The best cream for hemorrhoids: manufacturer reviews

In this article, we will consider effective creams for hemorrhoids. What is this pathology? How does it manifest? Is it easy to treat?

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the venous plexus located in the rectum and anus, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. These formations can become inflamed, fall out of the anus and bleed. There are two main forms of hemorrhoids - internal and external.

A slight increase in the nodes can be observed in many people, however, under the influence of adverse factors, they can greatly increase, bleed and pinched. In some cases, severe anemia develops, and the treatment of such forms of the disease requires emergency surgical intervention. In the early stages, pathology lends itself well to conservative therapy, which includes the use of a variety of creams for hemorrhoids and ointments for external use.

hemorrhoid cream

Types of creams

To date, the pharmaceutical market has a huge number of different medications that are designed to eliminate the negative symptoms of this disease.

Creams from the expansion of hemorrhoidal nodes and veins, as well as from cracks in the anus and rectum, are significantly different from each other in their qualities and types of active substances. All medicines of this type can be divided into several categories:

  1. Homeopathic remedies, which consist of natural ingredients with high healing qualities. These drugs are very safe and differ in that they have a minimum of contraindications, but do not always successfully cope with their main task. They should be used in combination with other medications, acting, as a rule, at the local level.
  2. Anti-inflammatory creams. The ingredients in the composition of such drugs effectively fight inflammation, eliminating the pathological foci of the disease. Such funds are usually used in exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  3. Anesthetics, which are intended primarily to relieve an unpleasant pain syndrome. This property of this category of medicines is due to the content of local anesthetics in them, which quickly reduce the pain of the affected areas. As an additional substance in the composition of an anesthetic cream, an anti-inflammatory ingredient can also be used.
  4. Antibacterial agents, the main task of which is to eliminate the inflammatory process caused by pathogenic microflora, as well as to prevent infection of inflamed areas. As part of such funds there are special bactericidal substances.
  5. Hemostatic creams for hemorrhoids, which are used in patients with severe bleeding hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The purpose of using this group of drugs is to prevent the development of anemia through the rapid healing of rectal defects. The substances that make up them constrict the capillaries, increase the strength of the venous wall and reduce the risk of injury.
  6. Venotonic drugs, which usually include a variety of flavonoids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity and reduce permeability. Due to this property, the appearance of congestion in hemorrhoidal nodes is significantly reduced.

Also, women often use hemorrhoid cream under the eyes. This is done in order to reduce bags and bruises.

The use of a drug should be due to clinical symptoms.

The use of creams for the occurrence of hemorrhoids symptoms must be carried out in compliance with certain recommendations. As a rule, drug manufacturers indicate the main recommendations for their use, but if there are none, the following principles must be followed:

  1. Hemorrhoid creams are applied directly to damaged areas twice a day. After each act of defecation, it is also possible to use them, but do not do this more than 4 times a day.
  2. Before lubricating the hemorrhoids, hygiene of the anus surface is mandatory.
  3. A small amount of cream is applied to the external manifestations of hemorrhoids in the form of cones. Rubbing cream is strictly prohibited.
  4. If pathological formations are located inside the rectum, the product is applied using a special applicator or cotton swab.

So, which hemorrhoid cream is the best?

cream wax for hemorrhoids

Heparin ointment

This hemorrhoid medicine is considered one of the main components of therapy. Heparin ointment is a reliable and proven tool that first began to be used in proctological practice in the early 20th century. A medication is a combination agent that has an anticoagulant effect and is intended for external use. The ointment looks like a jelly-like white mass with a yellowish tint. The main active ingredient is heparin, which carries out an antithrombotic effect, thinning the blood in areas of inflammation.

Heparin cream ointment for hemorrhoids eliminates congestion, resolves existing blood clots and blood clots, and also prevents their formation. The active ingredients of this ointment: heparin, benzyl nicotinate and benzocaine also help eliminate inflammation, anesthetize and dilate the small vessels of the rectum and anus.

When using this drug, the symptoms of itching in the anorectal region, pain, inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues are quickly stopped. In addition, the drug has a pronounced thrombolytic effect, reducing the increased coagulability of the blood and preventing its stagnation.

Hemorrhoidal hematomas and nodules under the influence of these substances cease to increase in size, and with regular use they significantly decrease and begin to gradually disappear. This drug is well suited for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It can also be used to prevent the disease, since heparin is not toxic even with frequent use.

Troxevasin gel

This drug is often used in the form of a cream for hemorrhoids. The cream base allows the active ingredients of the drug to quickly penetrate into the tissues and reaching maximum concentrations, provide the necessary therapeutic effect. The medication should be applied to open hemorrhoids in the anus twice a day, after hygiene procedures.

Ointments, creams and gels "Troxevasin" is a medicine based on a semi-synthetic substance - rutin, which improves blood circulation in the vessels, creates the necessary tone in smooth muscles, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The action of rutin is enhanced while its use with ascorbic acid.

"Troxevasin" reduces the activity of platelets and their ability to accumulate in the stretched walls of blood vessels, and also prevents their adhesion, which prevents the formation of blood clots. The drug has a beneficial effect on small capillaries, improving blood microcirculation in them.

During the application of Troxevasin cream, the walls of the veins become strong and elastic, and the outflow of blood from the hemorrhoidal nodes increases, as a result of which these formations become smaller and begin to dissolve. Troxevasin preparations also reduce blood viscosity, significantly reducing the risk of thrombosis in hemorrhoids; relieve puffiness and unpleasant symptoms such as burning and itching in the anorectal region.

Medical practice shows that treatment becomes most effective when two medicinal forms of the medicine are used simultaneously: gel and internal capsules. Troxevasin also reduces the risk of trophic ulcers. Its therapeutic effect is achieved by narrowing the pores between the endothelial cells that cover the blood vessels. This cream quickly eliminates edema and contributes to the speedy healing process of internal ulcers and cracks.

hemorrhoid cream reviews

Cream for hemorrhoids "Relief"

This drug is a yellowish mass with a pronounced fish smell. This feature, as well as the numerous healing qualities of the medication, are due to the presence of shark liver oils in its composition. This unusual ingredient has earned recognition not only among consumers, but also among doctors who prescribe a drug for various forms of hemorrhoids. The healing properties of shark fat were known in the Middle Ages. It contains a unique substance in the form of squalene bicarbonate, which helps relieve the inflammatory process, stop bleeding and heal wounds and cracks.

Another active ingredient in Relif cream for hemorrhoids is phenylephrine hydrochloride. This substance has the ability to narrow blood vessels, which manifests itself in the form of a significant reduction in swelling and a decrease in sensations of pain in the affected areas.

The composition of this cream also includes shark liver, since the healing properties of this component enhance the regenerative functions of the body.

This tool is very effective in the initial stages of the disease, but it treats advanced forms of hemorrhoids very well.

The instructions for the use of this medication describe all the options for its use, and cream "Relief" is prescribed to patients in the following conditions:

cream ointment for hemorrhoids
  1. External hemorrhoids.
  2. Internal hemorrhoids.
  3. Anal fissures.
  4. Bleeding from the anus.
  5. Inflammatory processes of the anorectal region and rectum.

The best cream for hemorrhoids will help you choose a doctor.

Cream "Posterisan"

This drug is used for topical treatment of diseases of the anorectal region. The antigens of the cell walls contained in this medication, as well as the metabolites of E. coli, in contact with the rectal mucosa and perineal skin increase local resistance to the effects of such pathogenic microflora.

The active substances of this drug stimulate the T-lymphocytic defense of the immune system, increase the activity of leukocytes against phagocytes, as well as the reticuloendothelial system, reduce vascular exudation in the inflammatory process and permeability, normalize the tone of blood vessels and provide stimulation of the regenerative functions of the skin.

The drug "Posterisan" is prescribed for the development of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Anal itching.
  2. Anal fissures, including bleeding.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Superficial hemorrhoidal nodes.

The therapeutic effect due to the use of this medication is achieved by increasing local immunity. This cream for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and lactation can be used.

Cream-gel "Proctosan"

This medication has a pronounced anesthetic, antipruritic, regenerative, bactericidal, astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and drying effects on the affected areas.

The analgesic effect of this cream is provided by the anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance bufexamak and the astringent - bismuth.

Lidocaine quickly removes the manifestations of pain by stabilizing the cell membranes, which are responsible for the perception of pain.

Bismuth envelops a thin protective film that can form when gluing proteins, the mucous membrane of the anus and hemorrhoids. Thanks to such a protein film, hemorrhoidal bleeding stops and the severity of the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the anus is significantly reduced. Under the cover of the protective film, the healing process of cracks in the epithelium of the rectum and anus is accelerated. In addition, bismuth has a good antimicrobial effect, since it prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through defects in the mucous membrane and hemorrhoids into the blood. Titanium dioxide also has a similar effect, but also eliminates exudative reactions in inflamed tissues, dries ulcers and heals cracks.

Bufexamak blocks a substance such as cyclooxygenase, which is actively involved in the formation of inflammatory reactions. Thus, inflammation and pain are relieved, and hemorrhoidal cones are reduced in size.

Cream against hemorrhoids "Proctosan" is used for acute and chronic forms of this disease. In addition, it can be used as one of the components of the complex therapy of external, internal and combined hemorrhoids.

the cream is healthy from hemorrhoids

Vishnevsky ointment

This medication has the following components:

  1. Xeroform, which is a chemical substance consisting of bromine, bismuth and phenolic compounds, it destroys pathogenic microflora, dries wounds and ulcers, and accelerates the healing and regenerative functions of the skin.
  2. Castor oil in the form of a natural extract, obtained from castor fruit by cold pressing. This substance with hemorrhoids softens the surface of the skin, which helps other components penetrate the tissues most deeply, contributing to the rapid healing of affected areas.
  3. Birch tar, which can be obtained by distillation of birch birch bark. It contains a large number of various useful substances that have a disinfecting, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Despite the fact that Vishnevsky ointment is prescribed, as a rule, for burns and various skin diseases, it can also be used for hemorrhoids, since it effectively helps with itching in the anus. This medication is safe for children and pregnant women, but it should not be applied to exposed areas of the skin. As a rule, cotton-gauze compresses with ointment are used. Reviews of creams for hemorrhoids are given below.

Chinese ointment

The composition of this drug includes musk, which stimulates the regeneration of tissues of the affected area, has an effective anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Musk ointment for hemorrhoids is recommended to be used in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. External as well as internal hemorrhoids.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the anal area.
  3. Thrombosis in hemorrhoids.
  4. Anal fissures.
  5. Itching of the anus and eczema.

In the presence of such symptoms, as well as pain and burning sensation during bowel movements, this drug can be used as the main one. Chinese musk ointment is a topical medicine with a white color and a uniform texture and a pleasant herbal smell. It also has a regenerating and hemostatic effect. The use of this cream gives quick relief after the first application to the affected area. Burning and itching subside, inflammatory manifestations are significantly reduced. The drug helps to reduce swelling in the rectal zone, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, helps to heal tissues for a long time after application, as a result of which hemorrhoids decrease in size and the pain disappears. What other hemorrhoid cream is effective?

The drug "Aurobin"

The use of this medication is advisable for various forms of acute hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of Aurobin cream is due to its composition, which includes such active substances as:

  1. Prednisolone, which is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, it has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, improves vascular tone, reduces their permeability. With a pronounced exudative effect, the cream contributes to a significant reduction in puffiness and fights against inflammatory phenomena and itching.
  2. Lidocaine, which is a powerful anesthetic component that quickly relieves pain and relieves symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  3. Triclosan is an effective antiseptic that suppresses the development of pathogens.
  4. D-panthenol - a vitamin of group B, which has a powerful regenerative effect on the skin, heals damaged tissue and restores the structures of the mucous membranes.
    effective hemorrhoid cream

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It has instant action. Within a few seconds after application, the Zdorov cream from hemorrhoids is absorbed into the walls of blood vessels. Due to this, relief comes. Itching disappears, inflammatory processes subside. Manufacturers are guaranteed that for a complete relief of the disease one tube is enough.

With regular use, the Zdorov cream from hemorrhoids has a complex effect:

hemorrhoid cream
  • Thrombosis is eliminated.
  • Tissues are regenerated.
  • Puffiness is removed.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • There comes a quick relief.

Consider reviews of creams for hemorrhoids.

Manufacturer's Reviews

Like any group of drugs, hemorrhoid creams have many reviews from customers and people who used them to treat this disease. In the same sense, there are a huge number of both positive and negative opinions about a particular drug. Since today in pharmacies a very wide selection of creams for hemorrhoids is presented, you should carefully read the reviews of real people who have used them, and use such drugs in accordance with the characteristics of the disease in each case.

Relief collects a large number of positive reviews from hemorrhoids cream from consumers. We can say that this tool is one of the most popular in the treatment of both the internal form of hemorrhoids and its external manifestations in the form of nodes. Patients describe it in detail as a very effective medication, which allows to achieve a quick effect in the form of reducing pain, eliminating swelling and getting rid of hemorrhoids. In addition, many are satisfied that it contains natural substances that are not harmful to the body.

According to reviews, the cream wax for hemorrhoids is also very effective. It acts almost instantly, easy to use. It also relieves itching and other uncomfortable sensations.

According to numerous reviews, the Zdorov cream-wax from hemorrhoids is ideal in the price-quality ratio. It is in no way inferior to analogues. You can buy it at any pharmacy for about 1000 rubles. It quickly removes puffiness, regenerates tissues. So he fully lives up to his name.

This is confirmed by reviews of the cream "Healthy" from hemorrhoids.

what kind of cream for hemorrhoids

Another good remedy, according to customers, is Troxevasin. However, its effectiveness is observed precisely with bleeding forms of the disease. Patients note that the ointment has a quick effect on the healing of anal fissures and internal injuries of the rectum.

Aurobin cream and Chinese ointment received negative reviews. Patients noted the duration of treatment, in which the symptoms of hemorrhoids were slightly reduced. At the same time, persistent preservation of itching and burning in the anorectal region was observed, or a slight short-term effect immediately after applying the cream.

A good remedy for early manifestations of hemorrhoids, patients consider heparin ointment, when with the initial occurrence of hemorrhoidal nodes with the help of this drug, it becomes possible to eliminate them. In this case, there is a significant decrease in swelling in the anus, which is also considered a positive effect of the medication.

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