Laryngitis and tracheitis are quite common pathologies of the respiratory system. They are diagnosed in both adults and children. Perhaps a combined course. One of these diseases may appear due to the second. Consider the symptoms and treatment methods for each case.
Laryngitis: features
Occurring no less than tracheitis, laryngitis is such an inflammatory disease in which the larynx, glands in this area of ​​the body, ligaments, due to which a person can speak, suffer. The disease can be acute, may appear in the form of a chronicle. Inflammatory processes are usually caused by a virus, an invasion of a bacterium or a fungal pathological agent. In some cases, laryngitis is a consequence of throat diseases. Like a wide range of other pathologies, laryngitis is more often observed during the cold season, when the seasons change. The nature of the disease can be infectious, but in some it forms against the background of the common cold. The risk of laryngitis is higher if a person is used to breathing with his mouth, if the muscles of his larynx are excessively tense, if a person sings, he screams loudly.
In adults, tracheitis and laryngitis do not develop very often, since most adults have a fairly strong immune system. The nasopharynx of an adult organism normally works actively, clearing itself of penetrating pathological microflora. Due to this, viruses, microbes are filtered out and soon removed, die. As a result, any infection is accompanied only by some discomfort without serious health consequences. Children are given laryngitis harder. People with reduced immunity and forced to regularly use their voice with difficulty due to work, life characteristics, can hardly tolerate such a disease.
How to notice?
Doctors have long been well aware of what tracheitis and laryngitis are. Any disease has some symptoms, to one degree or another accurate and sufficient for an initial diagnosis. Laryngitis can be suspected if the foci of inflammation are the larynx, the upper block of the trachea, ligaments necessary for speaking. The inflammatory process can affect all of these zones and the trachea at the same time, then laryngotracheitis is diagnosed. The first typical manifestation of laryngitis is hoarseness. Subsequently, the ability to speak with many temporarily completely disappears. A person feels dry, sore throat. Soon the cough joins this - unproductive, “barking”, quite characteristic. Without proper therapy, the disease progresses, swallowing is accompanied by pain, breathing is difficult. In most patients, the temperature is slightly above normal, but does not reach critical levels. She feels rather poor overall.
Having suspected symptoms indicating the need for treatment of laryngitis / tracheitis, you should immediately show the patient to a doctor. The patient's task is to completely eliminate speaking. Equally responsible should be those who work in a field that forces a lot of talk, and everyone else. Even whispering is associated with heavy loads on the affected parts of the body. If you do not shut up, there are hardly any suspicions of laryngitis, in the future the disease will be more difficult, and it will take longer to treat it.
Forms and Features
In persons of younger, middle and older age, laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis are relatively common diseases. Some are more susceptible to them than most. Laryngitis in most cases is diagnosed as catarrhal. True, some people have a hypertrophic form - this is a condition accompanied by the appearance of densified zones on the ligaments. They were called singing knots. If such areas grow, a cauterization may be necessary. Silver nitrate is used for it. In especially advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated. This form of the disease is called occupational, as it worries people who have to talk a lot, sing because of work.
Atrophic processes are possible. Such laryngitis is characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the laryngeal mucosa. Often, the disease is diagnosed in residents of the Caucasus, regularly eating spicy dishes and generously seasoned food.
Laryngitis is possible as a result of another disease. Often a similar complication is observed against the background of infection with tuberculosis, diphtheria bacillus. The inflammatory process in the throat can be a consequence of syphilis.
What to do?
The basic rule, which is very important to observe: they know how to treat tracheitis and laryngitis, only qualified doctors. At home, in-house therapy is associated with a risk of transformation of the disease into a chronic form. Without adequate help, without proper treatment, the condition can be complicated by stenosis of the larynx. To avoid such consequences, the doctor will develop an optimal course taking into account the phenomena that provoked the disease. In most cases, antibiotics are the central treatment unit. Their purpose is especially reasonable if sputum with suppuration is fixed, if the condition progresses to stenosis, if a visual examination of the affected areas allows you to see fibrin peels. Antimicrobial drugs are recommended for chronic and frequent relapses, with a protracted form of the disease.
Choosing how and how to treat laryngitis, tracheitis in a child or adult, the doctor will first evaluate the features of pathological microflora. In the general case, if the patient's condition allows this, use means belonging to the second generation of cephalosporins. Among the most famous, it is worth mentioning Ceftriaxone, Cefepim. Quite often it is recommended to take Cefotaxime.
More about treatment
If a patient finds laryngitis, pharyngitis or tracheitis, the doctor will select the treatment based on the characteristics of the diagnosis. Be sure to take into account the age and characteristics of the body, analyze the contraindications to taking the drugs that are most effective for the identified disease. In particular, if a protracted course of laryngitis is established, if the disease is complicated by something, broad-based antimicrobial agents may be recommended. Most often they use funds from the carbapenem class. If the risk of stenosis is increased, it is indicated to use macrolides. Among the popular drugs should be noted "Azithromycin." Sometimes advised to take "Roxithromycin", "Josamycin."
In any case of the course in case of laryngitis, expectorant drugs are useful that affect cough reflexes. Alkaline drink indicated. Recommend infusions of thermopsis, marshmallow. Doctors can advise a three percent solution of potassium permanganate. If the disease is viral, proceeds in an acute form, anti-inflammatory drugs will benefit. You can take drugs that have a reliable bactericidal effect. Among the popular pharmaceutical products worth mentioning is “Fusafungin”, “Erespal”. Doctors often advise purchasing Bioparox.
What else will help?
Anti-allergic drugs are sometimes indicated for the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis. In the case of laryngitis, they are used if the risk of laryngeal stenosis is estimated to be above average. Such medications can eliminate swelling of the tissues. More often prescribed "Loratadin", "Suprastin." These pharmaceutical products can cause the mucous membranes of the respiratory system to dry out. The patient's task is to take drugs in strict accordance with medical recommendations.
Sometimes there is a need for formulations that are effective against coughing or reduce temperature. Their appointment is allowed with certain symptoms. If the cough is "barking", the best effect is observed with inhalation. For procedures, it is advised to use a nebulizer. For spraying, Codeine, Ambroxol are suitable. “Fenistil” and “Cetirizine” proved to be quite good.
Simple and affordable
Sometimes parents, having learned about the need for treatment for children with tracheitis, laryngitis, literally panic. Many people prefer not to give pharmaceutical products to their offspring, fearing that industrial products will only harm the patient, poison him or cause unwanted effects. Such an older generation is trying to use home-made medicines to treat minors. There is an abundance of healer recipes dedicated to the fight against laryngitis. According to doctors, this approach is justified only in combination with taking medications, in itself is ineffective and can cause undesirable consequences and the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
Traditional medicine advises using the medicinal qualities of plants surrounding a person. The classic version of their application is rinsing. A fairly simple recipe involves the use of beet juice. A glass of product is combined with a large spoon of culinary vinegar and used to rinse the throat. The frequency of the procedure is from five to six times a day.
Time-tested effect
Oregano can be used to treat laryngitis, tracheitis in adults and children. 10 g of dried grass of this plant is combined with a glass of freshly boiled water and insisted for about half an hour in a closed container. The finished liquid is filtered and consumed inside. Single volume - 50 ml. Frequency - thrice daily. The optimal time is right after the meal.
You can pour 20 g of dried nettle greens 0.8 liters of boiling water and insist in a closed container for a couple of hours. The finished liquid is filtered and used inside. All cooked volume can be drunk in one day. The healers assure that this simple remedy will allow for only a day to significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, or even cure it completely.
A reliable option is the infusion of the root of the marshmallow. 10 g of plant material is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 5-10 minutes, then the liquid is allowed to cool and filtered. The finished drink must be taken orally. A single dose is a large spoon. Frequency - six times a day.
You can use pine buds. With symptoms of laryngitis, tracheitis, a simple and reliable remedy is prepared by combining a large spoonful of plant product and a glass of freshly boiled water. The container is closed with a lid and allowed to infuse, then decanted and used inside. Dose - a sip or a couple. Similarly, you can prepare and use to treat the infusion of plantain grass.
Clarification and warning
I must admit that the average person manifestations of tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis seem pretty similar. To properly diagnose the condition, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient. The case will be led by an otolaryngologist. The doctor will interview the client, clarify the medical history, and send him for a blood test (general, biochemical study). Usually do laryngoscopy. Sometimes samples of diseased tissues are taken for biopsy. After confirming the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.
To minimize the risk of laryngitis, tracheitis, both adults and children need to be involved in prevention. They recommend tempering, making efforts to activate the body's immune defenses. If you have bad habits, it is advised to abandon them. It is important to eat fully in accordance with the regimen, introduce sports into everyday life, and eliminate alcohol and drugs. In high-risk seasons, they are less likely to be in places with a lot of people. Any illnesses, colds should be treated as early as possible, so that the infection does not spread to the tissues of the throat, does not become chronic.
Tracheitis: features
Laryngitis and tracheitis in a child or adult can appear quite suddenly. Both pathologies are widespread. Tracheitis is acute, may appear in a chronic form. Usually it accompanies rhinitis, bronchitis. The chronic form is observed if the acute course was not adequately cured. To combat tracheitis, medicines, homeopathy, herbal treatments and physiotherapy are used. To choose the best course, you need to determine the form of pathology and the presence of other diseases. An acute course is possible in which infection becomes the cause. The therapeutic course involves the use of antiviral drugs, herbs and combined pharmacy fees.
Tracheitis is a word that refers to the inflammatory process localized in the trachea. Like laryngitis, tracheitis in a child and in an adult appears against a background of bacterial infection, with invasion of strepto-, staphylococcus. You can notice the disease if the temperature rises to an average of 37.5 degrees, and the pharynx responds with pain. With tracheitis, a dry cough is observed. This symptom is quite characteristic and allows the doctor to quickly make an initial diagnosis. Coughing occurs when a patient tries to take a deep breath. The symptom is especially pronounced if the disease has passed into the chronic stage. The cough is stronger in the morning, in the evening.
Acute form: what to do?
Like laryngitis, acute tracheitis requires complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The basis of the therapeutic program can be interferon, "Remantadine." The patient receives the first four days of the disease with these medicines. Medications show a pronounced effect against a variety of infectious agents, can cope with the influenza A, B viruses. To weaken the symptoms of the acute course, you can give the patient "Paracetamol". The drug relieves a headache, eliminates fever. If there is a complex course with the addition of laryngitis, pharyngitis, you can take expectorants and cough-preventing drugs. Among the well-known products are Libexin, Glaucin, which have long established themselves with a pronounced effect. Sometimes the doctor decides to stay on antibiotics or prescribes sulfanilamide drugs to the patient. To increase the stability of the body, along with the indicated medications, the patient takes ascorbic acid and retinol.
You can practice the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis with homeopathic methods. To combat tracheitis, aconite, pulsatilla are used. You can use aralia, hepar and nux vomica. A good effect is given by potassium bichromicum. Examples are known when, with laryngitis, the patient's condition improved significantly against the background of receiving chelidonium, arsenicum, drozera and brionia.
Help for the suffering
Treatment of laryngitis and tracheitis should be under the supervision of a doctor and through the use of medicinal products that are effective in a particular case. However, this does not interfere with supplementing the main course with simple home measures that increase the effect of the main therapy. In particular, to get rid of tracheitis faster, inhalations can be done. For their formulation, essential oils containing anti-inflammatory components are used. The most famous are eucalyptus, menthol oils. For inhalation, you can use iodine tincture and propolis.
Tracheitis: Chronicle
With this course of pathology, tissue atrophy or hypertrophy of individual zones are observed. To eliminate the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics with a wide spectrum of effectiveness. Most often these are drugs, which include doxycycline, ampicillin. The duration of the antibacterial course is from two to three weeks. Expectorant medicines are indicated to improve mucosal secretion discharge. Many doctors are advised to use potassium iodide solution. “Chlorophyllipt” and preparations based on thermopsis have proved themselves to be no less reliable.
To increase the effectiveness of the main course, you can supplement the treatment program with folk remedies. For example, potato warming is useful. Five root vegetables are boiled in their uniforms, cut into two parts, laid on the back or chest of the patient, after having previously laid a napkin. Such a compress is stored until the product cools down.
Simple and reliable: what else to try?
To combat chronic tracheitis, carrot juice can be used. The root crop is ground with a grater, fresh juice is squeezed. The liquid is combined with sugar syrup in equal volumes. The finished product is consumed orally five times daily. Dosage - a large spoon. Immediately before absorption, the homemade medicine is slightly heated. Useful lingonberry syrup. 15 ml of syrup is poured into a cup of boiling water and consumed inside. Such a drink can be drunk all day, replacing it with tea.
In general, it is believed that with tracheitis, herbal treatment is a reliable and safe method that gives excellent results. Extracts, fees for the treatment of tracheitis are so that they include plants enriched with anti-inflammatory substances and agents that improve the quality of cough. Nettle inflorescences, marshmallow root, oregano grass, Ipecacuanas, radish juice are enriched with such. No less useful are fees, including dried herbs of plantain, sage, currant, coltsfoot, as well as licorice rhizomes, buds of pine, birch. For the treatment of tracheitis, flaxseeds, istod, cyanosis (rhizomes), hawthorn fruits, celandine greenery, inflorescences of chamomile and elderberry are useful. Mullein inflorescences, a series of immortelle, mint leaves, and elecampane roots are used. Useful thyme.

For greater effect, therapy is supplemented with alkaline drink. You can use devices for inhalation, spraying with their help essential oils and specialized medicines for the treatment of tracheitis. Of the drugs, the popular Bioparox is often prescribed.