Granovskaya Nadezhda: biography of a little black one from Viagra

Many people today believe that to conquer the star Olympus, it is enough to have a gorgeous body. However, this is not so, the main thing is still talent. And if a celebrity also has perfect external data, then her success is guaranteed.

Granovskaya Nadezhda biography

Granovskaya Nadezhda, whose biography recalls the tale of Cinderella, familiar to everyone, is a confirmation of this. An ordinary Ukrainian provincial, going on stage, made severe male hearts tremble, freeze in delight. Women quietly envied, and adolescents looked up to her.

Granovskaya Nadezhda was born, whose biography is interesting to many of her fans, on April 10, 1982 in the village of Zbruchivka (Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine). The girlโ€™s father drank heavily, so the family lived poorly and restlessly. However, this fact did not prevent her from becoming interested in classical music and watching ballet on TV. Then the family moved to Volochisk, where Nadia graduated from school.

Nadezhda Granovskaya, whose biography is literally filled with white and black stripes, stubbornly went to her dream. She studied at the Khmelnitsky Pedagogical College (faculty of choreography and music education), and then in Kiev (college named after Ushinsky).

Acquaintance with Valery Meladze, who toured Ukraine, took place in Khmelnitsky: the singer performed in the theater where Nadya worked. She learned from him that Konstantin creates a new group and conducts a casting. Meyher arranged an amateur photo shoot and sent it to the producer. The spectacular appearance captivated Kostyuk and Meladze, and they invited the girl to audition. So the first composition of the super-popular group โ€œVIA Graโ€ was formed, which, in addition to Nadia, also included Alena Vinnitskaya. This duet, and then the trio conquered not only their native Ukraine, but also Russia, as well as a number of other CIS countries.

Nadezhda Meicher Granovsky biography

Granovskaya Nadezhda, whose biography is closely connected with this team, brought a zest to the show business, innovation, fell into the soul, comparing favorably with others. The very first song "VIA Gra" under the name "Attempt No. 5" became an undoubted hit. Some time after hard work in the team, Nadia had to leave: she was expecting a baby. However, she returned a month after giving birth, having returned to its former forms. In secret, it is worth saying that for the sake of participating in the group, Meicher lost a lot of weight: her beauty required victims.

Nadezhda Granovskaya biography

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, whose biography delights every person, worked in the group for five years, being its permanent member. At the same time, the composition of โ€œVIA Graโ€ has changed repeatedly. But in 2006, Nadia left too - without any misunderstandings, scandals, at the peak of her popularity. She changed her image, devoted herself to her son and household chores, tried herself as a TV presenter. And in 2009, the artist returned to the sexy trio.

Granovskaya Nadezhda, whose biography is considered in this article, is a very active woman. She starred in musicals, leads a popular television program, raises not only her son, but also her daughter. I would like to wish her great creative success, inspiration, prosperity, as well as great female happiness, and look forward to new projects, new songs, new ups.

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