Looking for simple but tasty chicken fillet recipes? Today's article meets these requirements. Right now, we’ll learn how to cook a gentle and simple dish - landorics. Consider several ways to cook it. For beginner young hostesses, it is necessary to explain what chicken landorics are.
What does this dish look like
Do not be afraid of an unusual name. Behind it are chopped chicken fritters. There are many other varieties: landoriki from potatoes with chopped fish fillet or with the addition of grated carrots and beets. In many families, Landorica is a frequent guest on the table. That's because you can knead the basis for it before going to bed. And in the morning it will be pleasant to pamper your family with an interesting and satisfying breakfast. But before you surprise your culinary talents with your relatives, you need to prepare. Namely, to try some recipes of landorics in your own kitchen.
Make sure that we have available products according to the list below:
- a pound of chicken;
- chicken eggs - three pieces;
- mayonnaise - three tablespoons;
- take salt and pepper to taste;
- three tablespoons of starch;
- aroma-free vegetable oil for frying products.
Landoriki meat: recipe for cooking
At the exit, we will have a delicious dish very similar to chicken chops.
Wash lightly frozen fillet in cold water. Dry it with a paper towel. Cut the chicken into small cubes. Put in a deep bowl.
Put in the bowl all the eggs provided for in the Landoric recipe. Mix the foods vigorously and add salt and pepper. Add a spoonful of starch and mix again. Add mayonnaise.
We heat the thick-bottom pan on the stove and pour oil into it. We spread in it a lot for landorikov. For this, it is convenient to use a tablespoon. We fry our meat pancakes on both sides until golden brown. We transfer the finished landorics from the pan to a flat dish, covered with several layers of paper towels.
The finished dish is served at the table with mashed potatoes or boiled rice. It is great for snacks at work or at home.
You can make a lot to cook Landoriki in the evening, and quickly fry them in the pan in the morning.
Chicken and Potato Landoriki
The next dish is equally tasty. This recipe from chicken fillet is especially appreciated by lovers of potatoes, as it is part of the landoriki.
List of products for cooking:
- minced chicken - five hundred grams;
- potatoes - one and a half kilograms;
- chicken egg - 1 piece;
- one medium onion;
- two tablespoons (without top) of potato starch;
- favorite spices - 1 teaspoon;
- salt to taste;
- ground red pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - for frying products.
Cooking technology
First, prepare the products. Peel the potatoes and onions. Rinse vegetables and dry.
Rub the root crops on a fine grater. Salt the resulting liquid and squeeze the potatoes. Put it in a deep bowl. Enter all the starch, salt, pepper. Mix the resulting mass vigorously.
Chop the onion with a knife. You need to cut into very small cubes.
Add the onion to the minced chicken. Mix thoroughly to make the mass homogeneous.
We form and fry products
We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove to warm up. In the meantime, we proceed to the formation of fritters. We wet our hands in cold clean water and put a portion of potato mass (about a tablespoon) on our palm. We distribute it in the form of a thin cake in the palm of your hand.
Put a layer of minced meat on top and cover it all with another layer of potatoes. We form a round cutlet. We put the finished products in a pan with hot oil.
We fry the landorics on both sides for five to seven minutes over medium heat. It is better to cover the pan during frying. We put finished products on a dish covered with paper napkins or a paper towel.
Mushroom recipe
In order to enjoy delicate landoriki with the taste of chicken and mushrooms, we will prepare them for testing. Many people prefer this option, who knows, perhaps the recipe for loridoriki with mushrooms will become a favorite in your friendly family. Now let's see what we have in the refrigerator and in the kitchen cabinets. We collect the necessary products (buy the missing ones):
- 700 grams of chicken breast (without skin);
- 1 egg
- one medium-sized onion;
- champignons - 300 grams;
- a bunch of greenery;
- flour or crackers (for breading);
- vegetable oil - for frying products;
- salt and ground pepper to taste.
How to cook
We chop the breast in small pieces. We wash the mushrooms and grind them too. Finely chop the onion into cubes.
Fry the mushrooms and onions until golden brown - about five minutes over medium heat. The mixture needs to be lightly salted.
In a deep bowl we mix meat, mushrooms with onions, salt minced meat. Introduce the egg, pepper and finely chopped greens.
We form landorics with wet hands: we make them round and not too thick. Bone the product in flour or in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.
Ready-made landorics can be served with rice or fresh vegetables.
These simple recipes from chicken fillet significantly diversify your menu.