Dull pain in the left hypochondrium in the front: possible causes, description and treatment features

Dull pain in the left upper quadrant is the first symptom of a serious pathology. The most important thing in this situation is to see a doctor soon. The doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment based on the collected medical history and examination. Pain implies an extensive meaning, as many doctors believe. But the main thing is that by its type and localization it is possible to establish the category of the disease. It is enough for an experienced specialist to carefully listen to all the paints of the pain syndrome in the patient to make a preliminary diagnosis. Pain under the left rib in the front is of several categories:

  1. Peritoneal pain syndrome. This pain actually does not stop and is in one place. With movement, soreness becomes more pronounced and acute. The nature of such pain refers to a perforated ulcer, which requires immediate surgical intervention.
  2. Visceral pain syndrome. It can be cramped, dull and aching. It has the peculiarity of radiating to nearby organs. Such pain is characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, intestinal pathology and stomach disease.
  3. Pain has a wandering feature. This pain syndrome is difficult to diagnose. The patient cannot clearly determine the permanent location of localization. Signs of vagus pain: most of all there is dull pain in the left hypochondrium in the front and to a lesser extent gives to the stomach.
  4. Pain radiating. It is located directly in the affected organ.

dull pain in the left upper quadrant

What causes pain in the left hypochondrium? All causes are divided into two degrees:

  • Pain that is characteristic of diseases in the upper abdomen on the left.
  • Diseases where the pain syndrome is located in the very bottom of the abdomen on the left.

The most famous diseases in the upper left are:

  • a variety of gastritis;
  • food poisoning;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pathology of the spleen;
  • stomach cancer;
  • pancreatitis
  • myocardial infarction;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Features of treatment will depend on the correct diagnosis. Therefore, a timely visit to a doctor will help not to aggravate the situation and quickly get rid of the problem.

Now consider in more detail each disease.

pain under the left rib in front


Pain under the left rib in the front can be caused by gastritis. With this pathology, the pain syndrome occurs due to the irritating factor of the gastric mucosa. The symptoms of gastritis include the following:

  • increased weakness;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • pain at the top of the stomach (can be either on the right or on the left) of a burning or dull aching character.

Food poisoning

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium in the front can be caused by normal food poisoning. This disease occurs when poor-quality food enters the stomach. Also, food poisoning is accompanied by vomiting reflexes, fever and general weakness.

aching pain in the left side under the ribs in front


Why is pain in the left hypochondrium felt in the front? The reasons may be different. Among them is such an ailment as flatulence. The pain in this case is caused by a large amount of gas in the stomach. It is accompanied by belching with an unpleasant odor. Flatulence can lead to intestinal obstruction if treatment is not started in time.

Pathology of the spleen

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium in the front may be due to problems with the spleen (trauma, ulcer, sepsis, hepatitis). Violation of the integrity of the spleen is characterized by pain, burning, vomiting, general intoxication of the whole organism. Also, the patient develops a need for a large amount of water, a decrease in pressure and a rapid heartbeat. The spleen is one of the main organs, and if there is pain in it, you must urgently go to the hospital and undergo a full examination to establish the localization of pain.

dull pressing pain in the left upper quadrant


Aching pain in the left side under the ribs in front can be a signal of pancreatitis. The disease is acute and chronic. Symptoms of pancreatic pathology:

  • aching pain in the left side under the ribs in front;
  • the patient develops increased weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • weight loss.

Myocardial infarction

Pain in the left hypochondrium, extending and dull in front, is one of the symptoms of myocardial infarction. And this disease, as you know, is very dangerous and fraught with consequences. Therefore, with unpleasant aching, dull pain in front under the ribs, and giving in the area of ​​the scapula, it is urgent to call a doctor.

when pain in the left hypochondrium in front


The pain is localized in the abdomen and radiates to the left side. Constipation is considered a pathology in which there is no feces for two days.

Intestinal obstruction

This pathology is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and pain in the left hypochondrium. Also, intestinal obstruction is characterized by nausea, vomiting, increased flatulence, weakness and lack of feces.

Stomach ulcer

In the stomach, pain associated with irritation of the mucous membrane appears. Over time, the mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers and its destruction occurs. The following symptoms are also characteristic of an ulcer:

  • vomiting reflex;
  • pain that gives to the left hypochondrium;
  • belching;
  • weakness.

You should know that pain with peptic ulcer can be a harbinger of a serious pathology, such as a perforated ulcer. It is characterized by severe dagger pain, a shock state in the patient, vomiting with an admixture of blood, loss of consciousness and general intoxication of the body.

pain in the left hypochondrium in front of the cause


Pathology of the kidneys, which is characterized by an inflammatory process, can be acute and chronic. Chronic pyelonephritis is characterized by dull and pulling pains in the left side. In the acute form, strong and cutting pain is observed in the lower left abdomen.

Urolithiasis disease

Pain with urolithiasis can equally be on the right and left lower abdomen. Pain in the left side of the abdomen is observed when the stone moves along the left ureter from the peritoneum. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones of various etiologies and sizes in the organs of the urinary system.

treatment of the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium

Causes of pain on the left

The pain that is located on top in the left side can cause the following pathologies:

  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • pneumonia of left-side localization;
  • pleurisy on the left side;
  • closed and open abdominal injuries;
  • pathology of the spleen;
  • various types of neuralgia;
  • diseases of the stomach.

Characterization of pain under the ribs on the left

It's a dull pain. This type of pain is accompanied by an inflammatory process of a protracted nature. The main causes of such pain are duodenitis and colitis. With a stomach ulcer, along with pain, there is nausea and vomiting. Still aching pains under the ribs on the left side can cause cardiac and vascular pathologies.

Acute pain requires immediate hospitalization and a specialist examination for a preliminary diagnosis. Basically, the pain under the ribs on the left indicates the perforation of the stomach, pathology of the spleen.

Pain of a dull nature. In most cases, it refers to a chronic form of a disease of the stomach and intestines. This includes cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis.

Pain in the lower left abdomen during gestation

When a pregnant woman has pain in the lower abdomen on the left, you should immediately consult a specialist to avoid serious complications. Symptoms of pregnancy pathology:

  • within 30 minutes the pain syndrome on the left does not go away;
  • pain intensifies over time;
  • acute dagger pain in the left side in a normal general condition.

All of these pain symptoms characterize the onset of a threatening abortion, where immediate gynecologist consultation and emergency treatment are needed. When the pain is pulling and short during pregnancy, this is due to the growth of the uterus in the early stages. The uterus, which is oversized, causes pressure on adjacent organs and can also cause small and pulling pains. Another pain in the lower left abdomen may indicate pressure on the intestines by the growing uterus. Quite often, pregnant women suffer from constipation, which also causes pain and discomfort, mainly on the left side. During gestation, the body produces special hormones that inhibit the bowel, thereby causing stagnation in it.

Cancer pain on the left

When the pain in the left hypochondrium is in front, this can be a signal for bowel cancer. In its first stage, the patient does not feel severe pain, but only the first harbingers of the disease. These include frequent constipation, which is accompanied by cracks. If a pathology occurs, you need to undergo computed tomography or do a colonoscopy. The results can determine the exact location of the tumor, its size and stage of cancer. In most cases, the pain can be identical in different diseases, so in order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis, you need to assign an additional diagnosis to the patient.

what causes pain in the left hypochondrium


Dull pressing pain in the left hypochondrium in front requires not only an emergency examination by a specialist, but also further examination. Medical workers have such a thing as an acute abdomen, which is fraught with serious complications. This term refers to the urgent hospitalization of the patient, otherwise complications can lead to death. When there is pain in the abdominal cavity at the top left or bottom left, then you should not risk your health, and you need to undergo an examination.

Usually pain of a different category requires surgical intervention and an urgent call to an ambulance. Remember that health largely depends on the patient himself, as well as on the correct diagnosis and timely assistance. Do not take painkillers on your own, which will smooth out the picture of the pathology that has arisen. Only qualified specialist assistance will be able to eliminate pain and normalize the work of a sick organ.

To avoid the occurrence of pathology in the female reproductive system, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist twice a year and undergo an additional examination. After all, as you know, gynecological diseases occur with pain, which is localized on the left side below. Such pain can be a harbinger of a serious illness, which is fraught not only with a deterioration in overall health, but also with more serious complications.

Treatment of the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium is the most correct decision. If you feel the corresponding pain, you should not try to relieve it yourself, because many serious diseases that only a doctor can detect can cause it. In case of pain, an urgent need to contact a specialist who will find out its source and will engage in appropriate therapy. Be healthy!

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