Lymphadenitis in a child: causes, types, symptoms, treatment

A bacterial disease that causes inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. It is more characteristic of children. Most often, lymphadenitis in a child is secondary, that is, it occurs against the background of any other pathology. In rare cases, primary inflammation of the lymph nodes is detected.

lymphadenitis in a child
Lymphadenitis: causes and types

Lymph nodes are organs of the system that protects the body and helps to remove unnecessary substances from the tissues. They are located in the groin, armpits, on the neck, under the lower jaw, on the inside of the elbows. In a healthy child, they are invisible and soft. In the inflamed state they become visible to the naked eye. Lymphadenitis in a child may be specific or non-specific. In the first case, it can provoke the appearance of dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis. However, this type of pathology is more characteristic of adults. In children, non-specific lymphadenitis, characterized by a specific focus of inflammation, that is, manifested in a specific area, is more common. It can develop when pathogens, such as streptococci, staphylococci, penetrate the lymph nodes. Often this happens after inflammatory diseases: influenza, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc. Pathogens enter the body through the mucous membranes, skin lesions, and the hematogenous route.

lymphadenitis causes
Lymphadenitis in a child can be purulent and non-purulent, and also occur in acute or chronic form. Pathology can affect a single lymph node or a whole group of glands located close to each other. With a massive lesion, the infection can go to the surrounding tissues and lead to adenoflegmon.

Lymphadenitis in a child: symptoms

Pathology in children is characterized by rapid and active development. In the acute form, the temperature rises, sleep is disturbed, a headache occurs, the child refuses food, becomes restless. Lymph nodes swell and hurt, especially for cervical lymphadenitis. With purulent pathology, redness of the skin around the affected nodes can occur. Chronic lymphadenitis can be suspected only by palpation. Lymph nodes will be enlarged. However, the child feels well.

chronic lymphadenitis
Lymphadenitis in a child: treatment

If the disease is detected at the initial stage, the doctor usually prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures and antibiotics as therapy. To properly prescribe treatment, sometimes a blood test is taken from a child. If the number of leukocytes in it exceeds the norm, we can talk about the presence of infection. In this case, therapy is aimed at destroying its source. Additionally, compresses can be used for treatment. If the pathological process proceeds sharply, accompanied by suppuration, surgical intervention may be required.

Lymphadenitis in a child: prevention

To avoid the disease, you should monitor the personal hygiene of the child, maintain the child's body by taking vitamins, treat caries in a timely manner, and ensure that the baby does not have any damage to the skin of the face or oral mucosa.

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