Fish oil: overdose. Symptoms and treatment

From childhood, we were all told about the unique beneficial properties of fish oil. Our mothers forced us to take this valuable natural substance enriched with vitamins A and D. This product is obtained from cod liver, so it contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. After reading today's article, you will find out if an overdose of fish oil is possible and what it threatens with.

fish oil overdose

What is this remedy?

Increased interest in this supplement began to appear in the late 70s of the last century. It was then that scientists came to the conclusion that the Eskimos and other inhabitants of the Far North, eating mainly fish, practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. But these health problems arise immediately after foods that are familiar to residents of other regions appear in their diet.

As a result of long-term observations, scientists came to the conclusion that the reason for maintaining the ideal level of cholesterol in the blood lies in the abundance of oily fish. After all, it is she who is considered the best source of irreplaceable omega-3 acids. Fish oil, an overdose of which will be discussed later, is an amber-colored liquid with a unique composition. It is obtained from herring, mackerel and cod.

fish oil overdose symptoms

Chemical composition of the product

It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have very valuable properties. They contribute to reducing the risk of blood clots, vasodilation, and normalization of blood pressure. In addition, this component improves the recovery processes in the human body and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Nevertheless, it is worth taking fish oil very carefully: an overdose of this substance threatens not too pleasant consequences. The substance is rich in vitamins A and D. The first promotes the elimination of free radicals, helps maintain eye health and supports immunity. The second takes an active part in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, necessary for the formation of bone tissue. In addition, antioxidants are present in fish oil. These substances inhibit the aging process of the human body.

Today, some manufacturers produce this drug in pill form. And people take fish oil capsules. An overdose in this case is accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms and requires immediate action, which we will discuss later. Now it is worth noting that the tablets consist not only of a pure substance, but also of additional components. They contain 70% sorbitol, water, gelatin and glycerol.

fish oil overdose

To whom is this remedy indicated?

Immediately, we note that fish oil, an overdose of which is dangerous for our health, is both a food supplement and a vitamin and mineral complex. The beneficial properties of this drug are due to its unique composition. It is often recommended for people with a weakened immune system. It is considered the best prevention of rickets. It is shown to owners of excessively dry skin, on which wounds and ulcers periodically appear. Also, fish oil is prescribed for those who are diagnosed with ophthalmic and dental pathologies, disorders of the endocrine, genitourinary and digestive systems.

overdose of fish oil in children


Despite all the useful properties of this drug, there is a list of conditions in which it is undesirable to take this supplement. Fish oil, an overdose of which is considered a serious enough problem, is contraindicated in case of hypervitaminosis, tuberculosis, hemophilia, chronic pancreatitis and peptic ulcer. Also, it is forbidden to take it to people who have pathologies of the kidneys and liver. It is undesirable to use this drug for the elderly and nursing mothers. Another reason for rejecting fish oil is the individual intolerance of one of its components.

fish oil capsule overdose

Fish oil overdose: symptoms

The treatment of this problem should be prescribed by a specialist. It will largely depend on how this disease manifests itself. Just note that to reduce the risks of potential side effects, you need to take a refined product. Excess vitamin A contained in this supplement can cause a decrease in appetite, increased intracranial pressure, bone pain and the development of excessive sensitivity to sunlight. It can also lead to dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and cracking on the lips.

Sometimes babies have an overdose of fish oil. Children are often forced to take this drug by adults - too zealous parents can go too far with the norm. As a result, an overdose can be accompanied by a decrease in body weight, renal failure, muscle stiffness, acidosis, constipation and other problems with the intestines. All these symptoms can cause an excess of vitamin D. As for children, they often experience changes such as weak growth, excessive irritability and poor development.

whether an overdose of fish oil

How is an overdose of fish oil treated?

The symptoms that accompany this problem, we have already considered. Therefore, the time has come to talk about ways to eliminate them. The first thing to do if you suspect an overdose is to stop taking the drug. If the symptoms of an excess of vitamin D contained in it were manifested in the summer, then you need to temporarily stop visiting the solarium and reduce exposure to the sun. When going out, put on lightweight covered outfits and follow the drinking regimen. At least for the first few days after the appearance of signs of an overdose, try to use plain still water.

fish oil overdose in adults

Recommended daily average dosage

Now we know that sometimes fish oil is dangerous - an overdose in adults and children causes serious health problems. Therefore, you need to tell how to use it correctly. We must say right away that it is advisable to consult a doctor before using this supplement. Since only a specialist can correctly calculate the dosage. It is selected strictly individually, taking into account the age, weight and gender of the patient.

As a rule, babies under the age of one year are prescribed six to ten drops of fish oil. Moreover, the recommended daily dose will have to be divided into two doses. Preschoolers are given two teaspoons of the drug, and children over seven years of age are advised to take three scoops twice a day. As for fish oil, produced in the form of capsules, all information regarding the dosage is indicated on the insert enclosed with the preparation. Typically, this packaging is designed for an adult, and the average daily rate is about six tablets, which must be divided into three doses.

fish oil overdose symptoms treatment

Useful Tips

To get the maximum effect and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, it is not enough to know the dosage. In addition, you need to follow a number of recommendations for taking fish oil. It is advisable to use this drug during the meal, along with soups or salads.

You need to understand that a single dose will not bring the expected results. To obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to consume fish oil regularly for one or two months. Also, do not exceed the recommended dates, since the accumulation of vitamin A can lead to negative consequences, which we have already mentioned. In addition, this supplement is contraindicated in people who have an elevated calcium content.

It is strictly forbidden to use this drug on an empty stomach, as this can cause digestive problems. The correct intake of fish oil will help get rid of extra pounds, saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and improve overall well-being.

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