Motherwort extract: reviews, release form, indications, instructions for use

The life of a modern person is a chain of constant experiences and stresses. To restore harmony to it, doctors recommend the use of sedatives of natural origin, paying special attention to drugs from motherwort. More details about the instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets, reviews about which are completely different, later in the article.

motherwort extract liquid

The benefits of motherwort

It is worth knowing why motherwort extract is used. Reviews about it are not bad, but the people call this plant β€œheart grass” for good reason. Motherwort has long been used in folk medicine, especially in the treatment of many heart diseases. But also its useful properties are proven in the case of normalization of material metabolism and a decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cases of treatment with motherwort extract are known even for male diseases of the genitourinary system.

The composition of this plant contains a large amount of essential oils, tannins, alkaloids, vitamins C, E and A, glycosides, saponins and sugar substances. The possibilities of medicine gave a chance to extract the maximum amount of benefit from this plant with truly magical properties. Simply put, plant extracts are very beneficial for the nervous system. Similar preparations are usually produced in liquid and dry form. Motherwort extract sold in pharmacies is no exception. This is a concentrate substance that is prepared from the tops of a given plant.

motherwort extract contraindications

When to apply

Although the plant extract is extremely useful, there are certain indications for its use:

  • slowdown of the rhythm and increase in the force of contractions of the heart;
  • overstrain, neuro-emotional excitability, protracted neurosis, insomnia;
  • body hyperreactions;
  • increased anxiety and fear;
  • choreic hypokinesis;
  • vegetovascular disorders;
  • disorders of the heart system (angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, high blood pressure);
  • paralysis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • frequent migraines;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis.

Motherwort extract is able to enhance the effect of sleeping pills and sedatives, but it does not exert excessive effects on humans, facilitating the onset of healthy sleep.

This tool is included in the wellness program, recommended by valeologists as a powerful vitamin complex, in the form of medicinal tea. If necessary, it can be combined with other sedative and cardiological drugs.

As an antispasmodic, motherwort extract is widely used for gastrointestinal diseases - severe pain and a feeling of "heaviness" in the stomach, with intestinal colic, biliary dyskinesia, irritable bowel syndrome, and bloating.

In its pronounced sedative cardiotonic effect, this drug significantly exceeds the result of taking valerian. In addition, motherwort extract with its regular consumption does not cause physical and mental dependence, as well as addiction.

Release form

motherwort extract

The method of taking motherwort will depend on the form in which it is taken: tablet or liquid. The most popular is the first form of extract of this plant. This is due, first of all, to convenience, since the medicine can be taken when necessary, when, wherever and as needed.

Application methods

Before taking tablets of the extract of this useful plant, you need to know their recommended dose. It makes the following values:

  1. For tablets: 3-4 pills per day.
  2. For a liquid motherwort extract: 7-15 drops at a time, having dissolved in a small volume of boiled water.
motherwort extract reviews

The duration of the course of taking motherwort is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, taking into account the general condition, the course of the disease, as well as the expected therapeutic and therapeutic effect for the nervous system.

The main contraindications

The liquid and tablet extract is highly digestible. But this drug, produced in tablets, has certain contraindications, since it has a more tangible effect than the liquid form of the drug. But it is very important to take it exactly according to the instructions.

The main contraindications of motherwort extract to use are:

  • protracted depression;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • sucrose and isomaltase deficiency;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute form of duodenal ulcer;
  • reduced pressure;
  • bradycardia.

With extreme caution, it is worth using motherwort extract for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as people who are on a low-carb diet. When taking a sedative, it is advisable to abandon driving and activities that require a quick response.


Uncontrolled use of motherwort can cause overdose. Negative manifestations can be quite serious: skin reactions, impaired coordination of movements, as well as visual disturbances. However, it is worth noting that these phenomena develop only after a significant excess of doses of the drug.

Motherwort extract: reviews

This drug has mostly positive reviews. First of all, doctors and patients note the availability of a natural remedy, its good tolerability, reasonable cost, as well as a completely natural composition. In addition, the herbal preparation is not addictive.

motherwort tincture

Also, judging by the reviews of motherwort extract, it is worth saying that a rather long course of use is a definite drawback. The possible development of adverse reactions, such as increased drowsiness, dyspepsia and decreased pressure, is also not pleasing to users. The best results of using motherwort extract (reviews confirm this) can be achieved with small nervous disorders.

But remember that before use, a specialist consultation is necessary. Indeed, without his recommendations it is impossible to take motherwort extract.

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