Ointment "Menovazin": what helps, the composition of the drug, instructions for use

Menovazin ointment is a combined medication that consists of several components. This medicine is actively used to achieve an analgesic effect in both traditional and traditional medicine. Statistics have shown that to eliminate pain in joints and muscles, Menovazin ointment is increasingly used. From what this tool helps, you can find out only after a thorough study of the attached instructions.

Tuba with ointment "Menovazin" 40 g

Release form

Many foreign pharmaceutical companies at the serial level make Menovazin ointment. What this medicine helps from is described in detail in the annotation. High-quality ointment has a thick consistency, is painted white and emits a strong menthol smell. The product is sold in aluminum tubes of 40 g.


The following substances are used as active components:

  1. Crystalline menthol.
  2. Procaine.
  3. Benzocaine.

As auxiliary substances, classic white paraffin, mineral oil, emulsifier, and also distilled water are used. All these components provide maximum transepidermal as well as transdermal absorption of the basic constituent elements by inflammatory foci. Experts have proved that mineral oil perfectly softens the skin, as a specific film forms on the surface, which retains valuable moisture. The universal composition allows you to prevent infection of soft tissues with pathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Packing with Menovazin ointment

Pharmacological principle of action

To combat inflammatory processes and pain, Menovazin solution and ointment are actively used. From what this drug helps, you can find out only if you study the instructions that came with the tool. Reviews of patients indicate that it is most convenient to use the medicine in the form of an ointment, since it lasts longer on the affected areas.

Menovazin has the following principle of action:

  1. Suppression of the general excitation of the walls of nerve fibers, due to which the intensity of the manifestation of pain is reduced.
  2. The menthol included in the composition differs by the selective principle of action. The substance affects only those human receptors that are sensitive to lower temperatures. After applying menthol, a feeling of coolness appears on the skin. The component affects the tone of blood vessels and veins, which are located at different depths, due to which the patient's condition improves significantly with severe bruises.
  3. Benzocaine violates the intensity of the transmission of impulses in the nerve endings, because of which the pain syndrome is quenched.
  4. Universal procaine does not affect vascular tone, but at the same time it has an intense anesthetic property.

Traumatologists and orthopedists often prescribe Menovazin ointment to their patients. From what exactly this drug helps, the manufacturers described in detail in the instructions, so that specialists can choose the most suitable treatment regimen. A powerful anesthetic effect is achieved due to the presence of procaine. It is this substance that prevents the generation of specific impulses in the endings of nerves.

The ointment "Menovazin" demanded in traumatology

Indications for use

You can use medications for treatment only after consulting with your doctor, as well as a full examination. To avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions, the patient must study the official instructions for the use of Menovazin ointment. The price of this tool compares favorably with its availability, due to which it is often included in the complex therapy. The use of the drug is relevant in the following cases:

  1. Sprains.
  2. External hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by pronounced pain.
  3. Muscle tension after prolonged physical training.
  4. Fractures. The use of ointment is available only if gypsum does not interfere with the quality application of the product.
  5. Muscle inflammation.
  6. An integrated approach for the treatment of arthralgia, myalgia.
  7. Pinched sciatic nerve.
  8. Strong pain that is provoked by various degenerative changes.
  9. Superficial burn of the skin.
  10. Heel spur.

Patient reviews indicate that it is possible to overcome inflammation of muscles of various nature in a qualitative way only if you regularly use Menovazin ointment in combination with other drugs with a similar principle of action.

Menovazin for the fight against joint pain


To avoid the manifestation of various adverse reactions, each patient must first study the instructions for use of the ointment "Menovazin". The price of this drug is more than affordable, so athletes who often experience muscle strain often use the drug. Complications can occur only if the patient has been diagnosed with the following diseases and conditions:

  1. The acute form of pulmonary tuberculosis.
  2. Allergy to the components of the drug.
  3. Hemorrhoids in the acute stage.
  4. Open wounds at the site of application of the ointment. If the patient has trophic ulcers on the skin, then the drug can only treat the nearest tissue.
  5. Serious disturbances in the work of coronary or cerebral circulation.
  6. The patient's predisposition to spasms of blood vessels.

"Menovazin" perfectly helps to relieve inflammation of muscles of various nature, but before using this tool you should definitely consult a qualified doctor who can determine the criticality of the situation.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to use the ointment when stretching muscles and ligaments, as well as to combat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system at least three times a day. The product is rubbed into the skin a little higher than the area of ​​inflammation with massaging movements. The duration of the therapeutic course is selected individually, but the manufacturers of Menovazin themselves recommend using this medication for 2-3 weeks.

To effectively eliminate burning, skin itching, as well as pain, the ointment is carefully applied to the problem area and rubbed until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the diagnosed pathology.

Applying ointment "Menovazin" to the problem area

Adverse reactions

In most cases, the patient’s body tolerates Menovazin ointment well. The composition of the drug in rare cases can provoke the development of adverse reactions:

  1. Contact dermatitis.
  2. Allergic skin rashes, which are accompanied by severe redness, as well as itching.
  3. Significant decrease in blood pressure.
  4. Asthenia.
  5. Fever.
  6. Dizziness.
  7. Nausea.

If the patient is faced with the manifestation of adverse reactions, then you need to immediately seek qualified medical help at the hospital. The use of ointment must be stopped.

Special instructions and warnings

In rheumatology, traumatology and dermatology, specialists are increasingly appointing Menovazin ointment to their patients. Indications for use of this agent have their own characteristics, which also need to be taken into account in order to significantly reduce the risk of developing unwanted side reactions:

  1. Experts categorically prohibit applying the ointment to the mucous membranes. If therapy is aimed at combating hemorrhoids, then it is extremely important to ensure that the product does not penetrate the rectum, as this is fraught with a severe burn.
  2. After consulting with a therapist, the ointment can be used to treat children who should be at least 3 years old at the time of therapy.
  3. Menovazin, a warming ointment that is produced today, is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it has been proved by specialists that the medications included in the composition negatively affect the state of the uterus. The medicine may adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
  4. The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles. The medicine can be used for those patients who, by occupation, need to show an increased concentration of attention.
  5. Anesthetic ointment "Menovazin" loses its healing properties if the patient takes antibiotics or antibacterial drugs from the sulfonamide group.

The patient must take into account all these recommendations, since only in this case can a positive effect be achieved from the therapy.

"Menovazin" in the form of ointment and solution

Available analogues

Pharmacists have released several effective drugs that can replace Menovazin ointment, but not all patients are happy with their cost. Dermatologists and traumatologists recommend using the following agents for treatment:

  1. Ointment "Apizartron". The tool can be used for arthralgia, myalgia, as well as for warming massage after exhausting physical training.
  2. "Voltaren emulgel." The medication helps to eliminate the pain syndrome with arthritis, bursitis, as well as other rheumatic pathologies.
  3. Cream "Irikar". The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, which are in great demand for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the skin.
Available analogue of Menovazin

Holiday Terms

Menovazin ointment can be purchased at any pharmacy without presenting a prescription form from a doctor. The cost of the drug varies from 17 to 56 rubles.

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