What are cholekinetics?

Diseases of the gallbladder interfere with the normal functioning of the entire digestive system. In pathological conditions, the ability of this organ to develop and remove bile is reduced, ducts become clogged and tumors form on the tissues. The treatment of the smallest manifestations of pathologies from the gallbladder should never be postponed, since the secretion of bile is an important factor for the absorption of food. Cholekinetics are drugs that help fight a number of problems that prevent the elimination of bile. In this article, we will discuss in detail the effectiveness of these tools.

The role of bile in the human body

To understand the effects of drugs, you first need to understand the role of bile fluid in the digestive system.

Bile is a secret secreted by liver cells with biologically active substances. A yellowish-greenish liquid with a taste of bitterness enters the gallbladder and is there in reserve until a certain point. During a meal, the duodenum is supplied with a reserve of this secret. With its help, the breakdown of fats and their absorption occurs. Bile stimulates digestion, promoting the complete absorption of nutrients.

Under the influence of bile acids, intestinal motility is enhanced, which prevents constipation. Biological fluid does not allow bacteria to invade the mucous membranes of this organ and develop infectious diseases.

Together with the elements of food, bile is partially absorbed in the intestines, and the remainder leaves the body with waste products.

In order for food to be transformed into the energy necessary for us, coordinated work of all digestive organs is required. The correct production of bile occurs only under such conditions. In the event of pathologies, obstacles are created for the normal secretion, passage and accumulation of secretion fluid. This leads to its stagnation and, as a consequence, disruption of the intestines and absorption of necessary substances.

To eliminate pathological disorders, you need to take drugs that contribute to the passage of bile and restore the normal functioning of the digestive organs. Further, in general terms, we will consider the effect of the mentioned drugs and dwell on the list of cholekinetics, since they are the main topic of our article.

cholekinetics is

General characteristics of choleretic drugs

Cholagogue drugs increase the formation of bile and contribute to its normal progression in the direction of the duodenum. Thanks to such drugs, bile moves faster along the ducts, and due to this, the probability of precipitation of cholesterol is reduced, which, in turn, prevents the formation of cholelithiasis. Timely use of choleretic drugs protects against infections and relieves inflammation.

Drugs are classified into groups, of which the main ones can be distinguished: cholespasmolytics, cholekinetics, choleretics and drugs that prevent the formation of gallstones.

The classification of drugs is carried out on the basis of several principles: the chemical composition of the drugs, their pharmacological effect and the anatomical organs to which the treatment with a particular drug is directed is taken into account.

Medicines belonging to the subgroup of cholespasmolytics are prescribed to relieve pain and alleviate pathological conditions. They eliminate spasms, dilate the ducts and facilitate the movement of bile.

The difference between choleretics and cholekinetics in the mechanism of their action. The former, influencing the liver, actively synthesize bile acids, thereby increasing the production of bile. The second effect on the gallbladder, improving the outflow of fluid and relaxing the biliary tract.

Means that help to reduce the lithogenicity index of the biological fluid dissolve the formed stones in the gallbladder, and also prevent the appearance of new ones. The composition of such preparations contains bile acids - chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic. In addition, they are characterized by the presence of active lipid solvents, one of which is methyl tert-butyl ether.

cholekinetics drugs

List of popular drugs

We will try to single out from a variety of choleretics and cholekinetics a list of drugs that are the most popular in medical practice.

“Allohol”, “Cholenzym” and “Liobil” are choleretics developed on the basis of natural bile of animals.

The synthetic products of this group include: Osalmid, Nicodine and Cycalvalon. In addition to the choleretic effect, these drugs have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The following drugs are herbal choleretic drugs: Holosas, Hofitol, Berberis, Febihol, Insadol, Flamin.

Means aimed at diluting the biological fluid and normalizing its composition are called hydrocholetics. They prevent the appearance of stones. Such a medicine is valerian and herbs, which include this plant. A similar effect is exerted by mineral water containing alkali. These are Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Narzan, Slavyanovskaya, Arzni, Smirnovskaya.

The following agents are referred to cholekinetics: Xylitol, Mannitol, Magnesia, Sorbitol, Holos, Cholemax, Berberina sulfate, Choleretin.

Cholespasmolytics: “No-shpa”, “Drotaverin”, “Papaverin”, “Eufillin”, “Spazmolitin”, “Besalol”, “Mebeverin”, “Atropin”.

Herbal antispasmodics are tinctures from calendula, mint, elecampane, arnica, valerian, lemon balm, as well as the drug "Holagol."

The following list is drugs with a litholytic effect. These include: Ursosan, Ursodez, Urdox, Ursofalk. This group of drugs is conventionally considered as choleretic drugs.

cholekinetics list

More on cholekinetics

Cholekinetics are drugs that enhance the tone of the gallbladder. At the same time, they relax the muscles of the biliary tract, which leads to suitable conditions for promoting biological fluid. In this way, congestion is prevented, the “organ-reservoir” is freed from excess bile, and it begins to enter the duodenum in a timely manner. After the use of cholekinetics, the digestive system is fully adjusted.

The positive effect of bile preparations is due to their effect on the mucosa of the duodenum, resulting in the release of cholecystokinin. This is a hormone responsible for gallbladder motility and stimulation of pancreatic secretion enzymes. By relaxing the sphincters of Oddi, ideal conditions are created for the breakdown of food. The bile and pancreatic enzymes that contribute to good digestion enter the duodenum very quickly.

Polyhydric alcohols - xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol - have effects that can cause intense contraction of the gallbladder.

According to the mechanism of action of cholekinetics are represented by two groups: drugs that cause contraction of the gallbladder (hyperkipeticheskie funds), and those that eliminate the spasm of sphincters (cholespasmolytics). Many of these drugs combine different types of activity. Based on this, it seems reasonable to conclude that cholekinetics are antispasmodic drugs that enhance the excretion of bile.

cholekinetics indications for use


There are not so many indications for the use of cholekinetics, since the treatment of the gallbladder with these drugs is carried out only in certain conditions.

In complex therapy, drugs are used for diseases of the biliary tract of a different nature. They are used for such types of examinations as duodenal sounding, x-ray and ultrasound. Cholekinetics are prescribed for problems arising from violations of the outflow of bile. Indication for the appointment of cholekinetics is:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • dyskinesia;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • atony of the gallbladder.

Medications can not be used for liver dystrophy, acute hepatitis and obstructive jaundice. And they are contraindicated in case of excessively elevated gall tone and the presence of stones.

choleretics and cholekinetics drugs list

How to take cholekinetics?

Cholagogue is taken for a long time. This period can vary from a month to 8 weeks. Several courses of treatment are carried out per year, with an interval of 30-60 days.

In chronic diseases, treatment is carried out as a preventive measure until the symptoms of a specific disease disappear completely.

At the time of exacerbation, cholekinetics are prescribed in large dosages in combination with other medicines.

After the appointment of an individual dosage, the daily norm is evenly divided by 3-5 times. The distribution of the drug depends on the amount of food intake, since all such drugs are used only before meals. This also applies to the administration of cholekinetics. How much do you need to drink these drugs before meals? Medications aimed at treating the gallbladder are taken half an hour before a meal, as they should be washed down with water. If hunger is not satisfied in time, then this will result in nausea, weakness and indigestion.

choleretics and cholekinetics difference

Effective drugs for stagnation of bile

Stagnation of bile in medicine is called cholestasis. This condition is associated with many health risks. It leads to metabolic disorders and often becomes the main cause of poor functioning of the digestive system. A number of the following factors can contribute to this pathology: inflammatory processes in the digestive system, helminthic invasions, formation of stones in the gall bladder, disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Stagnation of bile can be preceded by an incorrect lifestyle. These are bad habits, taste preferences and irregular nutrition.

Cholekinetics help cope with congestion, the names of the drugs are listed below:

  • Flaming.
  • "Berberis-Homaccord."
  • "Holosas."
  • "Magnesium sulfate."
  • "Cholecystokinin."

The listed drugs are prescribed for people suffering from chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis and with difficulties with the outflow of bile.

After the examination has been conducted, the doctor may decide that you need to take the medicine in pill form. This form of cholekinetic drugs stimulates well the work of organs associated with the production and storage of bile, and has a positive effect on sphincters. Such effects allow bile to move unhindered in the right direction. The following tablets are considered to be proven and long-known medicines:

  • Xylitol.
  • "Sorbitol".
  • "Kormagnesin."
  • Mannitol.

The list of cholekinetic drugs includes some synthetic agents that have a choleretic effect:

  • Osalmid.
  • "Hydroxymethyl nicotinamide."
  • "Phenipentol."

All the funds mentioned should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case can cause great harm to other organs. For patients with diseases such as giardiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and hepatitis, the prescription of drugs in the same group will be different.

indication for the appointment of cholekinetics is

Natural remedies

There is a rich list of cholekinetics of natural origin. These include foods and herbs.

Oils obtained from medicinal plants contribute to the normal elimination of bile. With the proper use of herbal preparations, an excellent therapeutic effect is achieved.

  • Oils: juniper, sunflower, coriander, olive and caraway seeds.
  • Juices: cranberry, lingonberry.
  • The roots of medicinal plants: rhubarb, calamus, dandelion.
  • Fruits: rose hips, caraway seeds, coriander, fennel, juniper.
  • Flowers: chamomile, cornflower, immortelle, calendula.
  • Herbs: shepherd’s bag, wormwood, oregano, yarrow, grass of the mountaineer and bird thyme.

Some of the above natural remedies can be used in pure form, making them infusions and teas. In pharmacies there are professionally selected collections of medicinal herbs and ready-made extracts from various parts of medicinal plants. Here are some examples of these cholekinetics:

  • "Holosas", "Holos", "Cholemax" - extracts obtained from rose hips.
  • The extract of the immortelle is the Flamin.
  • Extracts made from the leaves and roots of barberry include: “Berberine Sulfate” and “Berberis-Homaccord”.

Some of the herbal medicines belonging to the group of cholekinetics also have a choleretic effect.

For children

For babies, drugs are usually chosen that have several effects. This takes into account the age and weight of the child.

The doctor can prescribe funds that include valerian, or the following drugs: “Kormagnesin”, “Magnesium sulfate”, “Magnesia”, “Valerianachel”.

Sometimes children are prescribed Magnesium Sulfate. A probe is used to administer the drug to the duodenum. Under this influence, the gallbladder contracts reflexively, and the sphincter of Oddi relaxes.

If a child needs to take choleretics, then it is better to use mineral water instead.

For pregnant

There are many industrial pharmaceuticals that you can take during pregnancy. Treatment with medicinal herbs with choleretic effects is not recommended. Natural cholekinetics are too active, so it is better to refrain from them. A good preparation in this regard for pregnant women is Berberis-Homaccord. This is a homeopathic remedy with an antispasmodic effect, which is used for the systematic treatment of bile ducts that occur against a background of various inflammatory processes.

Some recommendations

Some foods will help improve the flow of bile. When cooking ordinary everyday dishes, you always need to add vegetable oils. Raw broths and fruits are of great benefit. The following plants are included in the group of such products:

  • turmeric;
  • greens;
  • watermelon;
  • prunes
  • citrus;
  • melons
  • avocado.

Natural cholekinetics are medicinal plants and products that help with stagnation of bile. One of the most effective is St. John's wort. On its basis, many drugs have been made that are used to treat the liver and gall bladder. However, from it you can cook a decoction at home. One tablespoon of dry grass is poured into a glass of boiled water and cooked over low heat. Take 30 minutes before meals ½ cup.

The correct diet should be selected by the attending physician. Experts advise during the treatment to lead a mobile lifestyle, do not overeat, consume medicinal teas and regularly take prescribed medications.

If you start to fulfill all the necessary recommendations, as soon as the disease has made itself felt, then this will not only contribute to a quick recovery, but also prevent further manifestations of the same nature.


A review of medicines leads to the fact that each of them should be taken only for its intended purpose. Otherwise, it may cause irreparable harm to health. Pharmacists, when developing drugs, took care of their classification. In addition, there are many experienced doctors who will always help you choose the right remedy.

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