In the article, we consider whether it is possible to bring down the temperature 37.
Body temperature is one of the most important physiological factors that characterize the state of the human body. Every person is well aware from childhood that the normal temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius, and an increase above 37˚ indicates some kind of disease.
Elevated temperature: features
An increase in temperature is a reaction of the immune system to inflammation and infection. Blood is saturated with substances (pyrogenic) that increase the temperature produced by pathogenic microorganisms. In turn, this forces the body to produce its own pyrogens. Material metabolism is somewhat accelerated to facilitate the fight against the disease.
An increase in temperature is usually not the only sign of pathology. For example, with colds, a person feels typical symptoms: sore throat, fever, runny nose and cough. Body temperature for mild colds can remain at 37.7 or 37.8 ºC. In severe infections, such as influenza, rise to 39-40 ºC, weakness and aches of the whole body can be added to the symptoms.
Not everyone knows whether it is possible to bring down the temperature of 37 degrees.
It happens that some people are forced to encounter several other manifestations. They find that their temperature is not much higher than normal. This refers to subfebrile condition, that is, a temperature that is in the range from 37 to 38 degrees.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37.8? Let's figure it out.
Is this condition dangerous? With a short duration - for several days - and there is no connection with an infectious disease. You can cure the disease, and then the temperature returns to normal. But what to do in the absence of visible signs of flu or a cold?
Colds in some cases have erased symptoms. Viral and bacterial infection is present in the patient's body, the immune forces respond to them with an increase in temperature. But the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms is so tiny that they cannot cause typical symptoms of the common cold. An elevated temperature in this case can pass after the death of the infectious agents, and the patient will recover. Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37.7, patients ask often.
A similar situation can be especially often observed during epidemics of colds, when infectious agents attack the body over and over again. But they stumble upon the immune barrier, which is on alert, and do not cause obvious symptoms, except for the temperature in the range of 37-37.5˚. With a tolerable condition and a temperature of 37.1 or 37.2, lasting four days, you still do not need to worry.
However, colds, as you know, rarely last more than a week. If the fever is noted longer, does not subside, while there are no symptoms, this situation should be the reason for going to the doctor.
He will tell you whether it is possible to bring down the temperature of 37.5 in this particular case.
Other reasons for the temperature of 37 ° C
Thus, body temperature can rise to 37 degrees, both for natural reasons and as a symptom of a disease. For example, in the evenings it is higher than in the mornings, and this condition is normal. Also, with strong physical exertion, staying on the beach, after drinking alcohol and hot food, visiting the sauna, the temperature can increase due to the inclusion of the adaptive functions of the human body.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37 ° C, we will describe below.
Is it dangerous?
A temperature value such as 37˚ indicates the body's activation of its resources, their direction to fight the disease. However, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, which indicate that such a condition is provoked by negative causes.
These signs are as follows:
- If the temperature lasts seven days or more, this may indicate a sluggish inflammatory or infectious process in the body that requires diagnosis.
- Supplementing a runny nose and coughing temperature. This is one of the traditional combinations that speak of the pathology of the upper respiratory system.
- Sore throat. A similar symptom is observed with tonsillitis, laryngitis and other diseases in which the larynx and throat mucosa become inflamed.
- Body aches and headache, which most often indicates the onset of a viral disease, such as flu, with it, viral products cause intoxication, muscle and headache.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37.3 ° C?
What to do with an indicator of 37˚ and higher is determined by the state of health. With a periodic increase in temperature and only after physical exertion, being in the sun or in a very warm room, this condition does not need special measures. As soon as a person rests and forces are restored, the temperature normalizes.
Some caution is needed when the temperature rises in the evenings, and the following symptoms are observed: weakness, headache, muscle aches and sore throat. It is necessary in this case to see a doctor as soon as possible. He will diagnose and prescribe special medications to the patient.
Doctors recommend resorting to medications if the thermometer rises above 38.2–38.5 °. In children, sometimes it makes sense to bring down a fever after 39 °, provided that the child normally tolerates it.
But is it worth it to endure if the patient feels a severe headache, chills, body aches, severe weakness? When such complaints appear, you do not need to focus on the recommended indicators of the thermometer, but you need to take medicine to improve the condition. Also, you should fight fever with signs of dehydration: thirst, rare urination, dry skin and mucous membranes.
The temperature of 37 ° is not a reason to lower it. However, it is necessary to repeat thermometry several times so as not to miss the development of the disease.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37 in a child?
Temperature in a child
In a child, a temperature of 37˚ can be determined by reasons that depend on his age. It causes a simple overheating (being in too hot a room or very warm clothes). When at the same time the child is capricious and lethargic, he has no or reduced appetite, sleep is disturbed, then an increase in temperature may indicate the onset of the development of inflammatory or infectious pathology.
In any case, you need to monitor the situation, constantly measure the temperature in order to notice a significant increase in it, requiring the use of antipyretic drugs, and if there are other signs, contact a specialist.
Causes of fever up to 37 ° C without other symptoms
An increase in body temperature is in itself a symptom of a certain disorder in the body. Therefore, when it comes to the absence of symptoms, the usual signs of acute respiratory infections or colds (sore throat, cough, runny nose, etc.) are implied. However, the temperature may also rise due to an incorrect estimate of the thermometer. So, it is traditionally believed that a person’s normal temperature can be slightly higher than 36.6 ° C, and a temperature of 37 ° C or more indicates a disease. However, values from 36.5 to 36.8 degrees are normal if you measure the temperature under your arm, and when using a tympanic, rectal or oral thermometer, the normal temperature ranges from 37-37.5 degrees.
Thermoregulatory disorders
The human body has its own methods of controlling temperature, however, both internal and external factors can affect this process. For example, when staying in a very warm room or in the summer, an increase in body temperature is normal.
Sluggish inflammatory process
Some diseases can occur without obvious signs, and the only symptom of a health condition is a slight increase in temperature. Such pathologies can have toxic, tumor, allergic, infectious and other origin.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37 in an adult, it is better to check with your doctor.
Changes in hormonal levels can affect body temperature. The asymptomatic temperature of 37 degrees can be a consequence of temporary hormonal changes, for example, on certain days of menstruation in women, or pathologies of the endocrine glands. This is explained by the fact that some hormones are involved in the process of thermoregulation, and their excess or deficiency leads to the absence of signs that are usually characteristic of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37.3 in such cases?
Necessary actions if the temperature does not pass for a long time
When the temperature of 37 degrees lasts for several days or longer, regardless of whether or not there are other symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. A detailed study allows you to establish the cause of this condition and treat it correctly.
However, in any case, with a long holding of 37 ° C, the following measures should be taken:
- Check that the fluid is consumed in sufficient quantities. The indicator of 37 degrees is not so high as to cause dehydration, but with a prolonged stay in this state a person needs to receive a sufficient amount of fluid.
- Keep track of thermometer values, especially if there are sudden changes in temperature in the past.
- Timely consult a doctor who will help determine the exact causes of this condition.
We examined whether it is possible to bring down the temperature of 37.