Gravy for cutlets, which can not do without

Sauces for meat, fish and vegetable dishes are simply necessary. This is especially true for cutlets. There are so many ways to cook them that it is simply impossible to list everything. Gravy for cutlets can be from dairy products (sour cream, cream, milk), the base can also be tomatoes, a mixture of vegetables, even fruits and berries. For those who like it sharper - garlic sauce or gravy with mustard and horseradish. Many such sauces offer Italian and French cuisine.

cutlet sauce

The classic recipe for gravy for cutlets

Here's the recipe for basic gravy - bechamel sauce, or white sauce. Melt a piece of butter for thirty to fifty grams in a frying pan, fry a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour on it for several minutes, gradually pour three glasses of milk (stirring constantly to prevent the appearance of lumps), and then boil over low heat for about half an hour. Then strain, add salt, pepper (a mixture of them is better) and those spices that you like: nutmeg, allspice, dried herbs.

Gravy cutlets with toasted flour

Another recipe, no less famous, when the flour is fried in a dry frying pan until creamy. This is how red sauce is made (in fact, it is brown - from the lightest to the darkest, depending on the preferences of a particular dish). Like gravy for cutlets, it is the best. But with raw flour, the sauce and taste will be raw. It is best to dilute toasted dry flour with meat broth.

Cutlet Gravy - Tomato

gravy cutlets

The third option from the classic - tomato sauce. Sauté coarsely chopped garlic in vegetable oil with a small slice of chili pepper. Then remove both the garlic and the pepper from the pan to fry the tomatoes (scalded and skinned) in this aromatic oil. On a small fire, the tomato should be stewed for about half an hour. Salt and pepper, of course, add a little sugar or a couple of spoons of jam (plums are good, citrus fruits will also work, and peach or pineapple syrup will do). If the tomatoes were hard and retained the rest of the mold by the end of cooking, you can wipe the sauce through a sieve. Based on these recipes, you can compose a huge number of varieties of gravy. For example, vegetable or fruit and berry sauces have proven themselves well. If the meatballs are fat (pork or lamb), then, in addition to spicy, sweet and sour sauces are very good. The basis here is different - not flour, but mashed vegetables, fruits or berries. To do this, boil the fruits in a small amount of water and grind in a blender or using a sieve.

Cutlet Gravy - Onion

meatballs recipe

This sauce can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for literally months. You will need a kilogram of red onion, three tablespoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of sugar (you can also replace jam), half a glass of dry red wine, salt, a little apple or wine vinegar. Cut the onions in half rings and fry in olive oil over medium heat so as not to burn. Add salt, sugar, then wine and boil over very low heat for about half an hour. Stir occasionally. Add vinegar and cook for a while until completely transparent. Gravy becomes like molten marmalade. Very tasty! It is recommended that you keep the leftovers. You can heat such gravy together with cutlets (in the microwave) or separately - in a steam bath.

Cranberry Gravy - Cranberry

It will take two glasses of frozen or fresh cranberries, a glass of sugar, a glass of water. Boil sugar and water for five minutes. Defrost cranberries, turn them into a puree in a blender and cook in syrup for about five minutes from the moment of boiling. Cutlets with cranberry or lingonberry gravy get an exceptionally fresh, so to speak, unfrozen image. Garnishes for these sauces will suit absolutely any.

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