How to cook perch caviar? Cooking recipes

Everyone knows how to use red or black caviar. This delicacy is expensive. But the caviar of different river fish gets us for free, as they say, in the load. What to do with her? Throw it away or give it to a cat? Do not hurry! In this article we will tell you what you can cook from perch caviar. And of course, share the recipes. In its raw form, this product, unlike the delicious caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, is not very tasty. Because of astringency, even hungry cats reluctantly eat it. Therefore, there is an opinion that the caviar of river perch is poisonous. But this is a myth. If you cook caviar in a special way, you can make many delicious dishes from it. The most important way is salting. Below we will talk about him. But in addition to salting, caviar of river perch can be smoked, boiled, fried, made from it cutlets, pancakes, pancakes. After reading our article, you can choose the right recipe.

How to cook perch caviar

Salting. The easiest way

In stores you can find jars filled with white caviar. It is pike, cyprinid, herring, and perch. Of course, in appearance she is not as smart as red or black caviar. But its useful properties are slightly inferior to these delicacies. Protein, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, vitamins - all these substances contain perch caviar. How to cook this product at home? Here is the simplest recipe. First you need to free the eggs from the film covering it and rinse thoroughly with running water. Then put in a bowl and salt to taste. Stir with whipping movements. A light foam should appear on the surface. Leave for ten minutes alone. Then pour two or three tablespoons of any vegetable oil. Beat with a fork again. Transfer to a clean and dry glass jar. Fill vegetable oil so that it covers the caviar by half a centimeter. Do not mix anymore. Close the jar tightly and put in the refrigerator. Five days later, your delicacy is ready.

How to cook caviar of river perch

Another way of salting, or How to cook perch caviar at home

This method inherits the industrial one. First we will make the marinade. Pour a liter of water into the pan and pour two tablespoons of salt. Put on fire. When the water becomes warm, add two bay leaves, ten black peas and four allspice, a pinch of ground coriander. Bring the marinade to a boil and cook for twenty minutes. During this time, we wash eggs from one river perch. Free her from the films. Put in a saucepan. Pour hot (but not boiling) marinade. Let’s infuse for half an hour. After that, cover with a colander a colander with gauze and discard caviar. The marinade will drain, we will extract the leaves of laurel, as well as peas of pepper. We put the caviar in a metal bowl and put it in a water bath (that is, put it in boiling water in a large saucepan). Stirring regularly, warm for twenty minutes. Ready caviar should become white and crumbly. Salt it as needed and add some vegetable oil.

How to cook perch caviar

What snacks can I make from this product? Some ideas

So, we have salty caviar of perch at our disposal. How to make snacks from this product? The ideal combination would be salted perch caviar and rye bread. You can spread it with butter, and put caviar on top. Such a snack is very tasty. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Peel, cut along in half. Pull the yolks into a bowl. Stir them with salted caviar. Put back in the grooves of proteins. Dripping a little mayonnaise on top. The appetizer is ready. It contains only 60 calories, so it is an excellent dietary snack. You can also cook caviar butter. Just mix the two ingredients to achieve the desired degree of salinity. This oil is good for lubricating crackers.


This is an original Russian dish. And if you are wondering how to cook perch caviar, you need to remember this old recipe. From the washed oysters (half a kilo) we extract the grains, salt them and send them to the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Beat caviar at minimum speed. Add two eggs, pepper. Whip again. Sprinkle a little on three tablespoons of flour and semolina. Stir the liquid, like a pancake, dough. Bake in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Serve to the table with sour cream.

How to cook perch at home

Fried caviar

The specific astringency of the product completely disappears during heat treatment. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to cook perch caviar , but do not want to salt it (since you have to wait five days for the delicacy), fry it. At the same time, you will be spared the troublesome procedure of pulling seeds from the oysters. Rinse the bags containing the eggs thoroughly. In a plate, prepare a breading of flour, salt and pepper. Roll the fagots in this mixture well. We heat a pan with a lot of ghee. Fry for two minutes on each side. With a dozen or a dozen cherry tomatoes, wash and cut in half. Add to the pan. Let’s fry for two more minutes for the tomatoes to start juice. Put caviar and tomatoes in a warm bowl. Pour a little less than half a glass of dry white wine into the pan. Bring to a boil and boil a little (within one minute). Pour the dish with this sauce.

How to cook perch caviar at home


If you are thinking how to cook perch caviar for the second, you can use the following recipe. Tasty cutlets to taste will resemble fish. We wash the caviar and release it from the pails. Salt it, sprinkle with black pepper, chopped green onions and dill. During heat treatment, the caviar becomes dense and dry. Therefore, we will add 50 g sauerkraut to the minced meat. But first, we chop it finely together with the onion and three garlic cloves (400-450 g caviar). So that the minced meat does not creep into the pan, we will introduce one or two eggs, a spoonful of wheat bran and a little flour into it. Knead everything thoroughly with whipping movements. Stuffing should turn out a consistency of thick sour cream. Roll the cutlets breaded with salted flour or crackers. Fry from different sides in vegetable oil.

What can be cooked from perch caviar

Diet cutlets

To deliciously cook perch caviar, continue the previous recipe. The dish cooked on it is also quite edible. But for diet food, there is another way to cook caviar cutlets. Fry products only until golden brown. Put the patties in a baking dish. It is advisable to place them tightly to each other. Fifty grams of sour cream are diluted with milk. Pour patties with this liquid sauce. Put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Five minutes before the end of the set cooking time, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

How to cook caviar of river perch? Very simple. Make a fried egg!

In Russian national cuisine, fish was often used. And our ancestors prepared caviar from it in different ways. For example, they made such a delicious casserole out of it. We wash the caviar and release it from the films. In the case of a perch, this is much easier to do than with a pike. Caviar can simply be scraped off with a fork. We shift the product into the mixer bowl. We drive eggs in - depending on the amount of caviar, two or three pieces. Add milk. Its proportions also depend on the amount of the main ingredient. One egg should go a tablespoon of milk. Salt everything to taste. You can add your favorite spices. Let's start whipping. Lubricate the refractory form with butter. Pour the mixture. Previously, roe was cooked in a Russian oven. But now we can do it in the oven and even in the microwave. If you intend to use the microwave, set the unit to maximum power, and the timer for 5-7 minutes. In the middle of the process, open the oven door and mix the contents of the mold. It will turn out a delicious casserole with a golden brown crust.

Now you know how to cook perch caviar. You can also bake pancakes and pancakes from this product.

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