Plant Products: List. Plant-Based and Animal-Based Products: Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages

We are what we eat. This truth is familiar to many. Moreover, we are all different, differ in gender and age, as well as taste preferences. Perhaps that is why the debate about which products are the most healthy does not cease. Today we want to conduct a comparative analysis of two large groups of food products : these are food of plant and animal origin. As a result, in addition to the findings, a list appears. Products of plant origin, as well as heavier, from the point of view of nutritionists, but more nutritious in their properties, animal origin are well known to all of us, however, it will not be superfluous to systematize our knowledge.

list of plant foods

Systematizing the whole experience of modern nutrition

In fact, separating one from the other is quite difficult. At first glance, the standard food pyramid reflects the variety of food available. As you know, cereals and cereal products are at its base, fruits and vegetables are located higher, then proteins (milk, meat, fish), and sweets and fat are at the very top. This pyramid clearly shows how much space in your diet should take certain foods. However, it does not separate products of plant origin (a list will be given below) from their analogues of animal origin. Both proteins and fats can be supplied to our body from various sources, moreover, giving a different load on the digestive organs, as well as a different energy potential. Therefore, today we decided to divide these two important groups of products among themselves.

herbal products list

Plant food

These are useful and extremely necessary products for our body. These are all the gifts that we receive from plants. By the way, mushrooms and algae do not belong here; by their properties, they are in the middle between plant and animal food. What are the useful products of plant origin? The list will allow you to create the most useful and complete diet. So, this is primarily a source of fiber, which is so lacking in abundance of animal proteins and fats in the diet. In the products of this group there are a lot of vitamins and minerals, amino acids. However, let's look at each group separately.

herbal products

Cereal products

This is the basis of our nutrition. Every day these foods of plant origin should be present in the diet. The list is quite extensive. These are cereals and flour products. First of all, these include cereals and legumes. A feature of these types of foods is a large amount of protein. They are easier to digest than products of animal origin, but at the same time they are very nutritious and provide a huge reserve of energy. Of the whole variety of plant products, it is cereals that can act as a full meal. Soy and peas, beans and beans, buckwheat and millet - all these are healthy and not too high-calorie protein foods of plant origin. The list can be supplemented by wheat and barley, alfalfa and flax, hops and lentils. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

protein foods of plant origin list

Fruits and vegetables

A huge role in our diet is played by vegetables. These are the various parts and fruits of herbaceous plants and shrubs. Moreover, it can be roots, like carrots, or leafy buds, such as cabbage, and there may be stems (asparagus). All products of plant origin from this group are easily digested, contain few proteins and fats and a large amount of vitamins. If vegetables are, rather, the main food, then fruits are a healthy and tasty treat. These are the fruits of trees that are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. By adding them regularly to the diet, we not only provide ourselves with energy, but also increase immunity.

animal and vegetable products list

Berries, Nuts, Herbs

These plant products are additional sources of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Berries in their properties are very similar to fruits, but contain a greater amount of organic acids, creating a strain on the teeth and gastrointestinal tract. If you decide to temporarily exclude products of animal origin, then be sure to include nuts in the menu. They are easily digested, contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, that is, they constitute a full meal. However, they are very high-calorie and quite expensive. Finally, the aromatic herbs that we use as seasonings have many useful substances, they contain vitamins and substances that improve digestion.

Animal products

Here you need to return to our nature. It was not for nothing that the ancient man used for food not only what he obtained by gathering, but also hunting trophies. Because for optimal functioning, a person needs animal and vegetable products. You can give a list of the first ones yourself, they are at your desk every day. These are meat and offal, fish and eggs, as well as milk. Moreover, it is very important and useful to use not only and not so much whole milk as fermented milk products. This is primarily kefir and cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese. They are rich in proteins and fats, contain carbohydrates and vitamins, as well as various enzymes. Of course, the nutritional value of plant products is significantly inferior to their nutritional value. However, to say that only one or the other products are useful for the body is also impossible. The optimal ratio is considered to be 30% of the diet, consisting of meat, fish, cottage cheese, about the same amount is allocated to cereals, and everything else is fruits and vegetables. That is, 70% of our diet should be allocated to products of plant origin.

nutritional value of plant products

Analysis in the end

Animal foods are a major source of protein that cannot be replaced with anything. However, their main drawback is the high calorie content, the presence of refractory fats and bad cholesterol. However, choosing low-fat fish and chicken, eggs and low-fat dairy products, you will practically neutralize these shortcomings. The protein contained in them is an extremely important building material, the stock of which needs to be updated daily. In addition, it is a source of essential amino acids. That is, these products should be on the table every day. But this does not detract from the merits of plant foods. Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, vegetable protein and fats - all this gives cereals, vegetables and fruits, so the optimal diet can only be when using all these products.

And what's the list?

We did not mention products that cannot be clearly assigned to one of the listed groups. Despite the fact that honey, propolis and other bee products are not of animal origin, they belong to this group. Mushrooms, as well as algae, which are rich in carbohydrates and trace elements, stand apart. Yeast and microorganisms are not food, but they help us to get lush bread and yogurt for breakfast, so they are also part of our diet.

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