Culinary notes: delicious squash caviar for the winter

Each owner of a personal plot where you can grow various vegetables and fruits, knows the troubles of harvesting them for the winter. Certainly

winter squash caviar
such an activity takes time and labor, but it all pays off handsomely - it’s nice to open a jar of jam or vegetable caviar and enjoy a treat in the cold season. After all, canned foods are almost the main source of natural vitamins in the winter. Among heat-loving vegetables , squash is widely used. From them you can cook a wide variety of dishes - from jam to salad. For example, caviar from squash is known for its excellent taste . For the winter it can be prepared in large quantities. Consider the basic recipes for this dish.

Vegetable culture

Caviar from squash (for winter can be harvested from the first harvest) has a great taste and calorie content. It is known that the fruits of this plant contain many useful substances (vitamins B, PP and C, carotenes, pectin, etc.). And the taste and nutritional value of squash is much higher compared to zucchini. In addition, this culture has medicinal properties, which is why the mentioned product is often recommended for use in hypertension, liver pathologies, ulcers, inflammation of the kidneys, anemia, etc.

Winter squash caviar: recipes

Essential Ingredients :

  1. squash caviar
    Squash (1 kg) must be cut into small pieces and browned in oil. After that, cool and chop the slices with a meat grinder.
  2. Finely chop the onion (about 500 g) and fry.
  3. Chop the garlic (medium 2 cloves) and various herbs (e.g. dill and parsley 5 g each) and mix with salt (20 g).
  4. Combine all components, season with vinegar (6%, 35 g) and sugar (10 g) and transfer to a glass container. Banks need to be sterilized for about 75-90 minutes. (depending on the volume of the container). Then roll the blanks and leave to cool (the dishes should be turned upside down).

Caviar from squash for the winter also works well when cooking it in another way. To do this, you will need:

  1. Cut vegetables (1 kg) into slices and cook.
  2. Fry the onion (100 g), chop the garlic (50 g), chop the dill and parsley (about 15 g). Mix everything and add to the prepared squash. Put sugar (about 10 g), salt, vinegar (9%, 2 tablespoons) and black pepper (3 g) here.
  3. Arrange the prepared mixture in a container and warm for about 1 hour in a pot of boiling water.
  4. Roll up blanks and cool by placing containers down with their necks.

squash blanks
Caviar from squash is not bad with the addition of tomato juice or mashed potatoes. To prepare this option, you can use the following information:

  1. Cut vegetables (1.2 kg) into slices and bake in the oven. After that, grind them in a meat grinder.
  2. Finely chop the onion (about 4 pcs.) And sautΓ© in tomato puree (2 tablespoons). Add squash here and hold on a little over low heat. Season with spices: 3% vinegar (small spoon), spices (to taste).
  3. Place the mass in sterilized containers and seal.

Squash blanks can be performed by experimenting with various additives. For example, you can use sweet peas, horseradish, bay leaf, caraway seeds, hot peppers and others. This dish is recommended to be served as an additional treat: it goes well with meat dishes.

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