In old age, quite often there are problems with loss of joint mobility on the fingers. However, young people often encounter a similar pathology. If the finger on the arm does not extend, this greatly affects the quality of human life. When the syndrome is accompanied by pain, it becomes impossible to pick up even a light object. For a full treatment of the problem, it is necessary to identify the factor that triggered the pathological process, and conduct appropriate therapy.
The causes of this pathology
There are a number of reasons that can lead to the fact that the finger on the arm does not extend. Most often, such a pathology appears due to trauma to the limbs. The finger can be unbent with effort or not at all.
Dislocation can occur when falling, amid a sharp blow, spasm or muscle contraction. The most noticeable symptom is when the fingers are unbent.
The hallmarks of the disease
Distinctive features of pathology are the following signs:
- Intense pain syndrome.
- Joint deformation.
- Swelling and discoloration of the skin in the affected area.
- Deterioration or complete loss of mobility of the finger.
Another common pathology that leads to loss of mobility of the finger joint is vibration disease syndrome. It affects workers in occupations related to vibration, such as drivers, drillers, stone cutters, etc.
Modern young people often discover tunnel syndrome. The little finger on the right hand is most susceptible to this disease. The appearance of pathology is explained by the incorrect position of the hand when working at the computer.
Often the reason that the finger on the arm does not extend is a fracture of the finger. With improper treatment, the fingers lose mobility. Most often, the index finger on the right hand breaks.
It is for this reason that sometimes the finger on the arm does not extend in the child.
A number of pathological conditions are also highlighted in which the ability to expand the phalanges of the fingers is lost. The most common cases in medical practice are described below.
Arthritis as a reason that the finger does not extend
This disease, in addition to inflammation of the joints, is also accompanied by a decrease in their mobility. This leads to the fact that fingers do not extend in the morning. Pathology does not occur on its own, but is a complication of another disease. With arthritis, symptoms such as increased pain during changes in weather conditions, a crunch in the joints, weakness of the wrist muscles and an inflammatory process are observed.
Stenosing ligamentitis
This pathological process is accompanied by limb blocking in one fixed position. The main symptom of the disease is a complete loss of mobility of the affected joint. Quite often, ligamentitis is a complication of epicondylitis or arthrosis.
The disease can occur in a latent form for a long time. Symptoms appear with the progression of pathology. At the initial stage, transient discomfort in the joints occurs. As the disease progresses, symptoms such as crunch when moving, joint deformation, soreness when bending and flexing arise. Osteoarthrosis is localized in several limbs, without affecting the remaining.
Dupuytren's Contrast
The disease affects the flexion tendons. The palm thus acquires uncharacteristic density and rigidity, the hands are deformed. The disease spreads on several fingers, but in especially severe cases it can affect the entire hand. The pathological process develops slowly, while maintaining a certain mobility of the joints along a limited amplitude.
Pinched nerve endings
There is no soreness in this case, and the finger is bent, but only with the help of the other hand.
In addition, diseases such as Raynaud's syndrome, gout, and tenosynovitis can accompany finger loss of mobility.
Diagnosis of this pathology
If the finger on the arm does not unbend - medium, index or large, and pain occurs, it is necessary to seek the help of a doctor. Since it is not easy to identify the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to start the examination with a therapist. The specialist collects an anamnesis, appoints an examination and directs the patient to more highly qualified doctors. These may be the following specialists:
- A rheumatologist helps diagnose diseases associated with impaired connective tissue.
- Neurologist reveals pinched nerve endings.
- The surgeon will help in case of suspicion of the need for surgery.
The doctor on the basis of the collected history describes the pathological process and prescribes an additional examination:
- Ultrasonography. Allows you to determine the presence of deformation of the joints.
- X-ray examination. It makes it possible to obtain an image of the affected joint in three projections.
- CT scan. Shows any changes in the tissues of the diseased joint.
- Magnetic resonance imaging. This is the most reliable and informative method for diagnosing articular problems.
- Electrospondylography. It makes it possible to identify the functional problems of the affected finger.
- Intra-articular puncture. This manipulation is prescribed if it is necessary to eliminate accumulated fluid, as well as for the introduction of drugs into the affected focus.
- Skin biopsy. Used for differential diagnosis.
If the thumb on the arm does not extend, a blood and urine test is also prescribed. After clarifying the diagnosis, based on the results of the examination, appropriate treatment is prescribed.
So, if the finger on the arm does not extend, what should I do?
Medication for this disease
It is important to establish the cause of this phenomenon, since the treatment will be aimed at eliminating it. As a rule, complex therapy is used, also aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.
For the relief of pain, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, such as Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Diclogen, Otrofen and others.
If the inflammation is severe and can not be removed by conventional means, the doctor may decide to use drugs based on corticosteroids. It can be Prednisone or Diprospan. In some cases, novocaine may be given.
All of the listed drugs are aimed at relieving symptoms. They eliminate pain and stop the inflammatory process, increase mobility. However, these drugs are not the basis of the therapeutic regimen and are used as additional funds.
Physiotherapeutic methods of treating pathology
The main task of physiotherapy in the event of a finger losing mobility is to improve blood supply to the affected limb, as well as warming up to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome. The prescribed procedures help relieve swelling and inflammation, accelerate the recovery process in the tissues of the cartilage. The most common physiotherapy methods for treating joints are:
- Laser Therapy
- Electrophoresis
- Magnetotherapy.
- Wax or paraffin baths.
- Physiotherapy.
- Massage.
During the rehabilitation period, you should constantly change the treatment method or use several procedures. This will avoid the addiction of the body and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Massage therapy is one of the first places in the rehabilitation program. It is better for a specialist to provide the procedure, however, the patient himself can massage up to three times a day.
Electrophoresis is carried out using various drugs. This physiotherapy helps to normalize connective tissues, which is especially important for arthrosis. Exposure occurs electric and thermal.
If the finger can be bent, but it cannot be bent, a special therapeutic gymnastics is used, the purpose of which is to increase articular mobility. Before the gym, you can hold your fingers in warm water.
For joint problems, special attention should be paid to nutrition. It should be enriched with vitamin B 6 , which is found in fish, nuts and garlic.
Rules to follow
Experts recommend the prevention of joint diseases and try to avoid injuries and sprains. To this end, doctors advise to adhere to the following rules:
- Timely treat any infectious lesions of the body.
- When identifying symptoms of a cold, observe bed rest.
- To temper the body to increase endurance to negative environmental effects.
- Enrich your diet with foods high in calcium.
- Do not supercool the limbs.
As for reviews of treatment, for the most part, there are responses on the Internet from those who have finger immobility due to injuries. In this case, the treatment consisted of applying plaster or an elastic bandage. During the rehabilitation period, such patients underwent physiotherapy and performed special exercises. In most cases, the mobility of the fingers after the injury was safely restored.
Patients who do not extend the finger on the arm due to irreversible joint changes undergo more serious treatment. They are prescribed several drugs, as well as gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy. However, far from all cases, therapy gives a one hundred percent recovery. Many are on lifelong treatment, regularly taking various drugs in courses and undergoing a preventive examination.
We examined why fingers on arms are not unbent.