The most effective nasal congestion spray

It is impossible to feel comfortable when your nose is stuffy. You have to breathe through your mouth, itโ€™s hard to sleep at night - snoring appears; you swallow hard air, but all the same, oxygen is not enough supplied to the brain, especially during sleep. All this leads to a decrease in vital activity, it is difficult to work, and it is not easier to relax. What to do in such a situation? One sees the easiest way out: go and buy a spray from a nasal congestion in the nearest pharmacy, preferably the most effective and effective.

nasal congestion spray

But there are a lot of aerosol preparations now, how to get really needed? After all, the nose may not breathe for various reasons and on what exactly causes the unpleasant symptom and the choice of the drug should depend. Otherwise, you will not only benefit, but you will harm your health. Our article is an overview of modern medicinal aerosols for the nose, after reading it, it will be much easier for you to make the right choice.

Why is a stuffy nose

To begin, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of diseases and conditions that can provoke nasal congestion:

  • Chronic rhinitis (vasomotor, allergic, etc.).
  • Acute rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • Presence of polyps in the nose.
  • Anatomical abnormalities in the nasal cavity, for example, it can be a curvature in the nose of the septum.
  • Sinusitis
  • Boil in the anterior nasal region.
  • The presence of a foreign body in the nose or paranasal sinuses.
  • Tumor (benign or even malignant).

nasal spray reviews

Even a person who does not understand anything in medicine, having read this list, will understand that a spray from nasal congestion can help not in all cases. Therefore, if the discomfort in your nose bothers you too often and is difficult to give to ordinary home medicine, it is best to visit a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe professional treatment.

What is a spray?

Nasal sprays or aerosols are a special type of modern drugs. They are a liquid mixture of various medicinal substances, which is sprayed under pressure into the nasal passages. At the same time, a person does not need to take any special position, throw his head back strongly or specifically calculate the dosage, which makes the use of the spray very convenient anywhere: on the street, at work, on the train, etc.

nasal spray

Which is better - drops or spray for nasal congestion?

Sprays are very popular today and there are reasons for this. In addition to the fact that they are more practical and convenient than drops, this form of pharmacological preparations has a significant advantage: when irrigating a mucous membrane with a medicinal solution, there is a more uniform distribution of active substances and their almost complete delivery to the problem area.

When drops are instilled into the nose, some part of them passes lower into the nasopharynx, which reduces the dosage, on the one hand, and on the other, makes the procedure not very pleasant. Children, for example, very often are capricious and do not allow drops to be buried in their nose, while sprays are perceived by them much more favorably.

Different types of aerosols from nasal congestion and runny nose

Typically, the composition of sprays includes several components, so that they have a wide spectrum of action. Conventionally, aerosols can be divided into the following groups:

  • With vasoconstrictor and decongestant effects.
  • Removing the inflammatory process (usually they include antibiotics).
  • Antiallergic.
  • For washing the nose with a moisturizing effect.
  • Homeopathic.
  • Sprays combined action.

Allergic rhinitis sprays

Often the reason that the nose stops breathing is an allergic reaction to plant pollen, dust (domestic, book, parquet, etc.), pet dander, or some other irritant. Spray from nasal congestion, unfortunately, is not able to cure allergies, it will only help temporarily relieve the patientโ€™s condition, but this is also a lot. The following aerosols can be purchased from allergic rhinitis in pharmacies, which include hormonal and antihistamines:

1. Avamis.

This is one of the most effective aerosol medications used for allergic rhinitis. It includes a synthetic hormone that has the ability to lower the body's response to allergens. It can be used by both adults and children. It is applied 1 time per day. The disadvantages include the high cost of the tool.

2. "Aflubin Naze."

Homeopathic aerosol preparation, it contains components of plant origin:

  • black mustard ;
  • lumbago meadow;
  • spurge;
  • loofah.

This nasal spray for nasal congestion will help effectively only if you sneak it in the nasal passages every hour - half an hour.

3. "Vibrocil".

An antihistamine with a mild effect on the nasal mucosa and at the same time with a rather pronounced vasoconstrictor effect.

effective nasal congestion spray

Aerosols from nasal congestion in the absence of a cold

If it is difficult or even impossible to breathe through the nose, but no discharge from it is observed, then you can choose any spray from the following. These drugs effectively affect the adrenaline receptors in the nasal passages and, narrowing the vessels, relieve swelling. These sprays have an unpleasant feature: if you do not follow the time intervals specified in the instructions between their use and use the medicine more often than necessary, the effect of the use of aerosol will last less and less. To avoid this, you must firmly follow the recommendations for the drug and do not constantly spray the nose spray.

For nasal congestion (aerosol list):

1. "Otrivin."

Great spray imported from Switzerland. It has a powerful and long-lasting vasoconstrictor effect. It contains substances that moisturize the mucous membrane, which softens the irritating effect on it. The composition contains eucalyptus and menthol, which cool the inflamed tissue and facilitate breathing.

2. "Lazolvan rhino."

Spray from nasal congestion, which, like the previous drug, includes eucalyptus with menthol, the refreshing effect of which is also enhanced by camphor. Swelling in the nose is relieved with this tool quickly and the effect lasts a long time.

3. "Vicks Asset Sinex".

This aerosol is very economical, because the spraying of the drug is carried out with an ultra-thin shower, and not with a spray, so one bottle of spray is enough for 294 sprays. The effect of use lasts a long time - as much as 12 hours. It affects the nasal mucosa very delicately, carefully, and has a moisturizing effect. The composition includes:

  • levomenthol;
  • equal pot;
  • scarlet faith.

4. "Galazolin."

This drug has long been successfully used in ENT practice. The effect after application occurs in 5 minutes. and lasts from six to eight hours. Indicated for use by both adults and children. It is inexpensive, which, of course, is a plus.

5. "Xylene."

A highly effective and affordable spray with a long vasoconstrictor effect (the effect of the application lasts about 10 hours). The disadvantages of this drug include the fact that it affects the increase in blood pressure.

6. "Rinofluimucil."

Spray for nasal congestion combined action. It not only constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling, but also in the presence of mucus in the nose, dilutes it and helps cleanse the nasopharynx. It can effectively help even in the event of a prolonged runny nose.

7. Snoop.

The composition of this drug has sea water, which helps to maintain a normal moisture balance in the nasopharynx. The medicine is practically not absorbed into the blood; therefore, it can be used as a spray for nasal congestion for children from two years of age, as well as for weakened adults and pregnant women.

], nasal congestion spray for children

Polyp Sprays

Benign formations formed in the sinuses or on the nasal mucosa are called polyps. They greatly interfere with free breathing. At the initial stage of development of polyps, doctors often recommend that patients use the following aerosols:

1. "Nazarel."

Hormonal drug with a wide complex effect. It is prescribed not only for polyps, but also for adenitis. The effect of the application is long - 24 hours.

2. "Nazonex".

The action of this spray is the same as that of Nazarel, but here the medicine gets into the bloodstream less, therefore it is acceptable to use the drug not only for adults, but also for children from two years of age. After the course of use, there is a clear decrease in the size of the polyps and, as a consequence, the return of free nasal breathing and smell.

Moisturizing Nose Sprays

There are several aerosol preparations that serve as effective preventive agents for nasal congestion. These drugs also help with severe rhinitis with heavy discharge.

1. "Aqua Master".

Transparent pleasant spray with a delicate almond smell. It rinses the nasal cavity well, flushes pathogenic microbes and dry crusts from the mucosa, and greatly facilitates breathing. Spray "Aqua Master" can be used before using other medicines.

2. "Aqua Maris".

An effective drug, which includes salts of the Adriatic Sea. It moisturizes the mucosa, cleanses the nose of dust and germs.

3. "Aqua Maris Strong."

The action of this spray is similar to that of strong vasoconstrictive aerosols, but without the side effects inherent in the latter; perfectly relieves puffiness and makes breathing easy, free.

Nasal congestion sprays

Pharmacological agents in the form of aerosols are allowed for use by children from the age of two. And, of course, parents should not choose the drug for the baby on their own, it would be better to discuss this issue with the children's doctor. We name the three aerosols that are produced specifically for children and are considered absolutely safe for the child's body:

  • "Aqualor Baby".
  • "Salin."
  • "Otrivin Baby."

nasal congestion sprays

The basis of all three drugs is sea water.

Can I use sprays to help newborns?

And which nasal congestion sprays are allowed for infants? In no case should newborn babies be injected into the nasopharynx with aerosol spray. The main danger is not even a possible overdose, but the risk of spasm in the baby in the larynx, in the bronchi or trachea when injected. That is why drops are most suitable for tiny patients.

Pregnant Sprays

Pregnant women should never self-medicate. So, the usual vasoconstrictor spray from nasal congestion during pregnancy can be very dangerous for them. After all, the medicine enters the general bloodstream of the body and begins to have a negative effect on the capillaries of the placenta, thereby condemning the fetus to hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Some sprays can cause increased pressure and cramping in pregnant women. Let the doctor prescribe the treatment. And if it is impossible to do without urgent use of an aerosol, then preference should be given to homeopathic preparations with natural components. Such a tool is Euphorbium Compositum - a spray for nasal congestion, which is very positive. This is an effective homeopathic remedy in the form of an aerosol based on plant components, as well as minerals. This spray can not harm either a pregnant woman or her baby, but the nasal passages of mucus will cleanse and quickly facilitate breathing. The Euphorbium Compositum could be described as the best nasal congestion spray for pregnant women, which is sometimes done by advertising. But we will beware of picking up advertising slogans, as there is no single panacea for all.

nasal congestion spray during pregnancy

Even for pregnant women, as well as for young children, sea water sprays are well suited:

  • "Otrivin Sea."
  • "Morenazal."
  • Quicks.
  • Humer.
  • Marimer et al.

Why is sea water so good?

Sea salt solution has a truly wonderful complex effect on the state of the nasopharynx:

1. Moisturizes the atrophied mucosa.

2. Removes pathogenic contents from nasal passages: mucus, pus, bacteria, dry crusts, microscopic particles of allergens.

3. It has an effective antibacterial effect.

4. Promotes the fastest regeneration of the mucosa, extinguishes the inflammatory process.

5. Increases local immunity. With regular use, the susceptibility of the nasopharynx to various external irritants decreases.

6. Promotes the maintenance of the nasal mucosa and pharynx in a physiological normal state.

Sprays with sea water can not be addictive, their use does not need to be carefully dosed. For children and adults, they can be indicated in the following conditions causing nasal congestion:

  • rhinitis of various origin;
  • postoperative period after removal of adenoids ;
  • various inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx;
  • as a preliminary cleanser before using antibacterial drugs.

Final word

We hope our article will help you choose the most effective spray for nasal congestion and your condition will definitely improve. Take care of yourself, try to at least avoid hypothermia and not catch a cold. And remember that most medicinal sprays are just a means of relieving symptoms, but they can not cure serious diseases that complicate the respiratory process. Therefore, if after several days of using this or that drug you do not feel visible relief, then this is an occasion to treat your condition more carefully and consult a doctor.

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