Cold barley: symptoms, causes, doctor's advice, drug and alternative methods of treatment

Cold barley means an eye disease such as halazion. Outwardly, the disease looks like barley and is a chronic form of inflammation of the eyelids. On the affected eyelid, a neoplasm arises, characterized by soreness. Barley can pass on its own, while halazion requires therapy. More often the disease affects children than adults. Halazion therapy in children is carried out with the help of drugs and folk remedies.

Cold Barley Treatment

Reasons for the development of halazion

As a rule, cold barley affects children 5-10 years old. A disease can occur both as an independent pathology and accompany other diseases.

The main reasons for the appearance of a halazion are considered:

  1. Colds, acute respiratory infections, flu.
  2. Low immunity.
  3. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules. Infection can get into your eyes through unwashed hands.
  4. Ophthalmic, dermatological diseases.
  5. Digestive diseases.
  6. Avitaminosis.
  7. Hormonal disruptions.
  8. Metabolic disorders, for example, with diabetes.
  9. Blockage of the outlet ducts produced in excess secret.

Varieties of halazion

Specialists classify cold barley in accordance with its location:

  1. Halazion of the lower eyelids. In this case, a swelling occurs at the edge of the eyelid.
  2. Chalazion of the upper eyelid. In this case, the neoplasm is located inside the eyelid on the eyelash growth line. Such a tumor looks like barley.
    Cold barley on the upper eyelid

Symptoms of Halazion

Cold barley in the upper eyelid can develop in adults and children at the same time in both eyes, or only on one. Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Enhanced lacrimation develops.
  2. Sight is deteriorating.
  3. Puffiness develops on the eyelid.
  4. A swelling occurs on the affected eyelid.
  5. Palpation of the tumor causes pain.
  6. Purulent exudate is present in the tumor.
  7. Feeling pain and pain in the affected eye.
  8. The skin around the eye itches, blushes.

A photo of cold barley is presented in the article.

To distinguish halazion from ordinary infectious barley in the early stages of development is quite problematic. Halazion does not open itself, the tumor over time begins to increase in size, harden, while interfering with the movement of the eyelids.

Cold barley in a child

Degrees of pathology

Cold barley is classified by ophthalmologists into 4 stages, depending on the severity.

  1. With the first degree of halazion, reddening of the skin on the eyelid is observed. A person feels a slight discomfort.
  2. At the second stage, noticeable swelling develops, uncomfortable sensations become more pronounced. At this stage of the development of halazion, therapy is allowed using traditional medicine methods. However, you should still consult your doctor first.
  3. With the third degree of development, the growth of the neoplasm occurs, painful sensations appear. In this case, pathology can be eliminated with the help of medications recommended by a specialist.
  4. In the fourth stage, the tumor size increases to critical. Pus accumulates in the tumor cavity. Eliminate such a tumor only by surgical intervention.

Drug treatment

For the treatment of cold barley in a child and adult patients, drugs intended for topical use are used. Eliminate pathology allow:

  1. Yellow mercury ointment. This drug is an antiseptic and is able to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to process the cone with the indicated drug three times a day.
  2. "Torbeks" in the form of ointment. The drug effectively fights swelling, inflammation, itching. Use this medication three times a day.
  3. β€œTorbex” in the form of ophthalmic drops. Instillations of the drug are carried out three times a day, a single dose in this case is up to 2 drops.
  4. Hydrocortisone-based ointments can quickly suppress the symptoms of halazion. Medicinal ointment should be laid under the eyelid, affected by the disease, three times a day.
  5. The launched forms of halazion are subject to steroid therapy. The medicine is injected into the abscess cavity, which helps to eliminate inflammation.
    How to treat cold barley?

What other treatment for cold barley is possible?

Radical Therapies

If the neoplasm has an excessively dense structure, it must be excised surgically. Children undergo surgery under local anesthesia very easily.

An incision is made from the inside of the eyelid, in connection with which the appearance of cosmetic defects and scars after surgery is excluded. Tumor excision is indicated only if its development is not accompanied by an inflammation process.

After the operation is completed, a sterile dressing should be applied to the eye, which can be removed after two days. To prevent the attachment of infection, the eyelid should be treated with antibacterial ointments.

When removing cold barley on the eye, a minimally invasive method is used. The tumor is excised using a laser beam. Such a procedure is carried out very quickly, thanks to it you can permanently remove halazion.

How to treat?

Alternative methods of therapy

Folk remedies can only be used as an addition to the main methods of treatment. Their use with the consent of the doctor is allowed in the treatment of not only adult patients, but also children.

Kalanchoe and aloe

  1. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is required. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaves. A cotton pad is moistened in it and halazion is treated up to 5 times a day. Application should take up to 15 minutes. Apply a swab soaked in medicine to the affected eyelid. Perform such procedures is recommended three times a day.
  2. Drops based on aloe, Kalanchoe. With halazion of an early degree of development, juice obtained from aloe leaves, Kalanchoe is effective. The concentrate should be diluted with water 1 to 10. It is indicated to instill the drug five times a day. A single dose is up to 4 drops.


  1. Applications cabbage leaves. It is necessary to mix the protein of one raw egg and the gruel from cabbage. The resulting product should be distributed on a napkin and applied to the affected eyelid. Such a compress is removed after 15 minutes. Cabbage-egg mixture is able to draw purulent contents from swelling, eliminate the process of inflammation.
  2. If the neoplasm has appeared recently, its warming is permissible. To do this, it is necessary to calcine the salt on a fire, put it in a bag of canvas and attach it to the damaged eyelid. Do this procedure at night. After cooling the salt, remove the dry compress. Such manipulation can be carried out using heated cereals.
  3. Application using dill seeds is the most effective method to combat halazion. For cooking, you need to boil 100 ml of water and add 2 tablespoons of dill seeds. Strain the mixture for 10 minutes. The boiled seeds are cooled to a warm state, distributed over a tissue or napkin, applied to the affected eyelid. It is necessary to remove the compress after 15 minutes.
  4. Flaxseeds. Flax seeds need to be calcined in a pan, sprinkled in a linen bag. The resulting product is applied to inflammation and kept until cool.
    Cold barley on the eye

Treating cold barley in the eye should be comprehensive.


With halazion, effective rinsing with agents based on various medicinal herbs is effective.

  1. Infusion of Althea. In a quarter liter of cold boiled water, you need to put 6 grams of rhizomes of the marshmallow and insist 8 hours. Then the tool is filtered. Thus obtained infusion is washed in the affected eye.
  2. Infusion of chamomile and eyebright. It is necessary to mix the same amount of these herbs and steam a teaspoon of the mixture using 200 ml of boiling water. Herbs are insisted for 15 minutes, after which they are filtered and used to wash the eyes.
  3. Infusion of fennel. It is necessary to pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds with a quarter liter of boiling water and infuse the mixture for 20 minutes, after which the mixture can be filtered and used for washing.
  4. Camomile tea. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of dried flowers of the plant and a glass of boiling water. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 5 minutes. After that, the infusion must be filtered, after which it will be completely ready for use.

Halazion Prevention

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of a halazion by observing some precautions.

First of all, it is important to observe basic hygiene rules and wash your hands after using the toilet, public places, walks. An important aspect is the rationalization of nutrition, which will strengthen the immune system.

Photo of cold barley

It is important to treat any diseases of a bacterial or viral nature in time. If you have diabetes, you should regularly check the level of sugar concentration in the blood, regularly visit an endocrinologist. Such simple rules will minimize the likelihood of developing a pathology.

If halazion still appeared, especially in a child, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the likely danger and treatment methods. This will avoid the development of various complications.

We looked at how to treat cold barley.

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