Sergei Stolyarov: biography and creativity

Sergei Stolyarov is a well-known Soviet actor, familiar to the viewer from the films “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “The Secret of Two Oceans”, “Sadko”, “Circus”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Hungry years

The exact date of birth of the artist is unknown due to the loss of the metric. Actor Sergei Stolyarov, a native of the village of Bezzubovo, Tula region, independently chose a date of birth - November 1, 1911. Many years later, information was nevertheless found, and it turned out that the artist was born in the old style on July 4.

Sergey Stolyarov actor biography
The family of Sergey, consisting of three brothers and a sister, was poor, but friendly. Sergei practically did not remember his father - Dmitry Stolyarov, who worked as a forester.

In 1914, during the First World War, the head of the family went to war instead of one wealthy peasant in exchange for a hut, a cow and a horse. His family received the promised, but Dmitry himself was almost immediately killed at the front. During the October Revolution, everything received was confiscated, and the Stolyarovs again healed in need and poverty. The famine that came in the village prompted the mother to send her older children to “bread” Tashkent.

Thus began the wanderings of Sergei around Russia, embraced by the flames of war. The boy never reached Tashkent because he got typhus. The brothers were forced to leave him, an 8-year-old, in Kursk, on the threshold of the hospital, after which they disappeared without a trace in the whirlpool of events taking place around. Sergei recovered and was assigned to the Kursk orphanage, where he first met with the theater. Together with several orphanages, he participated in a drama club, where plays from the history of the French Revolution were staged.

Sergei Stolyarov: biography of the actor

At the end of the 1920s, the young man graduated from the First Vocational School in Moscow and for some time worked on the Kiev Railway as a steam locomotive engineer. At the same time, he was engaged in a theater studio for workers, which was organized by actor Alexei Dikiy at the House of Scientists.

actor sergey stolyarov

In 1931 he graduated from the acting department of the Theater School of the Proletcult. After that, he worked at the Moscow Art Theater (1932-1934), the Central Theater of the Red Army (1934-1938), the Mossovet Theater (1940-1942), and the Theater Studio of a film actor (since 1944).

Successfully evolved not only creative, but also the personal life of the actor. In the theater, Sergei met his future wife - young actress Olga Konstantinova. In 1934 they got married.

The first successes in the world of the film industry

In 1934, the young artist Sergei Stolyarov came to the attention of Alexander Dovzhenko, who invited him to his film “Aerograd” for the role of a pilot. This was the debut of Sergei Stolyarov in the movie, and very successful. The handsome handsome man who immediately liked the viewer, the directors could not help but notice. Grigory Alexandrov himself in 1936, without any trial, invited Sergei to the main role in the film "Circus", which became the starry start of a talented actor. Stolyarov’s face grinned from huge advertising posters, often flashed in magazines and newspapers. It was this circumstance that helped Sergei meet with his mother and brother, who recognized him after 18 years of separation. In 1937, Sergei Stolyarov became a father. Cyril was born, later, like his father, who chose the acting path.

Sergey Stolyarov

Sergei Stolyarov is an actor whose biography to this day causes keen interest of admirers of his talent; he was in demand all the time, was actively filming, films with his participation: “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Kashchei the Immortal” appeared on the screens one after another.

The war period of Stolyarov’s life

After the outbreak of World War II, the actor could not stay away and volunteered for the front. However, he, like the rest of his colleagues, was recalled, motivating the decision by production necessity.

In the fall of 1941, Stolyarov with his family and Mosfilm moved to Alma-Ata. On the way to this city there was an unpleasant incident: all food cards were stolen, which at that time doomed a person to starvation. Then Stolyarov, a hunter by nature, took a rifle at a film studio and went into the mountains. He returned in a day with prey - a mountain goat of impressive size. There was enough meat for a long time, part of the production was even sold at the nearest market, and part was exchanged by K. Simonov for the new play “Russian People”, which was staged by Stolyarov on the stage of the local theater. The actor directed all the funds from the production to the defense fund for a tank named after the performance "Russian People". For this act, Stalin himself thanked Stolyarov with a telegram that he sent to Alma-Ata.

Sergey Stolyarov biography

Despite his recognition and fame, Sergei Stolyarov lived quite modestly, without a summer house or a car. His friends were also among ordinary people who were not related to the art world. Of the actors, friendship, which lasted a lifetime, was made only with Boris Babochkin.

By the way, Sergei Stolyarov was the prototype of the worker in the famous sculpture of the Soviet era “Worker and Collective Farm Girl”. It was from him that Mukhin sculpted his creation, although Stolyarov did not even pose for her.

At the zenith of fame

In 1953, the film with the participation of Sergei Stolyarov "Sadko" was released, which received the first prize at the Venice Festival. So the actor, who was not sent to this festival for purely ideological reasons, also gained international fame. A year later, the French magazine Cinema included Stolyarov, the only representative of the Soviet Union, in the list of outstanding actors of world cinema, among whom were Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, Robert Taylor, Buster Keaton. The actor himself reacted to this with a certain degree of humor, believing that this list should not be him, but such masters as Simonov, Cherkasov, and Butterfly.

artist Sergey Stolyarov

The 50s were marked by the release of two more films. These were The Secret of Two Oceans and Ilya Muromets, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of extras (1100 horses and 106,000 extras).

In the 60s, the career of a film actor began to decline somewhat; only two films were released on the screens of the country with the participation of Stolyarov: “Man changes skin” and “Andromeda Nebula”, which became the last in his acting fate. Stolyarov’s health was undermined by the scandal associated with the accusation of the latter in insufficient participation in theatrical productions. For this, he and his wife were fired from the theater.

Honest, open, sincere

In the late 60s, Sergei Stolyarov agreed to shoot the film according to his scenario “When the Fog Diverses”. But he could not carry out his plan because of the exacerbation of a malignant tumor, in connection with which he was forced to go to the hospital. A talented actor died on December 9, 1969. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Sergey Stolyarov

Sergei Stolyarov, who embodied on the screen truly courageous, honest and sincere people, was such in life. And people felt it. There was even such a case. Once, at Pokrovka, Sergei Stolyarov met a boy who, recognizing the famous actor, immediately began to read Krylov's fable. The boy said that he really wants to become an artist, and with his sincere youthful aspiration literally infected the actor who forever remembered this meeting. This boy was Valentine Gaft.

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