The medicine "Sedavit" - instructions for use, analogues, reviews of doctors

At what dosage is the drug “Sedavit” prescribed? Instructions for use of the said medicine will be described later. We will also present the composition of this medication, its release form, analogues, indications, side effects and contraindications.

sedavit instructions for use

Composition, description, form, packaging of the drug

You can buy sedative “Sedavit” in the following forms:

  • Tablets. They include plant extracts, pyridoxine hydrochloride, nicotinamide, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate, croscarmellose sodium and microcrystalline cellulose. The tablets are oval. They are packed in blisters of 20 pieces and placed in a cardboard box.
  • Solution “Sedavit” (syrup). The instruction states that the composition of this form also includes plant extracts, pyridoxine hydrochloride, nicotinamide, ethanol and sorbitol. The drug goes on sale in a dark glass bottle of 100 or 200 ml (the container is placed in a cardboard box).

Pharmacological action of the drug

What properties does the Sedavit medicine have? Instructions for use indicate a sedative, anxiolytic and hypnotic effect of this drug. This effect after taking tablets and syrup is determined by the properties of the active components that are part of them.

The drug is able to normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, providing a pronounced anxiolytic and sedative effect. In this case, the patient completely disappears feeling of anxiety and mental stress is eliminated.

How else does the Sedavit medicine affect the human body? Its composition is such that it is actively involved in all oxidative processes. Vitamin B6, which is contained in the medication, has a beneficial effect on tissue respiration and metabolism. As for Vitamin PP (i.e. pyridoxine hydrochloride), it significantly improves the functioning of the nervous system.

sedative sedavit

Indications for use of syrup and tablets

Why use the drug "Sedavit"? Instructions for use indicate the following indications of this tool:

  • asthenic syndrome ;
  • states of prolonged or constant mental stress;
  • mild forms of insomnia;
  • neurasthenic reactions, which are accompanied by fear, mental exhaustion, distraction, irritability, fatigue, anxiety and impaired memory;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia (including hypersthenic form);
  • headaches;
  • dermatoses, which are accompanied by itching (urticaria, eczema);
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus and toxic goiter;
  • menopausal syndrome and mild forms of dysmenorrhea.

Contraindications to the use of tablets and syrup

What conditions prohibit the patient to prescribe the drug "Sedavit"? Instructions, reviews of doctors indicate the following contraindications:

sedav syrup instruction

  • depressed patient;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • bradycardia;
  • severe arterial hypotension;
  • spasmophilia;
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • liver disease
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • stomach ulcer.

The drug "Sedavit": instructions for use

The dosage of the drug "Sedavit" depends on its form of release.

  • Tablets are prescribed for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults for 2 pieces three times a day. They can not be chewed, but should only be washed down with plain water.

According to the instructions, a single dose of this medicine can be increased to three tablets. If taking the drug is accompanied by nausea, then it is recommended to take it with food.

It should be especially noted that this medication can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention 60 minutes before the expected psychoemotional load (in the amount of 2-3 tablets).

sedavit instruction reviews

The duration of therapy with this drug is determined individually by the attending physician.

  • The solution "Sedavit" (syrup) is prescribed inside of 5 ml three times a day. If necessary, then this dose is increased to 10 ml.

You can take syrup with tea or juice, as well as undiluted. If there are side effects from the central nervous system (for example, drowsiness or lethargy), the morning and daily dosage is reduced to 2.5 ml, and the night dosage is left unchanged (5 ml).

It should also be noted that the Sedavit syrup, the reviews of which are presented below, can also be used for prevention. In this case, the drug is taken 5-10 ml half an hour before a possible psychoemotional load.

Cases of drug overdose "Sedavit"

With the systematic administration of elevated doses of the drug in patients, side symptoms may increase in the form of drowsiness, muscle weakness, depression, nausea, joint pain, vomiting and heaviness in the stomach.

Also, an overdose often manifests itself in convulsions, dizziness, tremors, tachycardia, arterial hypotension, sweating, skin rash, and coughing.

sedavitis during pregnancy

After drug withdrawal, all signs of an overdose disappear. If required, then carry out symptomatic therapy.

Side effects

Side effects from taking this drug are very rare.

So what kind of reactions can “Sedavit” cause? Reviews of experts say the following manifestations: fatigue, allergies (urticaria, swelling, rash, itching), drowsiness, headaches, depression, agitation, dizziness, paresthesia, weakness, nausea, decreased performance, increased gastric secretion, abdominal cramps, vomiting , epigastric pain, constipation, muscle weakness, heartburn, numbness of the limbs, diarrhea, dry skin, bradycardia, dermatitis, arrhythmia, photosensitivity, decreased blood pressure.

Also, when taking this medication, abnormalities in bio-indicators can be observed (increase in blood glucose, levels of AcAT, alkaline phosphatase and LDH).

Drug interaction

How does Sedavit interact with other drugs? The use of this medication with alcohol enhances its effects.

It is forbidden to take the medication in question simultaneously with antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs, as well as with cardiac glycosides.

Hypnotic and sedative medications in combination with Pyridoxine reduce their hypnotic effect, and when taken with antispasmodics, the effect of the latter, on the contrary, is enhanced. The photosensitizing effect of other drugs (for example, sulfonamides and tetracycline) is also enhanced.

sedavit application

Special recommendations

The drug "Sedavit" during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as in conjunction with alcohol is prohibited. In addition, it should not be given to children under 12 years old.

It is also not recommended to take the medication for people with hereditary disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (galactose, fructose intolerance and lactase deficiency).

With special care, “Sedavit” is prescribed to patients with diseases of the digestive tract, sudden changes in blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.

People with fair skin should avoid prolonged sun exposure (sunbathing and tanning beds). Also, patients taking this medication need to refrain from driving vehicles and working with complex mechanisms.

Price, analogues of the drug

What drugs can replace the Sedavit medicine? Analogues of this medication are presented in all pharmacies of our country. The most popular among them are the following: Valerian Forte, Persen Forte, Persen, Valerika, Relax and Novo-Passit.

As for the price, it depends on the region and the form of release of the medicine. Sedavit tablets (20 pieces) can be purchased for 150-215 rubles, and syrup - for 140-190 rubles.

Reviews of patients about the drug "Sedavit"

Finding patient reviews about Sedavit is not so difficult. This is due to the fact that this medication is very popular among those who experience constant psycho-emotional stress.

sedavit analogues

The vast majority of people leave positive reviews about syrup and tablets. They note a rather rapid effect of the medication, as well as a pronounced effect.

Already after 10-15 minutes (sometimes it may take a little longer), the patients stop the state of increased irritability, anxiety, nervous tension, anxiety and emotional exhaustion.

It should also be noted that the drug "Sedavit" very quickly causes sleep and allows you to achieve maximum relaxation.

There are practically no negative reviews about this drug. Although in some cases there are complaints of adverse reactions such as nausea and dizziness.

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