Antimonium krudum - a phrase that is little understood by a simple person who does not concern such a field of alternative medicine as homeopathy. But in fact, it denotes a substance that has been known to everyone since the school chemistry course, although it is used in a somewhat unusual direction.
Natural wealth treatment
Homeopathy is a controversial teaching on the treatment of the like by the like. It uses in its practice a technique based on the use in small doses of natural substances that cause the conditions in the human body that it suffers at a given time. In addition, this area of ​​alternative medicine uses a whole series of definitions of the types of human nature, linking it as a whole with the personality traits, as well as with potential diseases and pathologies characteristic of a particular type. For example, there is both the nature and the medicine Antimonium Crudum in homeopathy. Indications for use of the drug itself and personality type are determined by similar parameters, which will be described below.
Antimony in nature
Nature has given mankind everything that is necessary for it - a combination of natural components has already created a lot of the most unusual substances and objects. For example, antimony. It is included in the table of D. I. Mendeleev at number 51. By itself, this substance is a semimetal having a silver-white color with a blue tint and a coarse-crystalline structure. It is interesting that antimony has been known to people for a very, very long time, from about the 20th century BC, and its application was very versatile - from making clay dishes to cosmetic eyebrow paints. At first it was called mesten, and in the 12-14 centuries of our era, this substance and its modifications were called antimonium (antimonium). Homeopathy began to use just such a definition of the antimony component for its preparations.
Antimony in granules and in drops
The natural compound of antimony with sulfur, sulfide, is called stibnite and is widely used in medicine and in the manufacture of cosmetics in some African countries. But European alternative medicine operates with such a medicinal component as antimonium crudum. Homeopathy determines the use of this substance in combination with a personality type that has received the same name.
The substance first received this name in 1826 from Caspari, who mentioned the name of antimony sulfate in Materia Medica as a means of helping with scabies and psoriasis. With the same message, the antimonium Krudum was also indicated in the third part of the first edition of Hahnemann's "Chronic Diseases" in 1835. Since then, this medicinal substance is positioned as polychrest - the "big drug." The Synthetic Repertory homeopathic reference mentions 2988 symptoms that are subject to antimonium crumd. Homeopathy is not the first teaching using the compound of antimony for medicinal purposes. It was written about by Plinius and in Dioscorides as a remedy for eye ulcers. In medieval France, antimony was banned for use, and from the middle of the 17th century, official medicine began to consider it a neutral substance.
Another antimony component called Antimonium tartaricum is also often used. Cough in homeopathy is often treated with this particular drug, although the substance is positioned as an emetic stone. But by definition, this is a completely different drug.
Modern homeopathy offers potential users drugs in granules and in drops, which may also include antimony.
The composition of the drug
Along with many other natural components, antimonium crudum is used in homeopathy. Indications for the use of this substance in therapy are determined by the effect that it can have on the human body. Like all drugs of this type, the combination of antimony with sulfur can be used in the form of solutions or solid granules. By their concentration, drugs can be diluted from 4 to 30 hundred times. The prescribed concentration will depend on the severity of the symptoms - this is one of the main principles of homeopathy. Indications for use Antimonium Crudum 30 CH will not differ from those that are suitable for the drug at a concentration of 4 CH or 10 CH. This only indicates that the drug is diluted in a ratio of 1: 100 30 .
It should be remembered that homeopathy adheres to the rule: to take into account not only the manifestation of the disease itself or pathology, but also the nature of the person, because in many respects our condition is determined by the personality + disease complex. Antimonium Krudum indications for use are very extensive, while by nature people with this type of personality are very concentrated on themselves, and for the rest of the world there are only negative emotions.
Impact Features
One of the most popular dosage forms for treating a large number of health problems is granules or drops, but the latter are more often used in homeopathy. Indications for use Antimonium Krudum 6 CH are described below. This tool is with a fairly high concentration, its effect is based on the effects of antimony in small quantities on the human body. To date, there are no certain facts proving the biologically significant role of this natural substance in the human body. But antimony compounds can cause some negative consequences, especially if they are used or enter the human body in large quantities. Basically, the effect is on the gastric mucosa: vomiting or diarrhea appear, metabolic processes involving all nutrients - carbohydrates, fats and proteins are disrupted.
Antimony is able to accumulate in the thyroid gland, inhibiting its functioning. Inhalation of vapors of antimony compounds leads to the development of nosebleeds, and contact with the skin is fraught with the development of ulcers. It is on the basis of such an effect of this chemical element that homeopathy uses it in its practices. It should be noted that the substance itself called Antimonium Krumud has two components in its composition, because it is antimony sulfide, in which one hundred parts of antimony accounts for 28 parts of sulfur. So sulfur, apparently, plays a role in the effects that the drug has on the patient.
When to use?
As already mentioned, Antimonium Crudum is used in homeopathy for therapy with an extensive list of health problems. As in traditional medicine, recommendations can be divided by area of ​​work, since the listing of detailed indications for use will consist of more than 2500 points. The main area of ​​influence of Antimonium Crudum is the mucous membranes of the human body and skin integuments. Antimony makes the secret of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi more actively secreted, causes a rash and ulcers on the skin. And since homeopathy treats the like with similar ones, antimony-based drugs are used to treat diseases that have similar symptoms.
It is already known that one of the substances that homeopathy uses in its practice is Antimonium Krumum. Indications for its use will be as follows:
- headaches due to hypothermia, runny nose or vomiting;
- baldness;
- severe itching of the skin;
- inflammatory processes of the eyes, especially if purulent discharge is present;
- diseases of the ears associated with a sensation of tinnitus or stuffiness, as well as acute, “shooting” pain;
- respiratory failure through the nose - nasal congestion, crusts on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
- paroxysmal cough, usually starting at the entrance to a warm room from the street;
- change on the lips, gums and tongue - dryness, bleeding, white plaque;
- toothache, especially manifested at night, as well as from contact with cold food or air;
- belching and nausea;
- a feeling of fullness in the stomach;
- poor digestion of food;
- hemorrhoids;
- violation of the stool - the alternation of diarrhea and constipation;
- urination disorders - difficulty, involuntary urination even with a little physical exertion, for example, when sneezing;
- vaginal discharge;
- prolapse of the uterus;
- pain in the genitourinary system in both women and men;
- rheumatic joint pain;
- convulsive attacks;
- sore feet, clearly manifested when walking;
- cold feet and hands;
- corns, corns, often very painful;
- bluish spots on the skin, appearing mainly on the hips;
- the nails are fragile, exfoliating;
- frequent sensation of heat and itching in the body with tingling sensations.
This list is quite large, but it includes only the main, generalized points. For the appointment of Antimonium Crudum, the indications are changed if the patient's well-being improves in cool weather, but heat and moisture only worsen well-being.
It is strictly forbidden!
The most common dilution concentration of the drug is CH 6. The instruction for Antimonium Crudum in such a dosage confirms that most conditions requiring the use of this substance can be normalized precisely at the maximum concentration of the active component. Despite the fact that homeopathic preparations operate with a small amount of active substance, it is strictly forbidden to use them without examination by a specialist and his recommendations. So, indications for the use of Antimonium Crudum 30 CH in homeopathy are serious problems that are represented by diseases of the stomach and intestines. In this case, the medicine is prescribed to be taken orally according to the scheme, which the specialist will recommend. In small doses, this homeopathic remedy should be used externally so as not to aggravate the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
A homeopath should pay special attention to the general condition of the patient and his psychotype. Some experts believe that the combination of personality and the necessary drug will be a more effective combination than their mismatch. That is why this substance is recommended for use mainly by people suffering from a bad mood, those who not only do not tolerate the touches of other people, but also for the most part strangers themselves.
What are the side effects?
Like any other medicine, homeopathy medicines have side effects. Indeed, it is not for nothing that the very doctrine of treating such with the like involves the use of natural components almost in microscopic dosages. The same applies to antimony, which is actively used in homeopathy. Indications for the use of Antimonium are reduced to the effective effect of the drug on the skin and mucous membranes. Moreover, this purpose of the substance applies to both ingestion and external use. But a specialist who operates with knowledge in the field of homeopathy knows that any substance can cause negative consequences.
Antimonium crundum, irritating the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, becomes a cause of violations of their functions, primarily protective. So, in a person who is unreasonable, incorrectly uses this substance for oral administration, severe vomiting develops. Elderly people suffer from alternating constipation and diarrhea if they use antimony without the recommendation of a specialist or in a larger dosage than necessary. When inadequately applied to the skin, antimony preparations can cause the appearance of corns, scabs, acquiring a yellowish tint.
Personality type
For a teaching such as homeopathy, it is typical to use natural substances that can cause the same symptoms that the patient himself has. But, in addition, for each component in homeopathy, a personality type is determined on which a particular substance has a more effective effect in the right way. For Antimonium, krumud indications for use will correspond to those listed above, and the type of person must have the following characteristics: one of the main feelings that a person of a given psychotype experiences is lack of desire to live. Yes, that’s how his emotions are manifested in relation to the surrounding reality.
The personality is directed inside its problems, and it tries not to perceive the world around it in any way. If something extraneous tries to invade the forbidden territory, then it will be rejected as sharply as possible. This applies even to the touches of other people: the Antimonium man does not even tolerate glances, not to mention tactile contact. And in general, in understanding this psychotype the whole world is bad, everyone strives to offend him. Such a condition worsens during any illness or malaise, and even a person of a completely different psychotype acquires the features of "antimony". Some experts in the field of homeopathy describe such a person as a romantic loner, unable to admit his warm and bright feelings to other people. From here appear gloom and depression, which lead to intestinal disorders and skin diseases.
The psychotype Antimonium Krudum is rightfully considered emotionally immature, since any action on the part of other people causes a burning resentment that develops into isolation and "a desire to leave this evil world."
Type of problem
The disease characteristic of this substance most often has the character of a sluggish fever with a slight increase in temperature. Also, this type of problem is characterized by damage to the stomach, mucous membranes, especially the eyes, skin rashes. Experts evaluate the course of the disease according to the type of gout - worsening occurs in cold damp weather, pain occurs, and irritability intensifies against their background.
As patients themselves note, most often health problems overtake them if they had to come in contact with cold water. Unsuccessful time for swimming or wet feet in a puddle cause deterioration in well-being. At the same time, another strange relationship with temperature has been established for such a psychotype and the nature of the disease: exacerbations come from both cold moisture and heat. The rapid change in weather and temperature conditions especially affects the well-being of such a psychotype - even a transition to a warm room from a dank street for them is fraught with a runny nose and exacerbation of joint pain. Very often, a person who fits the description of this psychotype suffers from a chronic runny nose, worsening when the weather changes.
It is also noted that periods of chronic rhinitis can be replaced by periods when a person periodically vomits, and then comes the time of joint pain. One gets the feeling that nature responds to a person’s desire to die, allowing him to feel various forms of disease. Do not forget that another common problem of this type is hemorrhoids. The development of this problem is associated with both mucous membranes and intestinal function. In some cases, a violation of muscle strength applies to all organs of the small pelvis, especially in women. The problem is profound, up to uterine prolapse. Also, female pathologies include discharge, heavy periods, inflammation of the ovaries.
Instructions for use
Like any other field of medicine, homeopathy seeks to make the treatment complete. Moreover, experts in this field believe that the disease depends primarily on the psychotype of a person's personality. Manifestations of the same disease can be different in different people, differing in character. Therefore, treatment with homeopathic remedies should have its own nuances in each case.
The antimony preparation Antimonium Krumum is not used very often because of its special connection with the patient's psycho-emotional state. Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, gout, nasopharyngeal diseases, expressed in copious secretion, should be justified by the identified characteristics of the patient's psychotype. Therapy with this substance can be complex, and not only homeopathic remedies are combined with it, but also medicinal plants that help to cope with the same problems, for example, eucalyptus, chamomile, evading peony, blueberries.
It should be remembered that treatment with most homeopathic remedies requires course therapy with repetitions. So, the antimony drug is taken for three to four weeks, then a five-day break is made and the course of therapy is repeated again. , . , , , .
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What do patients say?
Homeopathy is a popular branch of alternative medicine, which even skeptics turn to, hoping to get a certain result. The same applies to such a substance, and the homoeopathic drug of the same name, as Antimonium Krudum. Reviews about him can be found very interesting. For example, many women praise this remedy for treating brittle nails. It is antimony with its properties that can affect the skin and mucous membranes, which helps to strengthen the nail plate. This, as many women note, returns hands to a well-groomed appearance and saves a lot of money, because homeopathic medicines are quite cheap compared to cosmetics.
By the way, only, perhaps, breeders know that antimony-based preparations have long been used in the treatment of cracked hooves in livestock. So, experienced homeopaths, having delved into the essence of the problems of their patients, can recommend taking Antimonium granum granules for cosmetic purposes. Patients themselves leave reviews about the drug as a means of coping with warts, which in some cases appear in a fairly large amount.
According to experts, this homeopathic substance helps to combat the aggressive, gloomy moods of its patients. It also eliminates the problems of the skin and mucous membranes, which in some people are constantly susceptible to the appearance of cracks, rashes. Homeopaths recommend using the drug in antimony and for diseases associated with muscle weakness, because it is able to eliminate cramps, maintain the health of the reproductive system of women and men.
Some disputes cause dosage of the drug, but this is typical for homeopathy, because each specific case requires a close examination of the situation, taking into account all the nuances of not only the course of the disease, but also the psychological characteristics of the patient’s personality. However, homeopaths themselves say that today the Antimonium Crumud remedy is not as often used in the treatment of many diseases as it deserves. The drug is able not only to overcome some pathological conditions, but also to normalize the patient's mood. But you should always remember that any drug, even based on natural components and taken in microscopic dosages, should be recommended only by a specialist. This also applies to homeopathy, because its active components work on the contrary and in large doses can only cause deterioration, harming health, and not eliminating the problem.