The human liver is one of the most important organs, which performs a large number of essential functions to maintain the health of the whole organism. But, unfortunately, she is susceptible to such a serious disease as hepatitis C, the incubation period of which is from 4 days to six months.
Body functions
The liver is a fairly massive organ, and usually weighs a little more than a kilogram (in an adult).
The main functions that this body performs:
- Isolation of bile, participation in the digestive process.
- Active participation in the metabolism.
- Cleansing the body, neutralizing poisons, fighting viruses.
It is difficult to recognize that a person has hepatitis C, the incubation period of the disease can last up to six months, and its initial stage is asymptomatic. That is why it is extremely important to diagnose and start timely treatment of this ailment in time.
Stages of the disease
The first period of the disease lasts no more than a week. This is the preicteric period. At this time, patients note an intestinal upset, colic, mood swings, sleep disturbance and a rapid pulse are frequent.
Next, the icteric stage begins, which can last about 3 weeks. During this period, the symptoms of the disease may intensify, they often add fatigue, vomiting, enlarged spleen.
40% of cases of a disease such as hepatitis C, the incubation period of which can be only a few days, is detected in the early stages. This is due to pronounced symptoms. In this case, treatment is prescribed in a timely manner, and the patient recovers completely after 3 months from the first signs. In the remaining 60%, the disease is asymptomatic, and then hepatitis C becomes chronic.
Who is affected?
Hepatitis C transmission is possible in several ways. For example, when using drugs, in salons where piercings and tattoos are done. Blood transfusion is another possible infection.
One of the main misconceptions is that hepatitis C virus is transmitted during sexual intercourse. Even in the absence of barrier contraception, the probability of infection is no more than 6%, since the main method of transmitting the virus through the blood.
Hepatitis C, the incubation period of which can last up to 6 months, is an extremely dangerous disease that often acquires a chronic course. Epidemiologists have identified several groups of individuals whose risk of disease is highest:
- Drug addicts.
- Who underwent organ transplantation, blood transfusion.
- Located on hemodialysis.
- Patients with undetermined liver disease.
- Medical staff.
- Having multiple sexual partners.
- Who has had sexual contact with an infected partner.
Hepatitis C, the incubation period of which is 4 days or more, is treatable, and half of the patients are able to completely defeat the disease. The main thing is to detect the disease in time.
How to treat hepatitis C, the doctor will tell. There is a chance to cure even the chronic form. But this is a rather long and continuous treatment, which will require a lot of effort and time, as well as unquestioning compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician.