Inflamed lymph nodes under the armpits. What to do?

The lymph node is an important element of the human lymphatic system, which acts as a filter. When an infection gets into the body, all trace elements that are harmful, settle in the lymph node, and then are destroyed by white blood cells. There are cases when the infection is too persistent, in connection with which the white cells are activated, which leads to further inflammation of the lymph node. Therefore, when the lymph node becomes inflamed, the disease itself must first be eliminated. The lymph node always β€œstands guard” in human health and gives a signal about the invasion of bacteria, parasites and viruses.

As you know, inflammation of the lymph node is a very unpleasant phenomenon, often accompanied by pain. The medical term that characterizes this problem is lymphadenitis. Unfortunately, inflammation of the lymph node is associated with various diseases of the body and inflammatory processes. Therefore, its treatment mainly depends on the disease itself and its severity.

This article will discuss inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits. If the lymph nodes in the armpits have increased, first of all, a person needs to be examined by a doctor for the presence of any disease. During the examination, the doctor will identify the causes that caused inflammation of the lymph nodes. And these reasons can be very different. This is a disease of connective tissue, hypersensitivity of the body, malignant tumors, breast disease, chronic bacterial and viral infections, and even cancer.

If a person does not feel the lymph nodes, then he has everything in order with his health. If the lymph nodes in the armpits are inflamed, then the disease progresses. In this case, when pressure is applied in the axillary region, sharp movements of the hands, pain is felt, and a mobile roundish bulge can be felt. Based on these symptoms, a person will be able to independently determine in which places the inflamed lymph node is located . If the lymph nodes are hurt by the armpits, and the inflammatory process has begun, then this means that first of all it is necessary to undergo a check of the organs located in this area for the presence of certain diseases.

When the temperature is elevated, malaise is felt, weak or severe headaches, and the lymph nodes in the armpits are enlarged, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of lymphadenitis begins with the fact that the cause of its occurrence is clarified. And in this case, the disease itself is treated, which led to an increase in the lymph node. But if the reason could not be determined, then you should proceed to treatment of the node itself.

If the lymph nodes in the armpits are inflamed, but when pressure is applied to them, there is no pain, then you can try treatment using folk methods. One of the effective methods is to take an infusion of echinacea. It must be diluted with water (per 100 grams of water, 10 drops of echinacea) and taken orally three times a day. This relieves the inflammatory process and reduces the size of the lymph node.

Syrup is also prepared from the miraculous Echinacea. To do this, boil water (1.5 cups), and then, adding 4 tablespoons of chopped Echinacea root, boil over low heat for another 20 minutes. Then add peppermint 50 grams, let it brew for 5 minutes, add honey to taste. Such syrup should be consumed three times a day for 20 grams.

You can also take powder from crushed Canadian yellow root. The powder must be consumed in half a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with water.

Also, when the lymph nodes in the armpits are inflamed, warm compresses, heat-reducing agents are used and, if necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. At the same time, you need a good rest. And do not forget that, before applying any treatment, you must always consult with a specialist.

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