The series "Major": reviews of viewers

In 2014, the new series “Major” was released. Audience feedback exceeded all expectations. The series was received more than cordially and fell in love with Russian film fans.

Series major 2 season

The story told in a television film at first glance may seem too “beaten up”, repeating, but the creators were able to breathe new life into a familiar story, where there is a love line, and police investigations with brutal murders, as well as difficult relationships between the characters.

The creators of "Major"

The series was produced by Alexander Tsekalo. His company "Environment" initially had high hopes for this project. Alexander Tsekalo can be called one of the most experienced representatives of Russian show business. On his account a lot of films, series and show programs, many of them gained wide popularity and popularity. The series "Major" was no exception.

Series major reviews

The reviews of the creators of the multi-part film themselves are demonstrably restrained, however, they capture notes of pride in the work done. The script was written by Alexander Shcherbakov, who also wrote the intriguing story “The Other Side of the Moon”. The director of "Major" is Konstantin Statsky, he shot "Cossacks-robbers", "Tale. There is "," Santa Claus always calls ... three times! " and was directly involved in other film works. Wonderful directorial work has been the subject of numerous laudatory reviews, which further strengthened the position of the multi-part film in the rating indicators. Most fans ask if they will have the series Major in Season 2. The release date has not been disclosed, but according to available information, the script is ready.

Pavel Priluchny

Known for the films "On the Game", "Closed School", "Dark World: Balance", Paul has established himself as a talented and charismatic actor. The list of his filmography is quite impressive, but it was in 2014 that he was recognized as the “discovery of the year”, the series “Major” brought such a harmonious title. Reviews about the film and the role of Igor Sokolovsky were published by Komsomolskaya Pravda, and the reviewer adhered to positive reviews in her review.

Major tv series reviews

Later, Rossiyskaya Gazeta made the film eighth in the list of major hits of the year.

One of the main reasons for the incredible success of the project is the impeccable game of Pavel Priluchny. His character (Igor) at the beginning of the first series looks quite stereotypical. He is rich, spoiled and at first glance devoid of any moral or moral values. But after a short period of time, the facets of the inner world and the character of the hero begin to unfold fully, and it becomes clear that the younger Sokolovsky is by no means a soulless “cardboard” boy with an irretrievably lost soul. The young rich man undergoes a peculiar transformation of his personality, he is faced with tasks whose solution requires a certain worldview and courage. Pavel managed to concentrate on himself the concept of “major”. The series (positive reviews continue to be received daily on numerous Internet resources) received the prize of the association of film and television producers in the field of television cinema for "the best mini-series."

Karina Razumovskaya

Refined and aristocratic Karina Razumovskaya tried on the image of the captain of the police department, in whose submission there are several men at once. Victoria Rodionova seems very fragile, and her difficult work and a responsible position at first do not fit in with her appearance, but in the course of the plot there is no shadow of doubt in her professionalism.

Series major movie reviews

The image of the heroine Karina is very vivid and sometimes contradictory, it combines romanticism, vulnerability, tenderness and at the same time amazing leadership qualities, rigidity and perseverance.

Razumovskaya confidently supplemented the cast and decorated the series "Major". Reviews of the audience about the main character were mostly enthusiastic. Karina Razumovskaya won the hearts of film enthusiasts with the beauty and non-stereotypical presentation of her image.

Dmitry Shevchenko

Dmitry took part in many series and films: “Bourgeois’s Birthday”, “Poor Nastya”, “Shadow Boxing”, “Fool” and others. In the company of talented main cast actors, he added a number of supporting characters, playing Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Pryanikov. A harsh, strict boss sometimes opens the veil of his true humanity, through which a good and fair person can be seen. At the same time, it is Gingerbread that turns out to be the bearer of the main gloomy secrets and intrigues, on which the "Major" begins to line up. The series, reviews to it, the performance of roles by actors, discussed in blogs and forums - all this very often concerns Dmitry himself. His lieutenant colonel raises questions, sometimes a negative attitude. Some accuse him of weakness and cowardice. His personality is truly ambiguous. Interested viewers would like to see Pryanikov actively participating in the fate of Igor. Whether expectations are met, it will become clear when the series “Major” season 2 appears (release date is unknown, but tentatively it will be in the fall of 2015).

Denis Shvedov

Denis Shvedov, a graduate of the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin, played the brutal Danila Korolev - senior lieutenant under the leadership of Victoria Rodionova. Danila Korolev has an explosive temperament and a jealous character.

Series major reviews continued

His hero, real and simple, does not hide his hostility towards Sokolovsky. Seeing the beginnings of certain sympathies between Victoria and Igor, Korolev often loses control over emotions, he is overcome by a fear of losing his beloved and powerlessness to change anything. In the heat of ill-conceived actions and words, Danila, not wanting to, pushes Rodionova somewhat, enlarging the already widening gap in the relationship. His torment, feelings and scenes of jealousy cannot but arouse sympathy, although some criticisms of the Shvedov series criticizing the series “Major” leave negative ones, reproaching him for “replaying” and overly straightforward image.

Alexander Dyachenko

A talented actor with a very catchy appearance and texture Alexander Dyachenko became the television "father" of Igor Sokolovsky. The tandem of Priluchny and Dyachenko looked great. They managed to show first the eternal problem of “fathers and children”, and later develop to the maximum tension the impending mistrust and misunderstanding between father and son. Vladimir Sokolovsky became the personification of that layer of wealthy people who went through a very difficult time that covered the country in the recent past. Very many such individuals managed to lose all the positive qualities of the soul and character.

Series major viewer reviews

But Vladimir is not a tyrant and tyrant, he is rich and influential, and although he is a “good” hero, like the rest of the characters in the series, he cannot be called “black” or “white”. The plot makes it clear that a loving father and a very successful entrepreneur is capable of any action in order to defend his interests. To the great regret of many viewers, the shocking ending forces us to say goodbye to this interesting participant, Alexander Dyachenko leaves the series Major, season 2 will continue without him.

Igor Zhizhikin

Series major movie reviews

The main antagonist is Igor Zhizhikin. His non-standard and memorable appearance corresponds to the image of the main villain Arkady Ignatiev. In Ignatiev, all the negative qualities inherent in individuals greedy for power and wealth converged. The terrible situation that developed in the past due to the fault of Arkady moved to the present, leaving a bloody, tragic trace.

His cruelty and composure eventually lead to the collapse of the Sokolovsky family, which are already undergoing serious trials. Subtle intricacies, thought out to the smallest detail, protect Ignatieff from any possible accusations and suspicions. Thanks to Igor Zhizhikin, the criminal component, with all the ups and downs of the plot, found the ideal face of the "villain" and enriched the series "Major". Reviews about his game are extremely positive.

Alexander Oblasov

A charming employee of the department, a friend of Danila and a subordinate of Victoria, Yevgeny Averyanov was remembered in a somewhat reassuring way. His hero is soft, good-natured, evoking warm feelings. Against the background of extremely temperamental colleagues, constantly finding out relationships, sometimes even too zealously, Zheka is seen as a sort of "island of calm." As a good friend, Eugene first takes the side of Danila, trying to help him and support. But due to a certain internal structure and good nature, he is imbued with sympathy for Igor and ceases to see in him a threat or an enemy. Despite the secondary role of Oblasov, his hero is quite popular among those who saw the series “Major”. Reviews - a continuation of the series, where many speak out about possible scenario twists, discuss the role. At such forums, the audience unanimously favors Zheka’s participation in the second season.

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