Details on how to cook pike in sour cream

How to cook pike in sour cream? Almost every housewife can answer this question. But if you are new to the culinary business and do not know how to bake or stew a fish deliciously and quickly, then we will tell you about it right now.

how to cook pike in sour cream

Step by step recipe for pike in sour cream

Frying a pike in a pan with sour cream is quite simple. Moreover, such a fish is best suited for the presented heat treatment. After all, it cooks very quickly, does not fall apart and remains very juicy. To verify this, we recommend making this dish yourself.

So, we need to take:

  • steaks of not very large pike - about 400 g;
  • sour cream of maximum freshness - about 200 ml;
  • Small sea salt, crushed allspice - apply to taste;
  • sifted light flour - a large spoon;
  • vegetable oil - about 25 ml;
  • fresh greens - for serving.

Cooking process

Cooking pike in sour cream in a pan does not take much time. To do this, the processed fish steaks must be thoroughly seasoned with pepper and salt, and then fry on both sides in a small amount of refined oil. Next, you need to mix fresh sour cream with wheat flour and cover the resulting sauce with the whole cooked dish. In this state, it is advisable to simmer the pike on low heat for about 8 minutes under a closed lid.

pike in sour cream in the oven

How to serve?

Now you know how to cook pike in sour cream, after frying it in a pan. After the fish is slightly stewed in milk sauce, it should be distributed on plates, garnished with greens, and then presented hot to members of your family. In addition to this dish, you can make a hearty side dish.

Pike in sour cream: a method of cooking in a saucepan

If you do not want to fry such fish in oil, then we suggest putting it out. To do this, purchase:

  • fresh pike - 1 pc. 1.5 kg;
  • bulbs not bitter onions - 2 heads;
  • carrot not too big juicy - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - a small spoon;
  • thick sour cream of high fat content - a full glass;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • dried greens - a pinch;
  • Small sea salt, crushed allspice - apply to taste;
  • vegetable oil - about 15 ml;
  • hard cheese - about 100 g.

We process components

We figure out how to cook pike in sour cream. It should be thoroughly cleaned of scales, cut off the tail, all fins and head. Next, the fish must be gutted and cut into steaks. After that, you need to peel and chop all the vegetables.

cooking pike in sour cream

Stewing dishes

How to cook a pike in sour cream to make it tender and tasty? To do this, heat the refined oil in a saucepan , and then mash chopped onions and grated carrots. After the vegetables are soft, they need to lay out pieces of pike. Having mixed all the ingredients with a spoon, they should be immediately poured with sauce made from tomato paste and fresh sour cream. After combining the components with dried herbs, laurel and spices, they must be closed and stewed for ¼ hour. After this time, the dish is required to sprinkle with grated cheese and still stand on the fire for about 3 minutes.

We serve to the table

Presenting stewed fish to the dining table is recommended only when hot. In addition to it, you should serve a side dish of vegetables, cereals or pasta. Good appetite!

Bake fish in sour cream

No matter how you like fried or stewed fish, the tastiest thing is it still turns out in the oven. To prepare such a dinner we need:

  • fresh pike - 1 pc. 1.5 kg;
  • light sifted flour - 2 large spoons;
  • medium potatoes - about 3-4 pcs.;
  • bulbs not bitter onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots are not too juicy - 1 pc.;
  • thick high fat sour cream - a full glass;
  • vegetable oil - about 15 ml;
  • hard cheese - about 100 g;
  • Small sea salt, crushed allspice - apply to taste.

recipe for pike in sour cream

Ingredient preparation

As you can see, pike in sour cream in the oven does not require the use of expensive components. In this regard, almost everyone can cook such a dinner. And before you put it in the oven, you should process all the products.

The pike must be gutted and cleaned of scales, and then cut off the head, fins and tail. Next, large fish need to be cut into steaks 2 centimeters thick. After that, they should be flavored with pepper and salt.

Roll the pike in wheat flour, it is recommended to fry it on both sides in refined oil. It is also necessary to peel vegetables separately. Onions should be cut into cubes, grate the carrots, and simply cut the potatoes in half. After that, the first two ingredients must be spasserovat in vegetable oil. As for the potato, it should be boiled in salt water, cool and cut into thick circles.

We form and bake the dish in the oven

After vegetables and fish are prepared, it is necessary to start baking them. To do this, grease the deep form with cooking oil, and then put the fried pike steaks on it. Next, fish must be placed sautéed vegetables and circles of boiled potatoes.

In order for the pike in sour cream in the oven to be very tasty, it must be poured with special sauce. It is done as follows: 130 ml of water is diluted with sour cream, salt and pepper. Next, dressing is poured over the entire formed dish and covered with grated cheese. In this form, lunch is baked in the oven for about 17 minutes at a temperature of 230 degrees.

pike in sour cream

Now you know how to cook pike in sour cream in the oven. Using this recipe, you are sure to heartily and tasty feed all members of your family.

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