Georgian cuisine recipes: delicious dishes

Georgiaโ€™s hospitality has long been a proverb - and the main component of hospitality is necessarily a generous and plentiful table that turns an ordinary, even wide, feast into a real holiday. But, of course, in order to arrange such a holiday at home, you do not need to go to this wonderful country - in the cozy and comfortable conditions of your own kitchen you can cook almost all the dishes of its traditional cuisine. In general, Georgian cuisine offers quite complicated recipes, but having mastered them, you can please your loved ones and surprise your friends. First of all, you need to remember that for the preparation of dishes in Georgia meat is always used. This product is one of the main ones - poultry and pork, beef and mutton. But also the Georgian cuisine is based on the active use of vegetables prepared in a variety of ways - frying and cooking, stewing and baking, pickling, not to mention raw use.

Very often, traditional Georgian cuisine offers traditional recipes to complement with all kinds of seasonings and spices, among which nuts (beech, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts) play a very important role . Nuts are part of sauces and spices, are ingredients for salads, soups, most pastries, some soups and hot main dishes. Almost the same importance is given to traditional Georgian cuisine by cheeses, which are also added to a wide range of dishes. If you are going to cook any of these dishes in the home kitchen, do not forget about the various methods of processing products and some unique techniques for their preparation. For example, about the secret way to create traditional soups in a sour-fat or just acidic environment, as well as the fact that the real Georgian cuisine does not contain recipes for second courses - if they do not imply an abundant addition of sauces.

Speaking of sauces: without them, one can say that traditional Georgian dishes have no right to exist. Sauces are made from berries and fruits, processed in mashed potatoes - blackberries, barberries, thorns, tkemali, pomegranates and tomatoes, from nuts that are mixed with broth or vinegar, as well as garlic. Armed with knowledge about these products, about everything that Georgian cuisine requires and all the ways to create traditional dishes, you can proceed directly to the cooking process.

For example, you can cook such a magnificent dish as a Georgian hodgepodge recipe which is not too complicated, but requires some attention. It is necessary to take for it any meat fillet (500 gr.), Onions (2 goals.) And garlic (1 tooth), canned cucumbers (2 pcs.), Some tomato and meat broth. You also need to stock up on grape wine (150 ml.), Oil (50 ml.) And all kinds of spices. The selected meat should be washed, cut into small pieces, put them in a pan and fry with finely chopped onions. Next, the meat is transferred to a pan, poured with tomato and grape wine, mixed with diced cucumbers and meat broth. The dish should be stewed on a medium-intensity fire for about half an hour, after which it can be served to the table, sprinkled with chopped greens.

You can also cook mkhali - a Georgian salad whose recipe involves taking one kind of vegetables (500 gr.), Walnuts (170 gr.), Garlic (3 teeth.), Flavored vinegar (10 ml.) And various spices. The method of preparation may vary depending on which vegetables are selected: sweet bell pepper should be baked in the oven, cabbage should be scalded with boiling water, beets are boiled, tomatoes and carrots are peeled and washed to be used fresh. After that, it remains only to make the sauce - grind the kernels of nuts with squeezed garlic, finely chop and add herbs and spices to them, then dilute the mixture with vinegar and mix until smooth. Ready vegetables can be poured with dressing and sent to the table - to amaze the imagination of all guests, which is what Georgian cuisine intends for recipes.

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