Yeast can appear on the skin in both women and men. In medical circles, this problem is called candidiasis, which can most often be found on the genitals or nails.
What is the fungus associated with? Of course, with a lot of unpleasant symptoms that significantly affect the quality of human life. Many believe that this infection is completely harmless, but this is a misconception. Do not ignore the disease, otherwise it will turn into a chronic form. At the first signs, it is urgent to begin treatment. But how to do that? Let's try to deal with this issue in the article.
Risk factors
To begin with, we will deal with risk factors for the occurrence of yeast on the skin of a person and on his genitals. To begin with, Candida mushrooms already live in our body, but immunity is able to control their reproduction. When the immune system fails, yeast-like fungi begin to multiply at a fast pace, which leads to health problems. We offer a small list of factors that can trigger a disease:
- severe overwork;
- starvation;
- dysbiosis;
- avitaminosis;
- infectious diseases;
- helminths;
- radiation therapy;
- chemotherapy;
- frequent use of antibiotics;
- excess weight;
- diabetes;
- taking birth control medications;
- frequent use of hormonal drugs;
- non-observance of personal hygiene and so on.
There are three ways of infection of a person:
- domestic;
- through food;
- sexual.
Most often, the first type is found (transmission of infection by domestic means). This can happen due to the use of one dish, a towel, linen or a toothbrush by a sick and healthy person.
Also, no less often there are cases when the fungus got on the skin when visiting such public places as a bath, sauna or pool. This can happen if hygiene requirements are not observed when cleaning a public place.
Wash fruits and vegetables well, because these microorganisms also live on them, and if they are poorly processed, they can get into our body and provoke an unpleasant disease.
If the infection formed in the genital area, then the cause of the disease is sexual intimacy with an infected person. Please note that fungi can enter the body not only with vaginal or anal sex, but also with oral.
Candida mushrooms can affect not only the mucous membranes and skin, but also the internal organs of a person. Candida, which has settled in the human body, begins to produce enzymes that lead to cell destruction. It is at this stage that symptoms can be noticed.
On the skin:
- itching
- irritation;
- if the affected area is the face, bubbles may form;
- cracks appear on the lips;
- yeast on the skin of the hands is manifested by redness and rough skin;
- nails - a change in the color of the nail plate, its separation from the bed, the nail roller becomes inflamed;
- bowel damage - allergies, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, weakness;
- oral cavity - the presence of white plaque, edematous mucosa, the presence of ulcers, itching;
- genitals - itching, burning, discharge of a curdled texture with an unpleasant sour smell, the formation of ulcers on the glans penis in men.
Before we get to the question of how to cure yeast in the body, human skin, we offer to understand the methods for diagnosing the disease.
The doctor must:
- conduct inspection and survey;
- with genital lesions, a smear is taken (from the vagina or penis);
- with skin lesions, it is necessary to conduct a microscopic examination of skin flakes and erosive fluid;
- with nail damage, a sample of a fragment of the nail is examined.
Bacteriological culture is often used, i.e. the sample is placed on a special culture medium. Doctors often prescribe OAC and OAM.
If we consider the varieties of fungal infection by depth of penetration, then we can distinguish the following infections:
- keratomycosis;
- dermatomycosis;
- candidiasis.
Fungi belonging to the first group do not penetrate the human body at all. Only the upper layer of the skin is affected. This includes:
- erythrasmus;
- trichomycosis;
- trichosporia;
- pityriasis versicolor.
You can distinguish these fungi by the absence of any pain. Of all the representatives, the most common is pityriasis versicolor. It looks like small flaky spots on the skin.
A distinctive feature of this group is penetration into the depths of the skin, which leads to a longer and more complex treatment. These include:
- yeast fungi;
- dermatophytes;
- mold fungi.
The most common infections are:
- microsporia;
- trichophytosis.
- the formation of a ring on the skin;
- the ring is red;
- inside the ring is a light area that peels off;
- the ring may contain vesicles and pustules.
Yeast on the skin, a photo of which you can observe in this section of the article, is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. A distinctive feature of candidiasis is a deep damage to the skin or mucous membrane of a person.
Infection with these fungi has a number of very unpleasant symptoms, which we have already considered earlier. The main ones are itching, burning, ulcers, fragility of blood vessels.
External treatments
Yeast on the skin or mucous membrane must be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist. Therapy is complex:
- preparations for oral administration;
- means for external use;
- it is possible to use traditional medicine (as agreed with the attending physician).
In no case should antibiotics be used for treatment, since they, on the contrary, are capable of provoking the multiplication of these microorganisms.
Antimycotics for external use:
- Candide;
- Ketoconazole and others.
With these tools, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes for both men and women. Be sure to read the instructions for use before using the drug.
Drug therapy
In addition to ointments and drops for external treatment, systemic medicines are also used. Regardless of the gender of the patient, the following drugs are prescribed:
- 150 milligrams of Fluconazole daily;
- for two weeks, three tablets of "Nystatin" are taken three times a day;
- six days, one capsule per day of Itraconazole;
- 150 milligrams of Diflucan daily.
In addition to these drugs, it is recommended to take probiotics, for example, "Lactusan".
Features of treatment in men
Now let's try to figure out how to get rid of yeast on the skin of men. Remember: you can not engage in self-medication, because an ordinary fungus can entail a lot of rather unpleasant consequences.
What is the peculiarity of the treatment? With a small focus with the infection, they try to cope only with ointments and creams, that is, medications are not taken inside. If a fungal infection is detected, then two stages are distinguished in therapy:
- mild form of the disease - cream "Pimafucin" or nystatin ointment;
- severe form - the use of "Diflucan" or "Flucanosole" inside.
Treatment in women
Now we turn to the features of the treatment of yeast on the skin and genitals in women. Immediately, we note that fungal infection is a common problem in gynecology. In this regard, women need to more carefully monitor their health.
Here are some tips to help women get rid of the disease faster:
- change the means used for intimate hygiene;
- change underwear for more free and breathable;
- be sure to wash your genitals daily with clean water;
- if infected during pregnancy, do not use douching;
- watch your weight;
- establish a psycho-emotional state, because stress is one of the factors contributing to the infection of a fungal infection.
Treatment in children
Now about how to treat yeast on the skin of a child? Candida fungi in children primarily affect the skin or mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Often, infection occurs at the time of birth or when breastfeeding.
For treatment use:
- 2% iodine and ointments approved for use by children;
- boric acid;
- the oral mucosa is usually treated with soda.
Do not forget about prevention. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child in order to prevent infection.
If the attending physician is not opposed, then you can use some of the tips of traditional medicine. But remember that these funds will not help get rid of the fungus in the absence of drug therapy.
- Chamomile and St. John's wort. From these plants make tea and drink once a day. This combination of plants has an antibacterial effect and helps strengthen immunity.
- Burdock and elecampane root should be taken three times a day in half a glass. In addition, this decoction is quite suitable for local treatment of affected areas.
- Lemon. It is necessary to squeeze juice out of it and pour a glass of boiling water. After complete cooling with this solution, damaged areas can be treated.
Do not forget to follow a diet with yeast on the skin or internal organs. The provoking factor is sugar. In this regard, we exclude not only sugar, syrup and confectionery, but also fruits. Fill your diet with vegetables and herbs, meat and dairy products.
Possible complications
Only complex therapy will help get rid of yeast on the skin. For effective treatment, it is necessary to undergo examination by an experienced specialist, and only after a series of tests he will be able to prescribe an adequate treatment. But what will happen if this problem is left to chance?
Then the infection will get inside the body, which will lead to damage to the internal organs (one or even several). Another two very common complications are candida angina and candida allergy.