The drug "Drapolen" is an ointment that has anti-inflammatory properties. This article will consider analogues to the drug "Drapolen".
Description of Drapolen ointment
The cream contains benzalkonium chloride and cetrimide, as well as auxiliary components. With personal intolerance to the components of the drug, an allergic reaction appears. If this situation occurs, you must stop using the drug. In the absence of allergies, the cream is suitable even for newborns. Use in pregnant and lactating women has not been tested. Therefore, therapy with the drug can be carried out, but with great care.
Indications for use
Drapolen is active against pathogenic microorganisms; it has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.
An effective remedy for diaper dermatitis in newborns . It perfectly heals wounds, scratches, sun and heat burns of a mild degree, with contact dermatitis it helps a lot. To the drug "Drapolen" ointment analogues act in the same way.
It is applied externally, dry affected areas are lubricated with it. The remedy should be used when the first symptoms appear. It is good to apply the cream every time you change the diaper. About four times a day, apply the cream on the affected areas.
It has no side effects. It is well tolerated in children and adults. To the Drapolen product, analogues will be discussed below.
Drapolen can be purchased at any pharmacy chain at a price of 280 rubles per package. A prescription for purchase is not required.
Shelf life
Store in a dry, dark place for 3 years. After the expiration date it is forbidden to use "Drapolen".
Consider the most famous analogs to Drapolenu. These include:
- "Etonia."
- "Miramistin-Darnitsa."
- Bepanten.
- Desitin.
According to the active substance, the drug has no analogues.
This is an analogue to the drug "Drapolen". This medication is made on the basis of an ammonia derivative. It has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. As a result, the synthesis of bacteria is disrupted. Wounds heal faster with the drug, it is a wonderful anesthetic. Tissue regeneration is also improving, but this is a mild effect.
Indicated for use with:
- trophic skin lesions;
- inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
- burns (thermal, radiation, chemical);
- dermatitis due to radiation exposure;
- fissures of the nipples and rectum.
How to use the medicine?
The cream is applied to the affected surface 1-2 times a day. You may need to use the drug for about a month until complete healing. Side effects are not fixed, only individual intolerance can be.
Ointment "Miramistin Darnitsa"
Consider other analogues to the drug "Drapolen". Cheap drugs are also available.
Miramistin Darnitsa contains the active substance miramistin and auxiliary components. It is an antiseptic.
The antimicrobial effect extends to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi
Ointment is used in the following cases:
- Therapy of an infected wound. Treatment of trophic ulcers, purulent foci, pressure sores, festering postoperative wounds, fistula, etc. Prevention of re-infection of granulating wounds.
- Deep and superficial burns, frostbite are treated. Preparation of wounds from burns before surgery. It treats candidomycosis of the skin and mucous membranes, staphilo- and streptoderma, pyoderma, dermatomycosis, onychomycosis, keratomycosis on smooth skin.
- Protects household wounds from the possibility of infection, that is, has a preventive effect.
As a side effect, burning and itching may occur. The occurrence of an allergic reaction with individual intolerance to the drug is not ruled out.
Before applying, it is necessary to treat wounds and burns in a standard way. Then apply a thin layer of ointment. Possible simultaneous use of antibiotics. Dressings with this agent are also used.
The dose of antibacterial drugs may decrease with the use of Miramistin Darnitsa ointment.
Instructions for use do not describe analogues of Drapolen. But "Desitin" is prescribed in the same cases.
This is a dermatoprotective ointment. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, absorbent effect. Apply externally.
Indications and contraindications
"Desitin" is used for:
- diaper dermatitis in infants;
- any superficial wounds of the skin (for example, scratches, cuts, abrasions, etc.);
- minor and small burns of any origin (for example, thermal, solar, etc.);
- diaper rash;
- shingles in infants;
- pressure sores;
- ulcerative lesions of the skin, including trophic ulcers;
- eczema during an exacerbation;
- streptoderma;
- herpes simplex.
Not applicable for allergies and hypersensitivity. Often used in newborns before putting on a diaper. It copes with diaper rash.
What other analogues are there to Drapolen Cream?
The ointment contains dexpanthenol. It helps with diaper dermatitis, diaper rash, inflammation on the skin. Cracks in the anal passage with hemorrhoids are well treated. Diathesis, atopic dermatitis, burns quickly "Bepanten" cures. It can be used on the face with irritated skin.
It is applied several times a day to the affected areas. Nursing women can lubricate their nipples to heal.
The analogues described by us can not be limited. But it is better to coordinate the choice of means with the attending physician.