How to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve: recipes

The roasting sleeve is a very practical kitchen accessory, which is a long ribbon wound into a roll. It allows you to create juicy and tender dishes without staining the oven and baking sheet. It cooks meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fish and poultry. Today's article will tell you how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve.

General recommendations

To prepare such dishes, not only the whole carcass is suitable, but also its individual parts. It is important that the bird used is not subjected to preliminary freezing, because under the influence of low temperatures, meat loses not only the lion's share of taste, but also softness. To make chicken especially juicy, it is marinated in spices, with the addition of vegetable oil, mayonnaise, honey, mustard, sour cream, soy sauce and other components.

how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve

As for vegetables, in addition to potatoes, poultry meat is supplemented with onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms and other components that give the final dish a unique taste and aroma.

With salt and spices

This fragrant bird, covered with a delicious crust and complemented with rosy potatoes, will be a great option for a hearty dinner for the whole family. To cook it yourself, you will definitely need:

  • 1.5 kg of chicken.
  • 9 potatoes.
  • Salt and spices.
how much to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve

Before baking chicken with potatoes in the sleeve, it must be prepared. If necessary, the selected carcass is gutted, plucked, thoroughly washed and soaked with disposable napkins. After that, it is rubbed with salt, generously sprinkled with spices and put in the refrigerator for several hours. At the next stage, the pickled bird is laid out in a baking bag and supplemented with peeled and chopped potatoes. All this is carefully packaged and sent to the oven. Prepare the chicken at a temperature of 200 0 C within one and a half hours. Shortly before the completion of the process, the sleeve is carefully opened, so that its contents manage to become covered with a golden crust.

With mayonnaise and sour cream

Those who plan to organize a small family holiday will definitely need the recipe for making chicken with potatoes in the sleeve discussed below. Baking a juicy bird with vegetables is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, especially if everything you need is at hand. This time you will need:

  • 100 g quality mayonnaise.
  • 150 g sour cream.
  • 8 potatoes.
  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5-1.7 kg.
  • 1 onion.
  • Salt and ground pepper.
how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve recipe

The pre-processed, washed and dried bird is rubbed with seasoning mixed with mayonnaise and sour cream, and then laid out in a baking sleeve. Sliced ​​and salted vegetables, seasoned with the rest of the sauce, are placed there. All this is hermetically sealed and cooked. Cook the bird within one and a half hours at 180 0 C. Shortly before turning off the oven, carefully open the bag so that the products contained in it are slightly browned.

With garlic and vegetable oil

This option will probably be taken into account by young housewives who want to figure out how to bake chicken with potatoes in their sleeves so that it turns out to be moderately sharp and not too high-calorie. To feed your family with such a dinner, you will need:

  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5-2 kg.
  • 500 g of potatoes.
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil.
  • Β½ tsp. red and black pepper.
  • Salt and greens.
how to bake chicken with potatoes in a sleeve step by step recipe

Any inexperienced cook who is able to listen to other people's recommendations will easily reproduce this simple and very popular recipe. You can bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve only after preliminary preparation. Gutted, plucked, washed and dried carcasses abundantly rubbed with a mixture of crushed garlic, spices, chopped herbs and vegetable oil, and then left to pickle. After a couple of hours, it is transferred to a special sleeve filled with seasoned slices of potatoes. All this is hermetically sealed and prepared within 120 minutes at 180 0 C. Shortly before turning off the oven, the package is carefully opened to slightly brown its contents.

With sour cream and olive oil

Lovers of poultry and vegetables will certainly remember another simple way to quickly bake chicken with potatoes in their sleeves. The recipe with a photo of the dish will be presented below, but for now we’ll find out what is needed to recreate it. In this case, at your fingertips should be:

  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 6 large potatoes.
  • 1 whole chicken.
  • 3 tbsp. l sour cream and olive oil.
  • Salt, seasonings and herbs.
how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve recipe with photo

First you need to process the chicken. It is peeled of everything superfluous, washed and pickled for half an hour in a mixture of spices, crushed garlic, salt, vegetable oil and chopped herbs. After that, it is placed in a sleeve in which there are already potato slices, smeared with salted and seasoned sour cream. All are sealed and cooked at 180 0 C for two hours. Shortly before the completion of the process, the package is carefully opened and waiting for its contents to be covered with a uniform crust.

With apples and carrots

The method presented below will be an invaluable find for those who do not know how to bake chicken with potatoes in their sleeves so that they can be included in the holiday menu. To cook a fragrant and incredibly tasty bird with vegetables, you will need:

  • 230 g of carrots.
  • 220 g of onion.
  • 40 g mayonnaise.
  • 1 kg of potatoes.
  • 1 chicken.
  • 3 sweet and sour apples.
  • Salt and seasoning.
how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve step by step

The selected carcass is gutted, plucked, rinsed and dried. After that, it is generously coated with mayonnaise and spices, stuffed with apple slices and placed in a special sleeve. Seasoned and salted vegetables, chopped into small pieces, are stuffed there. All this is hermetically sealed and sent to the oven. Prepare a dish at 200 Β° C until each ingredient is soft. Shortly before turning off the fire, carefully open the package so that its contents manage to brown.

With champignons and cheese

This hearty and incredibly aromatic dish will organically fit into the menu of real lovers of poultry meat and mushrooms. To learn how to quickly and tasty bake chicken with potatoes in your sleeve, you will need:

  • 350 g of fresh champignons.
  • 250 g of cheese.
  • 130 g sour cream.
  • 1.5 kg of chicken.
  • 1.3 kg of potatoes.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt and seasoning.

At first, it’s better to do chicken. The carcass plucked and gutted is washed thoroughly under a tap, dried, sprinkled with salt and spices, and then placed in a special sleeve. Salted slices of potatoes, chopped mushrooms mixed with sour cream and garlic, as well as cheese chips are sent there. All are sealed and cleaned in the oven. Prepare a dish at 200 Β° C until each ingredient is soft. Fifteen minutes before the completion of the process, the package is gently opened so that its contents are evenly browned.

With honey and soy sauce

The bird, seasoned in a spicy marinade and baked in a special package, will not leave indifferent even the most demanding gourmets. To test this yourself, you will need:

  • 800 g of chicken.
  • 230 g of onions.
  • 20 ml of soy sauce.
  • 10 g of mustard.
  • 8 potatoes.
  • 1 tsp natural honey.
  • Salt, black pepper, curry and cardamom.

Washed chicken is cut into portions and put in a bowl. Spices, mustard, honey and soy sauce are added there. All this is salted, mixed with potato slices and onion rings, and then stuffed into a special bag. At the next stage, the poultry with vegetables is sealed and sent to the oven, heated to 180 0 C. How much to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve depends on the size of the pieces. As a rule, the duration of the heat treatment does not exceed 60 minutes. Moreover, shortly before the expiration of the specified time, the package is gently opened so that a uniform crust forms on its contents. Serve hot with any fresh or pickled vegetables.

With tomatoes

For those who love simple and satisfying home-cooked food, we propose to learn another method that allows you to bake chicken and potatoes in your sleeve without unnecessary trouble. A step-by-step recipe will be described below, and now we will figure out a list of required products. Hit him:

  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • 1.3 kg of potatoes.
  • 1 chicken.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 200 g of onions and carrots.
  • Salt and spices.
how to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve cooking recipe

How to bake chicken with potatoes in the sleeve step by step

Step No. 1. The selected carcass is freed from all that is superfluous, washed and cut into portions.

Step No. 2. The bird treated in this way is salted, seasoned and put in a special bag.

Step No. 3. Potato slices, chopped onions, crushed garlic, slices of carrots and chopped tomato are added to it.

Step No. 4. All this is hermetically sealed and prepared at an average temperature within one and a half hours.

Shortly before turning off the oven, the sleeve is carefully opened so that the pieces of poultry and vegetables can be covered with a uniform appetizing crust.

With rosemary and mushrooms

This presentable and very aromatic dish has a rich taste and relatively high calorie content. Therefore, they can heartily feed a large family. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 200 g of champignons.
  • 1.5 kg of potatoes.
  • 30 ml of olive oil.
  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5-2 kg.
  • 5 small onions.
  • 3 sprigs of rosemary.
  • 1 tbsp. l ground sweet paprika.
  • Salt and spices.

As in all the cases discussed above, it is better to start the process with the preparation of the chicken. The selected carcass is cleaned of the remaining feathers, washed and coated with a mixture of paprika and olive oil. About thirty minutes later, it is placed in a special sleeve and covered with mushrooms and peeled coarsely chopped vegetables. All this is supplemented with sprigs of rosemary, salted and sealed. A dish is prepared within an hour at 200 0 C. At the end of the indicated time, the sleeve is carefully opened, and its contents are returned to the oven for another fifteen minutes, so that it can brown.

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