In the corners of the lips sores: causes and methods of treatment

Some argue that sores that occur in the corners of the lips are the result of an overly broad smile, and people who have this problem are happy and cheerful. Alas, this defect has nothing to do with the character and state of mind of a person and is due to other reasons.

Sore in the corner of the lips

Clinical manifestations

Sores in the corners of the lips, photos of which you can see below, are small cracks that cause discomfort during eating, smiles. First, redness appears on the skin, which later turns into a crack and even erosion. With untimely treatment, bleeding wounds and ulcers may appear.

In the corners of the lips sores


There are various causes for such an unpleasant problem as sores in the corners of the lips. This may be some human habits, vitamin deficiency, dental problems, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, allergies to drugs, cosmetics, infection on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

In winter, this problem appears more often than in the warm season. Low temperatures, dry air and wind dry the skin of the lips, causing cracks and erosion in the corners of the mouth.

There are sores in the corners of the lips. What is it?
Sores arising in the corners of the lips with a deficiency of nutrients are a common problem of pregnant women and children, as well as people who have suffered a serious illness. In addition, this unpleasant phenomenon often accompanies diseases such as gastritis, enteritis, etc., in which the processes of assimilation of nutrients are disturbed. Due to such diseases, the body does not receive the vitamins necessary to maintain the condition of the skin.

The habit of licking lips constantly provokes the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth. Saliva contains many bacteria that enter the wounds and interfere with their healing. Most often, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci or a fungus, but there is also a mixed infection. Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida most often provoke sores in the corners of the lips in the elderly. This is the most important symptom that suggests the presence of candidiasis, even before examining the human oral cavity.

How does the disease progress?

If you have sores in the corners of the lips, the causes of their occurrence can be determined by some signs.

Sores in the corners of the lips, causes

When a lacquer-red crack without a crust appears in the corner of the mouth, it means that Candida fungi became the cause of the disease. Damage to the mucous membrane and skin can be seen only if the mouth is open. Often the disease becomes chronic and manifests itself with a deficiency of vitamins or a decrease in immunity.

If, at first, a bubble appeared, after the disappearance of which a wound with a dense purulent-bloody crust formed, then strepto- or staphillococci became the causative agents of the disease.

A sore in the corner of the lips is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. It is painful for a person to talk, in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the crack that appears, pain and burning are felt. In addition, sour, spicy and salty foods only increase the pain. In some cases, the pain is so strong that a person cannot open his mouth.


To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to pass a smear from the oral cavity. Such a study will accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. In addition, to determine the cause of sores in the corners of the lips, doctors recommend a complete blood count, as well as determine the level of sugar in the blood. It is advisable to consult a therapist, endocrinologist, hematologist.

If the cause of the sore is mechanical damage or malocclusion, consultation with an orthopedic dentist is necessary.

How to treat?

Treatment should be started immediately after the onset of the first signs, in order to prevent the transition to a chronic form. The choice of drugs depends on the causative agent of the disease.

If strepto- or staphylococci have caused a sore in the corners of the lips, the treatment consists in using ointments with an antibiotic. It can be methyluracil or levomolekol ointment.

For fungal infections, drugs such as Nystatin, Levorin, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole are used. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, anesthetize, heal and soften the wound. Apply ointment with a cotton swab three times a day half an hour before meals and an hour before bedtime.

After eating, it is recommended to lubricate the sores with fucorcin or brilliant green. It is also necessary to take vitamins of group B, B2, PP.

Sores in the corners of the lips, treatment

During treatment, it is advisable to stop smoking, exclude the use of spicy and salty foods, alcoholic beverages. If the disease is caused by a fungus, sweets must be excluded. After the acute stage of the disease has passed, it is recommended to use oily solutions of vitamins A and E, sea buckthorn oil.

Alternative methods of treatment

Traditional medicine has a good effect in the treatment of this disease. You can try to get rid of the problem with the help of oils (olive, rosehip oil or tea tree oil), applying them in the form of lotions for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

Herbal lotions give a good result. For this purpose, herbs such as sage, chamomile, celandine, and calendula are suitable. There is an easier way: brew a bag of green tea and apply to the affected area.

Celandine juice, aloe or Kalanchoe well helps. The leaf torn from the plant needs to be washed and squeezed out of it. Dip a piece of cotton wool with this juice and apply to the wounds.

An excellent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent is propolis, from which you can make an ointment for the treatment of sores. To do this, take 100 g of butter and 10 g of propolis, heat in a water bath and make lotions throughout the day.

Another unusual way that helps get rid of the disease. Use a cotton swab to get a little sulfur from their ear and apply to the wound.


Sores appearing in the corners of the lips cause a lot of concern. That this phenomenon is very unpleasant is known to everyone who came across it. Therefore, the problem is better to prevent than to treat.

When the first signs of the disease appear, take emergency measures. As prevention, you need to use thermal water, hygienic lipstick. At night, it is useful to lubricate the lips with wax or honey.

Pay attention to the condition of your teeth. Cure carious teeth, remove tartar, check the condition of dentures and crowns. Try to quit smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. And do not forget about proper nutrition.

Sores in the corners of the lips, photo

A sore in the corner of the lips spoils the look and mood. You should not wait until the problem disappears on its own. Begin treatment immediately, and then your lips will be beautiful and healthy.

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