by the human papillomavirus. The growths can be single or numerous, placed on the skin or on the mucous layers. It was noted that most of the formation of genital warts occurs in protected areas that are prone to moisture and the ingestion of dermatological and mucous secretions (inguinal folds, corners of the mouth, sexual organs, axillary cavities). Wide condylomas occur with syphilis.

Despite the wide distribution, condylomas have been little studied, and data on them are unsystematic and paradoxical. Being harmless, these formations form only aesthetic discomfort, which, as a rule, becomes the main factor in contacting a doctor. But it is impossible to ignore the fact that benign creatures in some cases degenerate into a source of cancer. This circumstance, as well as the almost global prevalence of human papillomavirus, require the closest interest of scientists and force them to find effective methods of cure. In particular, work is ongoing to create the right vaccine.

syphilis on the penis

Risk factors for widespread genital warts

This virus is widely known and has a high degree of contagiousness. More than fifty percent of people who have sex are carriers of one or more strains of the virus, which cause widespread warts. Once in the human body, HPV dramatically changes the nature of tissue growth, which provokes diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. There are more than 100 types of HPV, with each stimulating a variety of diseases, including precancerous.

Main reasons

The causes that increase the risk of infection with wide condylomas in men on the head and in women on the small lips include:

  • transferred STDs (chlamydia, tripper, trichomoniasis, herpes, candidiasis, etc.);
  • free sexual behavior (infection with frequent replacement of sexual partners through a partner who had previously had sexual intercourse with an HPV carrier);
  • internal factors of the body (lowered immunity, lack of vitamins, a tendency to stress);
  • pregnancy;
  • vaginal dysbiosis.
condylomas in men on the head

How does the infection develop?

The formation of HPV infection is determined by the state of the body's immune interactions. Depending on this, the more likely options for the formation of papillomavirus infection are:

  • self-healing, regression of genital warts, (in particular, arising during pregnancy);
  • the absence of any dynamics over an extended period of time;
  • gradual or rapid growth of genital warts (increase in volume, quantity);
  • malignant modification of genital warts.

What do strains mean

HPV strains of medium and high risk stimulate the formation of cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer, but do not stimulate the formation of wide warts. HPV strains of low risk provoke the occurrence of the latter, but do not stimulate cervical dysplasia. Girls infected with high-risk HPV are required to constantly undergo research (oncocytology) in order to quickly detect cervical dysplasia.

With a complicated form of the formation of anogenital warts, damage and infection can occur, hemophilia can be noticed. In addition, genital warts interfere with normal sexual life and traditional childbirth, stimulate a feeling of emotional discomfort due to the presence of a cosmetic defect.

condylomas in women on small lips

Pathogenesis and manifestation

Papillomavirus infection passes from person to person, while at the same time it is possible to get several types of papillomavirus. HPV lives in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. For a long time, an infectious disease can pass unnoticed (latently). A sufficient amount of virus must accumulate in the cells in order for the clinical signs of infection to appear. HPV reproduction and its amount in the body are dependent on the degree of immune defense. Under the influence of various conditions that reduce immunity, the microbe is activated, its reproduction and the formation of skin manifestations.

Once in the body, the virus infects epithelial cells. In an infected cell, the microbe can stay in 2 forms: episomal and introsomal integrated.

With a hidden course, the infection passes in an episomal form, without provoking painful changes in the cells and without initiating clinical manifestations.

Having multiplied in huge numbers, HPV changes the increase and formation of epithelial cells. They are taken intensively and freely to share, an increase in the area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane and the formation of wide condyloma occur. There may be several pieces, and in some cases, dozens. Anogenital warts often appear instantly, less often - over a couple of days.

Wide condylomas in men on the head and foreskin appear most often, less often - on other parts of the penis. The occurrence of genital warts in the urinary tract causes unpleasant feelings, difficulty urinating, spraying a stream of urine. As for women, wide condylomas more occur on the outside of the genitals. Less commonly, inside. You can determine them when examined by a gynecologist. Condom use reduces the risk of contracting sexual partners.

HPV cannot be completely cured - it is only possible to remove wide condylomas, alleviating the patient's condition and reducing the risk of infection of the sexual partner.

secondary syphilis wide warts

There are a number of ways to cure such warts. Without exception, they all have specific disadvantages.


Cryodestruction is one of the most commonly used methods for treating syphilis on the penis, and, therefore, eliminating genital warts. The affected surface is treated with liquid nitrogen using a cotton swab or spray. The treatment is repeated every 1-2 weeks until the complete removal of all genital warts. The method rarely leads to scarring, has a low price. Cryodestruction can cause severe pain. It is not always possible to immediately treat a whole affected surface. In some cases, even after cryodestruction, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation may be observed.


Diathermocoagulation is considered a painful way to cure syphilis on the penis and leaves strong scars. For this reason, it is used only to remove single warts.


Laser removal of wide condylomas in women on small lips is done using carbon dioxide and neodymium YAG lasers. Scars may appear after removal.

wide warts in women

Pharmaceutical treatment

"Condilin" - 0.5% mixture in bottles of 3.5 milliliters with an applicator. Its active substance is more intense in the composition of the plant extract of podophyllin. When used locally, it leads to necrosis and destruction of wide warts. The superiority of this method of healing lies in the fact that the patient can independently treat the affected areas of the skin in accessible places. With a plastic applicator, the medication is applied to the condyloma; over time, all warts are wetted, but no more than 50 pieces at a time (in the area no more than 10 cm). The drug must be applied with caution, avoiding healthy areas of the skin. The first time the treatment is performed by a doctor or a nurse, teaching the patient to correctly apply the medication. After treatment, it must dry, so as not to irritate nearby skin or its ulceration. "Condilin" is applied 2 times a day for 3 days, and then make a 4-day pause. The duration of treatment should not be higher than 5 weeks. Contraindications: lactation, childhood, the use of other substances, including podophylline.

wide condylomas with syphilis

"Solkoderm" is a drug, which includes a number of acids: 65% - nitric, 98% - acetic, as well as lactic and oxalic acid and copper nitrate. It is produced in the form of a solution (in each ampoule 0.2 milliliters). When applied to the skin plane, the latter becomes yellowish, after which mummification of the treated areas is performed. Processing may only be carried out by qualified medical personnel. The drug is applied to the plane using a glass capillary or applicator, then it must dry. Processing of the plot no more than 4-5 cm is allowed at once. If necessary, it can be done again - in a month. Application of the substance is sometimes accompanied by severe burning and pain, in some cases hyperpigmentation appears and scars form.

Interferon preparations are injected directly into condylomas. This is a painful process that requires secondary processing.

Saturated concentration of trichloroacetic acid is superimposed immediately on the growths. The remains are removed using talcum powder. If necessary, the therapy is repeated with an interval of 1 week. If condylomas remain after 6-fold treatment, the method of cure should be changed.

wide condylomas in men

Complications and consequences

Wide condylomas with secondary syphilis and specific circumstances (lowering local and / or general immunity, infection with sexually transmitted diseases, etc.) can increase in size and size, thereby significantly reducing the quality of life of a person, complicating his sexual relations . They can also become inflamed (fester), ulcerate (ulcers can form on their site) from prolonged automatic exposure to them. In rare cases, widespread condylomas can lead to penile cancer.

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