Fig jam is the best addition to winter tea drinking

fig jam

For the inhabitants of our country, figs are more familiar in dried form: this dried fruit can be purchased almost everywhere (both in the fruit market and in the supermarket) and at any time of the year. Some still do not suspect that fresh figs exist, and this is an unusually tasty and healthy fruit. If you have been to Abkhazia, for example, then you probably had the opportunity to try real fig jam. There it is quite popular, and they know a lot about it. And if you tried once, now you will want to try this delicacy again and again. For those who have never eaten, and those who managed to fall in love with fig jam, the recipe offered in our article is very useful. After all, preparing this wonderful treat yourself is not difficult at all, the main thing is to choose the right fruits.

For jam, you need to take a mature, but not overripe fig. It is best if the variety is white, not purple (although for lack of choice it will do). For 1 kilogram of fruit, we take the following components:

  • granulated sugar - kilogram;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • some citric acid and vanilla.

First you need to boil the syrup from the specified amount of water and sugar. Rinse the figs, pierce with a toothpick or a fork in several places (so that the fruits do not burst during cooking and better absorb the syrup). Pour the figs with sugar syrup and leave in a cool place for a day. On the second day, remove the fruits, and boil the syrup and boil for an hour and a half, pour figs on them again and leave for another day. Now, put the pot with syrup, without taking out the fruits, put on a slow fire and cook until tender. Before cooking, add a lemon on the tip of a knife and a pinch of two vanillin. Pour hot fig jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Wrap them until cool, and then store in a cool and dark place for storage.

fig jam recipe

There is another interesting recipe. Now you will learn how to cook fig jam without adding water, but with one piquant component. For cooking you will need:

  • per kilogram of sugar and figs;
  • cognac (here it is, this special ingredient).

how to cook fig jam

Wash the fig fruits, dry, peel and cut into 4 parts. Put slices of figs in layers in a large bowl, pouring them with sugar and sprinkling with a small amount of cognac. It is better to do this in the evening, so that at night the product insists. And by morning, the figs will start up a sufficient amount of juice, and it will be possible to begin direct cooking. The fire should be small, otherwise the fig jam will start to bubble or, even worse, burn out. Cook it, stirring occasionally, until tender. It is determined simply: the syrup should be thick and transparent amber (amber pink, if you took a purple variety), and the fruits should be soft. Well, of course, the aroma will be fantastic! The smell of figs with notes of cognac. Close in the same way as in the previous case, hot.

Very often, jam jam is boiled with the addition of components such as quince (then the fruits must be taken in equal proportions), walnuts (you get a real oriental delicacy!) Or just with lemon. You can experiment and try one of these options: it turns out especially well with nuts. Have a nice tea party!

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